Mariapuram, Cuddapah – 516 003., A.P. India: (08562) 241051, 245863., e-mail:
The Multipurpose social service society of Cuddapah diocese was established with a broad vision to improve the socio-economic, education and moral values of the downtrodden and under privileged people in Cuddapah district irrespective of caste, creed and religion. The society was registration in 1977 under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Most.Rev.Dr.Prasad Gallela, Bishop of Cuddapah is the president of the society and Rev.Fr.L. Arogya Raj is the Secretary cum Treasurer. There are 11 governing body members, 8 Religious and 3 lay persons (8 men and 3 women). They meet once in three months to review the work of the society.
Majority of the population in the Cuddapah District depends on agricultural which is seasonal. The average rainfall is 656 mm in the district. The general crops are paddy, maize, korra groundnut and chillies, cotton and sunflower. The climate conditions are generally hot as the temperature goes up during summer season. The area is considered as the semi aritrophical area in the region. The ecology of the area is very harsh and the irrigational potentiality is very low. It is needless to say that the agriculture has been a losing battle for the farmer due to uncertain rainfall and ecological balances. On account of this target people are hardly employed three to four months during the year. During the slack season people generally migrate to other places in search of labour (work), the wage that they hardly fetches food and on account of that, they are living below the poverty line. It was an old tradition, these backward class people live depending on the landlords and lenders to borrow money during the slack season and pay them in the form of labour or kind. The practice creates and perpetuates bonded labour and exploitation by land owners. Even during the busy season they are paid very meager wages, which is not at all sufficient to maintain the family nor to meet their basic needs.The Human resource policy of Multipurpose Social Service Society is guided by the stated vision and mission of the organization rooted in the Gospel Values. These values are embedded in the social teachings/Social Apostolate of the Catholic Church to which we are committed.
Vission of the organization
To Establish a just society of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, where all people irrespective of caste and creed will live together and promote a just and sustainable social order based on the human values of Love, Peace, Joy and Solidarity.
The Foundation of Our Mission:
“To bring goodness to the poor
To heal the broken hearted
To proclaim liberty to the captives
To set the downtrodden free
To proclaim the Lord’s year to come”
Mission of the organization
To help the rural poor for their intellectual empowerment, social upliftment, economic betterment leading to integral growth and development of individual, family and community and helping the poor to help themselves for their self reliant and self supportive life.
General Guidance:
Each employee will be provided an employment contract, which clearly sets out their benefits due to the person, and the period for which the contract is valid. The contract will include a full job description. The Employee Policy Manual will be made available at office to all new employees and updates will be intimated to all employees.
Equal Opportunity Employer:
MPSSS does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or socioeconomic status. Employment and promotion are based on qualifications and merit for each specific position.
Full-Time Employee:
In the Central Office, full time employees are all appointment employees. Each full time employee is expected to devote 100% of their professional time, attention, knowledge and skills solely to the business and interest of MPSSS and not to hold other employment. Each full time employee will work as per office and work schedule.
Individuals who are full time employee commence at 9 am each day. Consideration will be given to different work arrangements in special circumstances. Any arrangement out of the standard working hours of 9:00 – 17:00 must be approved by the Director in writing.
Part time employees (Project based staff) sign a consultancy agreement. The terms and conditions are in accordance with standard of MPSSS contracting requirements. Part time employees are not eligible for MPSSS benefits. The agreement for part time employees is subject to office workload requirements.
Recruitment and Selection:
At the time of employment, an Employment agreement will be provided to the new employee and will include a position description, the immediate supervisor, the employment period, base salary agreed upon, category of employment, a statement of organizational benefits, and a copy of this Human Resource Policy. Employees should note that functions may change during the project life and the organization has the right to make such changes with little or no notice depending on the Central office needs.
Unless and otherwise the term authority is defined, will mean the Executive Director of the organization.
Confirmation of Services
After confirmation of services if any employee wishes to leave the organization needs to give one month notice or if any employee wishes to leave the organization without notice period will have to pay one month salary in lieu of notice period.
Exit Policy
If any employee wishes to leave the organization will have to submit the resignation in writing as per the rules mentioned in the confirmation of Services.
Employee needs to hand-over the charge to the officer nominated by the Executive Director or appropriate authority appointed by the President.
Salary structure
All the permanent employees are eligible for the salary components of Basic Pay, DA, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Special Allowance, Medical Allowance, Children Allowance and Provident Fund as per PF Act depending upon their grade for which they were appointed.
Basic pay will vary from grade to grade and other allowances are as follows:
Medical AllowanceRs. 1200/- per year (@ Rs.100/- per month)
Children AllowanceRs.2000/- per child for 2 children. In case of couple employees (Wife & Husband) only one person is eligible for Children benefit
Conveyance allowanceDecided by the management
Provident Fund As per PF Act (up to the limit of Rs.8000/- Basic + DA)
As gratitude from the management, shall pay an amount of one month salary (13th Month Salary) to all employees. Minimum 9 months of service should be there in that particular financial year.
All the employees are eligible for the leaves as per the Leave Policy of the organization.
All the permanent employees will be covered under group personnel accident policy for a sum of Rs. 1,00,000/- and 2,00,000/- depending upon their grade.
All the permanent employees will be covered under Mediclaim policy maximum of
Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum (Risk Coverage ).
Employees can avail salary advance once in quarter and the same will be recovered from that particular month salary.
