
The National Honorary Beta Club Constitution and Bylaws


Rules and Regulations of the Richlands High School Beta Club Chapter

Important Sections of The Constitution of the National Honorary Beta Club

  1. Article II states that “The purpose of this organization shall be: to promote the ideals of honesty, service, morality, ethical conduct, and leadership amongelementary and secondary school students, to reward meritorious achievement,and to encourage and assist students in continuing their education after high school.”
  2. According to Section 3: Qualifications, “Membershipis a privilege and not a right. The qualifications for membership on the part of the student shall be: (a) worthy, moral and ethical character, (b) good mentality, (c) creditableachievement, and (d) commendable attitude. The standards and means forappraising these qualities shall be determined by the administration of the schoolwhere the chapter is located. . .”
  3. Section 7 - Pledge states, “After a student has been nominated and duly electedto membership, and after his certificate has been received from the Executive Director, he shall subscribe to the following pledge before he can be considereda member of the National Beta Club.” Subsection 1 - Senior Pledge states, “I do solemnly declare that I shall always strive to hold fast to the principlesof honesty to endeavor constantly to maintain a creditable record; to cultivate in my life and conduct the principles of morality, service, and leadership. I furtherpledge myself to cooperate with the members of the National Beta Club in thepromotion of a sense of individual responsibility to our school, community, stateand nation to make right the master of might; and to consecrate our comradeshipto mutual helpfulness and to the betterment of our fellow students.”
  4. Section 9 - Disqualification and Reinstatement states, “Since the National Beta Club is a merit organization, members who fail to maintain a creditable record,or who give evidence of personal conduct unbecoming members of this club,may be disqualified from membership. ‘Personal conduct unbecoming membersof this club’ includes, but is not limited to, criminal activity, violation of schoolrules, and other conduct which falls below the moral and ethical standards ofthe community. . .”

Richlands High School Beta Club Membership Qualifications

  1. At the beginning of a student’s sophomore year, anyone with a 3.5 Weighted Grade Point Average in the Future Ready Core will be invited into the Beta Club.
  2. Students must have all fees paid up-to-date to join the Beta Club.
  3. The annual Beta Club Induction Ceremony is held in the fall each year.
  4. To join the Beta Club,a one-time membership fee of $35.00 must be paid. To maintain membership students must sign a new constitution at the beginning of each school year.
  5. To join, the National Beta Club Pledge must be taken either at the scheduledBeta Induction Ceremony or a Beta Club meeting.
  6. To remain a member of the Richlands High School Beta Club, a3.5 weighted grade point average must be maintained. All Beta Club members’ averages will be checked at the end of each semester.Any member who has dropped below a 3.5 Weighted Grade Point Average will be placed on AcademicProbation for a semester. This means the student will be unable to attend meetings and will be unable to participate in any activities on the local, district, state, and national level. At the end of the probationary period, any student whoseaverage has not returned to a 3.5 will have his/her membership terminated.
  7. Any Beta Club member who goes on academic probation more than once duringhis/her high school career, whether on consecutive semesters or not, will havehis/her membership terminated.
  8. All Beta Club members are required to attend at least twoof the nine monthly Richlands High Beta Club meetings. Any member who does not attend two meeting per year will have his/her membership terminated. It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with meeting dates and make sure to sign the roll at the meetings you attend. Meetings are typically held on the first Tuesday that is a school day of each month from September to May in the auditorium.
  9. All Beta Club members are required to perform fifteen hours of community service peryear they are in the club. Volunteer agencies not affiliated with S.A.T. Inc. must be pre-approved. Any member who does not perform the required service or turn in verification forms will have his/her membership terminated.
  10. ALL students must fulfill meeting and service requirements by the May meeting. Students may begin working on service hours for the following year the day after the May meeting.(Reflects a change voted on by all members present at the May 6, 2014 meeting.)
  11. Any Beta Club member who cheats in any way will have his/her membershipterminated. Cheating includes the following: unauthorized group work orsharing of work; communication or talking during a test or quiz; copyingduring a test or quiz; using unauthorized notes or resources; copying ofhomework, projects, etc.; using or giving a copy or information about a testor quiz; plagiarism; lying or deceit; and forgery of signature or pass.
  12. Any Beta Club member who demonstrates “personal conduct unbecoming”according to the National Beta Club Constitution (i.e. “criminal activity,violation of school rules, and other conduct which fall below the moral andethical standards of the community”) will have his/her membership terminated. Improper conduct may also be reviewed by a Beta Disciplinary Committee consisting of advisors, teachers, and an administrator and addressed through a suspension that requires reapplication to the club the next year.

I understand all rules and conduct that is expected of me as a Beta Club member and understand that the violation of any of these rules may terminate my membership.


Student NameStudent Signature Date

I understand all rules and conduct that is expected of my student as a Beta Club member and understand that the violation of any of these rules may terminate their membership.


Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian SignatureDate