The Mungo Foundation
Moving and Handling (Inanimate Objects) Policy & Procedure
September 2010
September 2012
Human Resources


Page No

1.Policy Statement & Scope3

2.Employer Responsibilities3

3.Employee Responsibilities 3&4

4.The Tasks4

5.Risk Assessment 4&5

6.Control Measures6

7.Looking after your Back6


Appendix 1:Moving and Handling (Inanimate Object) Risk Assessment7

1.Policy Statement and Scope

There are very few occupations that do not involve an element of moving and handling and approximately a third of over three day injuries reported to the Health and Safety Executive are caused by moving and handling injuries.

Most of the injuries reported are back and neck related but any area of the body is vulnerable.

Other reported injuries are caused by tripping and slipping whilst moving or carrying a load or trapping of fingers, toes, hair and ties.

Although injuries can be caused by the “one off” handling incident, accumulative injuries built up over a period of time affects most injured employees.

The scope of this policy and procedure is that it is relevant to any person carrying out any moving and handling task which involves an inanimate object.

2.Employers Responsibilities

The Employer must ensure that where moving and handling tasks are identified in the workplace that a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks and the control measures required is carried out. This will be carried out using the pro-forma in Appendix 1.

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 set out a clear hierarchy of control measures where there are identified risks:

  • Avoid the need for hazardous moving and handling so far as is reasonably practicable;

Where this cannot be avoided:

  • Assess the risk of injury from any moving and handling task; and
  • Reduce the risk of injury from moving and handling tasks to the lowest level possible.

3.Employees Responsibilities

All staff should:

  • Familiarise themselves with the HSE’s publication “Getting to Grips with Manual Handling” and the risk assessment;
  • Inform a manager if they identify any hazardous moving and handling task that may cause an injury;
  • Be familiar with the recommended actions from risk assessments;
  • Make use of ways of carrying out certain tasks identified as “safe working systems”;
  • Make proper use of any equipment provided for handling safely;
  • Take care to ensure that their activities do not put themselves or others at risk;
  • Not cut corners or take unnecessary risks;
  • Attend Moving and Handling Awareness Training where this is provided;
  • Inform a Manager if they injure themselves.

4.The Tasks

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 also advise that the scope of the regulations is not only lifting but any moving and handling task which may include:

  • Lifting;
  • Lowering;
  • Pushing;
  • Pulling;
  • Carrying.

There are 2 categories of moving and handling:

  • Inanimate: Moving and handling any object such as boxes, furniture, changing the water cooler, pushing a trolley or putting an object in the boot of the car;
  • Animate: Moving and handling of anindividual we supportor animal e.g. as carried out by Paramedics and Nurses or Farmers and Vets.

5.Risk Assessment

When carrying out a risk assessment for any moving and handling task 4 areas should be considered:

  • The Task: How will the task be performed and does it include potential high risk manoeuvres such as twisting, bending from the waist, stretching above shoulder height, carrying long distances, strenuous pushing or pulling etc;
  • The Load: Is it heavy, bulky or awkward, is it slippery or unstable etc;
  • The Environment: Assess the area you are moving the object to and from, is the lighting poor, are there obstacles in the way etc;
  • The Individual: Could the task endanger anyone in the staff team? (Also give special consideration to pregnant women or those with a disability or injury);
  • Do staff require training or specific instruction?

6.Control Measures

Often there are simple control measures that can be implemented to reduce the risk of injury and they include:

  • Consider if the task has to be carried out;
  • Can it be moved by mechanical means?
  • Decide how many people will be required to perform the task safely;
  • Can you lighten the load or make it less bulky?
  • Remove obstructions before carrying out a handling tasks;
  • Take care in narrow passageways and doorways;
  • Take care when using steps or ladders;
  • Remove handling operations that include stooping, twisting and over reaching if you can;
  • Try to reduce carrying distances;
  • Try to avoid repetitive handling;
  • Try to avoid lifting from floor level or above shoulder height;
  • Try to provide opportunities for rest- i.e. a 2 or 3 stage manoeuvre;
  • Provision of Moving and Handling instruction and/or training for staff.

7.Looking after your back

If you have any musculoskeletal pain:

  • Tell your Manager as soon as possible in order that your work tasks, DSE equipment and furniture and work environment can be looked at;
  • Ask colleagues for help moving loads, equipment or furniture;
  • Seek advice from your General Practitioner.


Appendix 1 - Moving and Handling (Inanimate Object) Risk Assessment
Location: / Assessor: / Date:
Review Date:
All staff to have access to a copy of “Getting to Grips with Manual Handling” from the HSE’S Website ( )


Tasks and Potential Risks / Information and/or Control Measures Required
  1. Changing the Water Container (approx 18 litres of water when full) possible injury from lifting a heavy and awkward object.
/ Ensure 2 people change the water container try to avoid lifting it from the floor use a table or other surface to carry out a 2-stage manoeuvre.
Be aware of twisting when removing the empty container.
  1. Re-arranging the Meeting/Training Room Tables and other furniture and equipmentpossible injury from moving heavy furniture/equipment or trapping fingers or hair or ties.
/ Task should always be carried out by more than 1 person try to slide or walk furniture rather than lifting it. Be aware of twisting actions, trapping fingers and toes, bumping knees etc.
Large pieces of equipment will require to be professionally moved i.e. photocopier.
  1. Handling Stationerypossible injury from moving heavy and/or bulky items.
/ Can smaller amounts be delivered? Split the loads where possible into smaller amounts. Use a trolley if possible.
If carrying a box ensure it is not too heavy and that you can see over and around it.
Do not lift items above shoulder height if storage is above shoulder height can it be re-located? If not use a stool and pass the items up or down to another person.
If an item is bulky use more than one person to ensure distribution of weight and visibility.
Tasks and Potential Risks / Information and/or Control Measures Required
  1. Moving Computer (or other) Equipmentpossible injury from moving heavy and/or bulky items.
/ Split the loads where possible into smaller amounts. Use a trolley if possible. If carrying a box ensure it is not too heavy and that you can see over and around it.
If an item is bulky use more than one person to ensure distribution of weight and visibility.
  1. Lack of training to raise awareness of the principles of safe lifting.
/ Ensure all staff attendMoving and Handling Training (including regular refresher training) and understand the importance of using safe handling techniques and not to cut corners or take unnecessary risks that may lead to an injury.
  1. Other identified risks (detail)

Additional Information/Considerations–
  • Ensure all relevant staff are informed of this risk assessment and the control measures to be followed.
  • Ensure all staff receive Moving and Handling Training.
  • Remember to consider untrained workers, pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers and those with a disability.
  • Consider those with a temporary disability e.g. broken limb, acute back pain etc
  • Consider repetitive tasks or tasks that require a twisting or bending action.

Signature of Manager: / Date: