The National Continence Care Awards are kindly supported by:
The Expert Group on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) is delighted to once again be hosting the National Continence Care Awards. The Awards are organised by MHP Health with funding from Astellas Pharma Ltd and will take place in the House of Commons on Tuesday20 June 2017.
The Awards are designed to demonstrate support for ambition, excellence and leadership in continence care across the country. We want to celebrate the individual efforts, innovative practices and leadership initiatives which are ensuring that people with incontinence receive the highest quality care across health and social care settings. The Awards will also see the launch of the Expert Group on LUTS’ Too Urgent to Ignorecampaign, which is calling for vital improvements in continence care to improve lives and reduce NHS costs.
The aim of the National Continence Care Awards is to identify, celebrate, and share examples of best practices that we know are happening across health and social care in the United Kingdom.
In November 2015, NHS England published itsExcellence in ContinenceCare (EICC) guidance. This set out practical guidance for commissioners, providers, health and social care staff, to help them to put into effect best care and to guide people to the appropriate help they need to manage their bladder and bowel problems. The award categories are based on the principles set out in Excellence in Continence Care.
The approach
We are looking for applicants across all professions in the health and care sector, the voluntary sector, and from patients and the public. Either an individual or team can enter under each of the categories. We have kept the categories broad in order to allow a range of entries.
The judges are representatives from supporting organisations and the Expert Group on LUTS. The criteria for each of the categories is set out below but, overall, judges will constantly be asking themselves, “doesthis constitute excellence?” In each category one applicant will be awarded as the winner, and one applicant will be awarded as highly commended. The highest scores will be awarded to the applications that can demonstrate excellent outcomes.
Promotion awareness and educationThe team or individual has worked to develop/deliver training methods which embed high quality continence care in daily working practices; and/or promotional communications to raise awareness about incontinence/continence care amongst local health and social care professionals, commissioners, and the public. This can include improvements in patient information.
The objectives of the work – including how the work has/will achieve excellence in continence care. / Has the team/individual set objectives that aspire to excellence? / /5
Description of work undertaken - including details on planning, implementation, and overcoming barriers. / Has the team/individual gone above and beyond the normal standard to achieve excellence in education/promotion for continence care? / /10
The results - including the impact and measurable outcomes, this can include an evaluation method. The highest scores will be awarded to the applications that can demonstrate excellent outcomes. / Have the outcomes achieved excellence in education/promotion for continence care? / /10
Patient engagement, empowerment and advocacy
The team or individual has worked in partnership with patients to deliver person-centred care, and enhanced patient experience of continence care; and/or worked to empower patients by providing choice in information, advice and treatment, to promote independence, quality of life and dignity. This can include a team or individual who has worked to advocate excellence in continence care in their local community, or at a national policy level.
The objectives of the work - how it will achieve excellence in continence care. / Has the team/individual set objectives that aspire to excellence? / /5
Description of work undertaken - including details on planning, implementation, and overcoming barriers. / Has the team/individual gone above and beyond the normal standard to achieve excellence in continence care for the patient? / /10
The results - including the impact and measurable outcomes, this can include an evaluation method. The highest scores will be awarded to the applications that can demonstrate excellent outcomes. / Have the outcomes achieved excellence in education/promotion for continence care? / /10
Working in partnership and patient pathways
The team or individual has worked to engage stakeholders across health and social care to work in partnership to improve continence care services to an excellent standard; and/or redesigned patient pathways to meet local needs, integrate services, and improve the patient journey.
The objectives of the work - how it will achieve excellence in continence care. / Has the team/individual set objectives that aspire to excellence? / /5
Description of work undertaken - including details on planning, implementation, and overcoming barriers. / Has the team/individual gone above and beyond the normal standards to achieve excellence in continence care partnerships and services? / /10
The results - including the impact and measurable outcomes, this can include an evaluation method. The highest scores will be awarded to the applications that can demonstrate excellent outcomes. / have the outcomes achieved excellence in continence care partnerships and services? / /10
All entries should include reference to the latest guidance from professional organisations such as National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and the EICC document from NHS England.
Entries can be made on behalf of an organisation, yourself, or another individual. Simply fill in the entry form (attached) for each category you wish to submit an entry for, and include any materials you believe support the entry. There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit. We also ask that you attach a high-res photo to support your submission when you submit your entry. This could be a photo of yourself/the team involved in the activity, or an image that represents your work. If your entry is successful, this photo will be used at the Awards Ceremony in Parliament and it will appear in the Winners Booklet, which will be distributed at and after the event. As such, please ensure you have permission to use the photo or image in this way.
Entry forms must be received by 6pm on Friday 28April, using the contact details on the next page.
Entries will be judged by representatives from the Expert Group on LUTS and from the organisations supporting the National Continence Care Awards 2017. Winners will be notified by Tuesday 23 May and will be invited to attend a presentation ceremony in the Parliament on Tuesday 20June2017. When submitting an entry, please be sure that you will be available to attend the ceremony, should your entry be successful.
Pleaseemail your completed entry form(s) to the secretariat of the Expert Group on LUTS,using the following contact details. Please also contact the secretariat if you have any questions.
Phone:Catrin Hughes,020 3128 8575
Personal details will only be used with regards to the Awards and will not be shared with any
Remember: entries must be submitted by Friday 28 April.
Please submit one form for each entry you make. You can submit entries for as many categories as you wish, either on your own or on someone else’s behalf.
Promoting awareness and educationPatient engagement, empowerment and advocacy
Working in partnership and patient pathways
In order for us to contact you about your entry, please provide the following pieces of information:
Email address:
Telephone number:
The organisation or individual on whose behalf you are submitting the entry (if not yourself):
fdsaAstellas Pharma Ltd initiated the development of the expert group on LUTS and nominated its membership. Members receive one payment from Astellas to attend an annual meeting. They receive no further payment except to cover reasonable travel expenses incurred in delivering the group’s activities. Astellas pays MHP Health to provide secretariat support for the group. Astellas has no editorial control over the content of expert group materials except for reviewing them to ensure compliance with the ABPI Code of Practice.
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