The following Leaves are applicable for the employees of Multipurpose Social Service Society of Cuddapah Diocese.
Casual Leave (CL)
12 days Casual Leave allowed during fiscal year i.e., January to December.
Availing of CL should not exceed more than 3 days per time.
Sick Leave:
15 days Sick Leave allowed during fiscal year i.e., January to December.
Availing Sick Leave for more than 3 days employees should submit Medical Certificate at the time of reporting to duty.
Earned Leave:
20 days Earned Leave, for one fiscal year i.e., January to December.
Availing of Earned Leave will come only in succeeding year (i.e. Next Year).
Availing of Earned Leave should be minimum 3 days and above.
Availing of Earned Leave should not exceed 4 times in a fiscal year.
Earned Leave can be accumulated up to 60 days.
Maternity Leave:
Maternity Leave can be availed for three months (90 days) with pay and this facility is applicable only to the confirmed employees of MPSSS.
This facility is only for 2 times during one’s service.
General Rules:
Availing of Leaves should be planned well in advance to avoid any disturbance in routine works.
Leaves availing in between holidays i.e. before and after holidays will be treated as total leave period.
All types of leaves will be recommended by Accounts / Administrative Manager and the same will be approved by the executive Director.
All the State Government Holidays are also considered holidays of our organization.
Unless there is an emergency and the staffs are required to be present, there will be ten days holidays declared by the Director in view of Christmas every year.
Unless there is an emergency and the staff are required to be present there will be two weeks holidays for summer every year.
Appointment of Staff:
Appointment of employees in the Officers and Managers category will be made by the Executive Director.
Appointment of temporary/ contract / project staff will be made by the Executive Director.
A copy of the HR Policy manual for Employees of MPSSS shall be given to the employees along with their letter of appointment.
Grievance Procedure:
Any employee who feels that he/she is unjustly treated, in the discharge of his/her duties either by the Management or by a colleague or a subordinate may submit such grievance in writing to the nominee of the Executive Director. Such grievance shall be duly considered by the Grievance Committee which would include the nominee of the Executive Director and a senior member of the staff.
The first step in grievance redressal shall be a verbal report by the grieved employee to his/her immediate superior. He/she should listen to the employee,collect the relevant facts and try to settle the grievance. He/she should also seek a verbal explanation from the person against whom the complaint is directed.Thereafter, he/she should in all cases submit a report in writing, particularly wherethe alleged grievance is not settled. The same is forwarded to the Management.
If the employee who has lodged the grievance is not satisfied with the decisionof the Committee; thereafter he/she may approach the Executive Director forredressal. It is only on exhausting this procedure, that an employee may appeal tothe President of MPSSS who may consult the Governing Body if he deems fit.This procedure has been specifically provided so that disputes and differences, if any aremutually and amicably resolved and settled as a family within the Institution.
Protection from sexual harassments at work place:
It shall be the duty of the management to prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment and to provide the procedure for the resolution, settlement or prosecution for acts of sexual harassment by taking all steps required.
Definition of Sexual Harassment:
For this purpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication) as:
Physical contact and advances;
A demand or request for sexual favours;
Sexually coloured remarks;
Showing pornography;
Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
Where any of these acts is committed in circumstances where under the victim of such conduct has a reasonable apprehension that in relation to the victim's employment or work whether he/she is drawing salary, or honorarium or voluntary, whether in government, public or private enterprise, such conduct can be humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problem. It is discriminatory for instance when the victim has reasonable grounds to believe that his/her objection would disadvantage him/her in connection with his/her employment or work including recruiting or promotion or when it creates a hostile work environment. Adverse consequences might be visited if the victim does not consent to the conduct in question or raises any objection thereto.
Complaints Committee
The Complaints Committee consists of 5 staff (3 women and 2 men) from among the staff. It is the Standing Committee and any staff may directly approach the said Committee. The name of the President and its members are available with the Executive Director.
Warning or censure
Suspension without pay and allowances for a maximum period of seven days.
Withholding of annual increment
Disciplinary Action:
No order of punishment shall be made without the employees having been given an opportunity of explaining to the satisfaction of the management the circumstances alleged against him/her. Accordingly, a charge sheet will be issued calling for the explanation of the delinquent employee. In the event, the management is not satisfied with such an explanation, and action (iii - vi) is contemplated, an enquiry officer will be appointed who will be required to conduct the domestic enquiry.
Service Certificate:
An employee who was employed by the Institution may be provided with a Service Certificate at the time of his/her leaving by the Executive Director, should he/she make a request for the same.
These rules and regulations may be amended, altered or rescinded at any time by the Governing Body and shall be superseded by such amendments. Amendments if any shall be communicated to all employees by a notice issued by the Executive Director in this regard.
To be received from staff -
In case of resignation, Letter of resignation,
'No Claim Certificate'
ID Card
Details of documents kept in the custody of the person both hard and soft copies and list of the pending work as on the date.
Other Properties of MPSSS in the possession of the individual.
MPSSS provides the following documents to staff as appropriate
One month notice in the form of a letter in the event of non-renewal of agreement / termination/continuation of agreement.
Experience Certificate/ Service Certificate
However, MPSSS retains the right for withholding certificates in situations including, but not limited to failure on the part of staff to return MPSSS property or reconcile all outstanding payments, failure of the staff to sign the 'No claim Certificate', if the staff has initiated legal action against MPSSS, etc.
Executive Director
MPSSS of Cuddapah diocese