The Monsters We Make
Study Questions – Set 10
Name: ______Date: ______
1. When the creature meets Victor on the glacier, he outlines what he believes to be his creator's responsibilities to him. What are these responsibilities? Make sure to provide direct quotations from the novel to support your answer.
2. The creature learns a great deal from his observations of the de Laceys. Why would Shelley want to include their story here? It is not simply an example of family life for the creature. What do we learn from their history and present condition within the novel? Use quotations to support your answer.
3. The creature has the opportunity to read a great deal while at the de Lacey's. Take one of his readings and summarize what the reading is about. Then speculate, with support from the novel, about what significance the work has to the novel's themes.
4. The creature demands that Victor provide him with a mate. What are the qualities in a mate that he desires. What is Victor's reaction to this request?
5. What are the events that bring the creature to define himself as a monster? What are the characteristics the he learns to associate with monstrosity?