KYENA 2016 Strategic Plan

2016 Strategic plan

The mission, vision, and code of ethics of the Emergency Nurses Association are:


To advocate for patient safety and excellence in emergency nursing practice


ENA is indispensable to the global emergency nursing community

Code of Ethics

The emergency nurse acts with compassion and respect for human dignity and the uniqueness of the individual.

  • The emergency nurse maintains competence within, and accountability for, emergency nursing practice.
  • The emergency nurse acts to protect the individual when health care and safety are threatened by incompetent, unethical or illegal practice.
  • The emergency nurse exercises sound judgment in responsibility, delegating, and seeking consultation.
  • The emergency nurse respects the individual's right to privacy and confidentiality.
  • The emergency nurse works to improve public health and secure access to health care for all.

The Kentucky State Council shall support the mission and vision of our National organization as stated below through the goals and objectives in this strategic plan.

Membership Goal:

ENA is the premier association for emergency nurses. The KSC seeks to foster professional pride, confidence, and a community of support for emergency nurses across Kentucky.


  1. Increase the KSC membership by 10% in 2016.

a.Beginning membership 507 in January 2016.

b.Recognize new members at State Council meetings and State Conferences.

  1. Each KSC chapter to develop plans for member recruitment and retention. They will report progress at the State Council meetings.
  2. Engage student nurses with promotion of the value of membership.
  3. Increase communication with current membership through, but not limited to, our web site, Facebook, e-mails and conference calling.

a.Review proposals and select a revision to update our current web site.

b.Post updated information to the web site monthly through the State President.

c.Encourage chapters to increase use of media to members.

  1. Post on our web site names of the successful accomplishment of any Certification with Emergency Nursing.
  2. Promote the celebration of Emergency Nurses week throughout Kentucky.
  3. KYENA Nurse of the Year award - Award title: Cheryl L. Westbay Award for Emergency Nursing Excellence

a.Objective: To honor Cheryl L. Westbay as a founder of the Kentucky Emergency Nursing State Council by recognition of an ENA member in Kentucky who is in active Emergency Department practice.

b.Time line for application submission and processing will be determined by the Awards Committee.

c.Award will be presented at the Kentucky Emergency Nurse’s Association Annual Conference.

  1. KYENA Rising Star Award

a.Objective: Recognition of a new ENA member (membership less than 5 years) who has made significant contribution to ENA at either the local, state or national level.

b.Time line for application submission and processing will be determined by the Awards Committee.

c.Award will be presented at the Kentucky Emergency Nurse’s Association Annual Conference.

  1. Recognition for being a member of ENA for 25 years at the Kentucky Nurse’s Association Annual Conference.

Leadership Goal:

ENA is the leader in the profession of emergency nursing. The KSC seeks to mentor leaders in Kentucky. The KSC seeks collaboration with academic centers, government and community leaders in Kentucky.


1.Develop / Mentor current and future Kentucky State council leaders

a.Mentorship program for each new person elected to a KSC positon

b.Begin transition with newly elected officers immediately following verification of elections.

c.Maintain the position of Treasure Elect.

d.Financially support the following programs;

  1. Chapter and Leaders Orientation for President, President Elect, Treasure, Treasure Elect, Secretary, and one representative from each Chapter.
  2. General Assembly for delegates and alternates as awarded by ENA
  3. Washington DC Advocacy for Government Affairs Chair.
  1. Contact the management of each Emergency Department in Kentucky seeking their leadership needs.
  2. Partner with the schools of nursing throughout Kentucky.
  3. Promote collaboration with government officials at the local and state levels in Kentucky.

Knowledge Goal:

ENA is consistently recognized as the premier teaching/training authority for emergency nursing. The KSC seeks to promote knowledge and competency through quality and accessible education.


  1. Promote TNCC and ENPC courses across the state
  2. Recognition of TNCC, ENPC and CPEN instructors via website.
  3. Support educational offering at annual Statewide Trauma Symposium as budget allows
  4. Encourage and promote CEN, CFRN, CTRN, and CPEN credentialing.
  5. Offer CEN review courses.
  6. Offer CPEN review courses.
  7. Provide an Emergency Nursing Educational Conference in 2016.
  8. Develop TNCC / ENPC resource teams for providing regional and outreach courses in areas that request assistance.
  9. Promote the utilization of CEU’s or other educational information at Chapter meetings.
  10. Promote on line education offered by ENA.

Quality, Safety and Injury Prevention Goal:

ENA promotes quality, safety and injury prevention. The KSC seeks to encourage and support quality, safety and injury prevention initiatives in Kentucky.


1.Encourage each chapter to develop an injury prevention initiative.

2. Post quality and safety best nursing practices on our website.

3. Post an ethical question for discussion once per quarter with our Facebook page.

Research/Practice Goal:

ENA is a leader in supporting education and research in relation to emergency nursing. KSC supports the mission and vision of ENAF and the future of emergency nursing profession and evidence based practice.


  1. Continue our annual contribution of $5,000 to ENAF.
  2. Encourage members to apply for available ENAF scholarships.
  3. Support and encourage participation in all ENAF fundraisers.
  4. Offer support for at least one clinical research or educational project with amajor area being one of the ENA clinical practice priorities, utilizingavailable grant funds.
  5. Offer one scholarship to a Kentucky ENA member for advanced education, utilizing available grant funds.
  6. Promote evidence based poster presentations at the Annual Emergency Nursing Educational Conference.

Advocacy/Collaboration Goal:

ENA is the leading influencer on emergencyhealthcare public policy and regulatory issues. The KSC promotes collaboration and advocacy to promote excellence inemergency patient care and the health of the citizens of Kentucky.


  1. Increase collaboration with other organizations within Kentucky where appropriate

a.Appoint KYENA liaison to KYACEP

b.Appoint KYENA liaison to Kentucky Association of Nursing Students (KANS)

c.Maintain KYENA representative to KYTAC

  1. Enhance members’ knowledge and participation in government affairs.

a.Communications updates to KYENA website and e-mail.

b.Monitor progress of statewide trauma system via representative totrauma advisory committee (KYTAC)

  1. Promote public awareness of emergency nursing and ENA.

a.Utilize appropriate media outlets to promote ENA and provide public education and awareness.

b.Support and participate in community service/health education activities through local chapters.

  1. The Government Affairs chair will monitor Kentucky and national legislative bills in relation to health or emergency nursing and report to the membership via our media sites.

Financial Goal:

ENA consistently achieves or exceeds national association benchmarks for financial performance. The KSC will remain consistent in financial accountability to meet goals.


1. Maintain fiscal responsibility in 2016.

a. Each chapter to submit an expense budget for 2016.

b. Finalize the 2016 budget by January 31, 2016 and submit to ENA.

c. Reporting of the state treasury at the KSC meetings.

2. Maintain incorporation status in Kentucky.

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