General Purposes and Development committee Meeting
20th August 2013
PRESENT:The Chairman – Cllr P D Cox
The Vice Chairman – Cllr M Hill
Cllrs Ashcroft, McGinn, Bush, Worboys and D Smith.
In Attendance – Cllr Gooch
The Clerk
1 Member of the Public
1.TO CONSIDER AND RECEIVE APOLOGIES:Cllrs Burns, Brooks, Fields and Stevens.
2.DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS RELATING TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: There were no declarations of interests.
3.TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18TH JUNE, 2013: The Minutes having been previously circulated, Cllr McGinn PROPOSED acceptance of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th June, 2013; the Vice Chairman seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
There were no Items on the Agenda requiring a Resolution.
6.MATTERS ARISING FROM THE ABOVE MINUTES:The Clerk reported receiving notice from NCC stating Station Approach has been added to the gritting route for this year.
7.UPDATE ON DOG BAN AREAS:The Chairman reminded the meeting this item had been circulated and deferred at the last Full Council meeting due to time constraints. He explained NNDC has publicised the proposed Dog Control Areas with the Consultation running from 18th July to 15th August, 2013, the orders are intended to come into force on the 12th September, 2013, which allows for review of responses and advertising the making of the order. There is no requirement in the legislation to place notices on the affected land at this stage, although there is a requirement to advertise the orders, once they are made, seven days before they come into force. The areas which have been suggested as Dog Controlareas are the Sheringham Sports Association, Cromer Road Play Area and Cooper Road Play Area.
The Clerk reported she approached PC Ian Smith and is awaiting a response.
9.UPDATE ON BUS SHELTERS:The Clerk reported the Deputy Clerk has been in contact with the Poores and Plouglet Charity, who has given permission verbally and will confirm the matter in writing. This item is still in progress.After further discussion Cllr D Smith PROPOSED prior to any installation of a new Bus Shelter to contact the Bus Companies to ascertain the frequency of services on the Woodland Rise route due to recent cut backs; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
10.FURTHER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL BUS STOPS: Members had been furnished with the details of a request for additional Bus Stops. The Chairman explained this request was previously discussed at the 18th June, 2013, Committee meeting, when NCC approached STC for comment on additional Bus Stops at Cromer Road and Station Approach on behalf of a local Resident. STC objected to installing additional Bus Stops in these areas. Subsequently the Resident who previously approached NCC, has now approached STC personally and therefore this item can be discussed within the six month ruling.
During discussion Cllr Bush stated it would be costly to increase the amount of Bus Stops. Cllr D Smith commented STC has not received any such requests from the Bus Companies and any additional Bus Stops would be surplus to requirement. Discussion ensued after which Cllr Worboys PROPOSED when the Clerk writes to the Bus Company to ascertain the frequency of buses in Wood Rise to also enquire if additional Bus Stops are required in Sheringham; Cllr D Smith seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
11.UPDATE OF PAVING SLABS AROUND THE TOWN: Members had been furnished with a copy of the results of the inspection from NCC Highways in relation to a list of problematic areas in the town reported by STC. Cllr Bush, who had reported through the Clerk on the particular hazardous areas, expressed his disappointment that NCC Highways did not considered the areas in question to be immediately dangerous. He commented if something rocks it should be classed as dangerous. The Chairman asked Members if they wished to accept the results of the inspection. Cllr Bush PROPOSED reporting to NCC the result of the inspection are unacceptable. There was no seconder. After further discussion Cllr Worboys PROPOSED writing to NCC Highways stating STC thank them for carrying out an inspection but feel strongly loose paving is not considered a potential trip hazard bearing in mind the number of elderly in the Community; Cllr Bush seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Ashcroft abstained.
12.UPDATE ON IDENTIFYING STC STREET LIGHTS:The Chairman reported that now the Council has identified the amount of Street Lights owned by STC, he asked if members wished to introduce a number system for the Lighting Contractor to identify them easily. After discussion Cllr McGinn expressed there is no need to number such a small amount of Street Lights as the Contractor is aware of the locations. IT WAS AGREED to leave this item at the present time.
13.REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL STREET LIGHTING AT A1082 HOLWAY ROAD / A148 HOLT ROAD JUNCTION: Members had previously been circulated with a copy of the request from Street Lighting at NCC. Cllr D Smith stated the area is outside STC’s boundary and PROPOSED the request should be passed to Upper Sheringham Parish Council; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr McGinn stated for information that there is no electricity in this area.
14.UPDATE ON LITTER BINS REMOVED FROM OTTERNDORF GREEN: Members had previously been circulated with a copy of the e-mail response from Mr R Crabb at NNDC relating to the removal of the litter bins at Otterndorf Green. STC had written to NNDC expressing concern and disappointment at the removal of the two litter bins, only to be informed NNDC do not empty litter bins on private land and after approaching the Land Owners, North Norfolk Railway, to be told it is not in their Constitution to cover any costs relating to litter bin maintenance. After further discussion Cllr Worboys PROPOSED writing to North Norfolk Railway asking them to bear in mind the importance of this space in the Community and to please ensure the area is kept litter free; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
15.TO AGREE MEETING WITH CHAMBER OF TRADE TO PROGRESS ERECTING JUBILEE BEACON ON OTTERNDORF GREEN: The Clerk informed the meeting the Chamber of Trade has approached STC to arrange a meeting to discuss the siting of the Jubilee Beacon on Otterndorf Green. Cllr McGinn PROPOSED recommending to Full Council to agree to a meeting with the Chamber of Trade; Cllr Worboys seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
16.UPDATE ON JOINT PUBLICITY MEETING WITH CROMER AND SHERINGHAMTOWN AND DEPUTY MAYORS AND THE FUTURE OF ST. GEORGES DAY CONCERT: The Clerk reported on a meeting with both Cromer and Sheringham Town/Deputy Mayors meeting regarding the future of Joint Publicity on 22nd July, 2013. STC’s Deputy Mayor provided the Clerk with a report on behalf of herself and the Mayor. She stated it was agreed by both Mayor/Deputy Mayors that it was advantageous for both Council’s to continue to give each other mutual support by holding Joint Publicity meetings. These meetings would be held at least once a year. The purposes would be to share information and help each other promoting events, in particular by the web-sites. They discussed at length the future Council funding for the Crab and Lobster and COAST Festivals. As was the case this year it was stated that Sheringham Town Council would be unlikely to fund either festival in the following year. The Mayor of Cromer suggested that if this was the case the Crab and Lobster Festival Committee may decide not to hold the event in Sheringham. Both Mayors agreed the importance of holding the St Georges Day Church Service. Cromer, although they failed to hold it this year said they wished to organise it next year. It was finally noted that 2014 is the Anniversary of the outbreak of World War Two. The Cromer Mayor will be fundraising for their Memorial. At present Sheringham Council has no plans other than to support local Organisations who may wish to mark the Anniversary.
The Clerk read the letter from Cromer Town Council regarding the above meeting.
It was agreed that both Mayors and Deputy Mayors would try and maintain a close relationship in order to keep the two towns working together in harmony. At present there are no new joint projects. However, it was agreed that a link would be added to both Web-sites and the link to Sheringham Town Council is up and running on Cromer Town Council’s Web-site. The Members would be grateful if a link to Cromer Town Council’s Web-Site could be placed on Sheringham Town Council’s Web-Site in due course. The Members look forward to maintaining the close relationship going forward.
During discussion Cllr D Smith agreed it would be useful for Councillors to meet regularly on a 6/12 month basis to discuss ways of promoting parts of the North Norfolk Coast. He referred to the 2013 Crab and Lobster Festival not receiving a grant from STC this year, as STC were dismayed the C&L Festival gave £7500.00 to Charitable Organisations when they should have set aside money for the 2014 Festival. STC turned down the grant request and to leave the Festivals to self finance in future. He also referred to the comment from the Cromer Mayor when he stated if STC does not contribute towards the 2014 C&L Festival, that the Festival will only take place in Cromer and not Sheringham. Cllr D Smith expressed CTC were convinced the C&L Festival brought business to the town, but he informed them it is actually the opposite as Traders suffered a loss, the only relevance to the C&L Festival was crab sandwiches. Cllr Ashcroft commented the trail and auctions should continue and 50 % of the money raised should be set aside for the following year. Cllr Cox stated in order to do this the Festival Constitution will need to be changed. After discussion Cllr D Smith PROPOSED continuing with Joint Publicity with Cromer Town Council and to meet on a 6/12 month basis; Cllr Worboys seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Bush abstained.
A discussion ensued regarding the future of St Georges Day Concerts. Cllr D Smith stated Cromer Town Council had to cancel the Cromer Concert this year due to the pressure of the work load and so PROPOSED STC continues with a St Georges Day Concert organised by STC on a Annual basis; Cllr Ashcroft seconded. IT WAS AGREED. The Clerk was instructed to contact Mrs Jane Bussey of the Cromer and Sheringham Brass Band if the proposition is ratified by the Full Council.
The Clerk also asked for a Working party to assist is setting up the Church on the evening of the Concert. The Administration will continue to be carried out by the Clerks. Cllr McGinn PROPOSED a Working Party is to be set up to assist the Office Staff with setting up the Church on the evening of the Concerts; Cllr Bush seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
17.UPDATE OF SPORTS ASSOCIATION PROJECTS:Cllr D Smith reported on a meeting with Mr Charles Sanders, the Chairman of the Sports Association, on the recent grant awards achieved in relation to the multi purpose all weather pitch. The SA has received £15,000.00 from NNDC. STC’s donation of £750.00 (from the Film Company). STC’s decision on the 106 Agreement £60,000.00 from Tesco Stores Ltd. Sports England (Olympic Legacy) £48,690.00. The total being £124,440.00.
This is sufficient to purchase the new pitch and the work has now gone out to tender. The pitch is expected to be completed by Christmas, thus completing Stage One of the project.
Stage Two of the project is providing disabled access to the new pitch and the Pavilion. This is expected to cost approximately £45,000.00, toward which they have already received a grant of £15,000.00 from the Waste Company at Edgefield. The Chairman of the SA expressed in his opinion that had STC not granted the Tesco £60,000.00, it would have been unlikely that further grants from other bodies would have been forthcoming and the project may never had got off the grounds. Cllr D Smith so PROPOSED writing a letter of congratulations to the Sports Association for all their hard work and achievements; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
18.UPDATE FROM CROMER AND SHERINGHAM OPERATIC AND DRAMATIC SOCIETY TO CELEBRATE THEIR CENTENARY FOR 2014 TO HAVE A ‘CSODS’ FLORAL DISPLAY IN SHERINGHAM: The Clerk reported she is still waiting to her the outcome of the CSODS’s Committee meeting with a view to meeting an STC Representative to decide on a location for the floral display.
19.NUMBER OF MEETINGS HELD ON THE SAME EVENING: The Chairman explained this item has been deferred from the last Full Council meeting due to the late time factor. He expressed that recently three Committee meetings were held on the same evening and stressed the impact on Staff and Councillors and recommended STC introduces a new ruling where no more than two meetings take place on the same evening. Cllr Ashcroft referred to a NALC Chairmanship training course she recently attended and when it was clearly stated an Agenda should give a structure to discussions and inform Members of the topics and why they are being discussed to save time at the meeting. All Agenda’s should contain enough information to guide Councillors on what is expected to be considered or decided at the meeting and to give each person a chance to speak but STC has no correlation of this and meetings should clearly not continue after 10.00pm.
The Chairman echoed Cllr Ashcroft’s comments and expressed in Local Government law the Agenda must be explicit for the purpose of the Members attending the discussion. After discussion Cllr D Smith PROPOSED recommending to the Full Council a new ruling is agreed not to hold more than two meetings on one evening; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
20.CONSULTATION FROM NATURAL ENGLAND ON COAST PATH FOR SEA PALLING AND WEYBOURNE: The Clerk suggested recommending Cllrs McGinn and Fields as Members of the Questionnaire Working Party volunteered to respond to the Consultation from Natural England on the Coast Path for Sea Palling and Weybourne. IT WAS AGREED.
21.TO DISCUSS TOWN HALL FLAGS:The Clerk reported all STC Flags are in a deteriorating condition and need replacing. After discussion Cllr McGinn PROPOSED purchasing a replacement Union Flag; Cllr Worboys seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
22.PARKING ON CLIFF ROAD:Members were previously circulated with a copy of a complaint from a local Resident regarding parking problems at Cliff Road. A full discussion ensued when Cllr Worboys PROPOSED STC could not support the suggestion of a Parking Permit system in the town as the problem exists for all residential area; Cllr McGinn seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Ashcroft voted against and expressed the problem needs to be addressed as it is an all year round problem.
23.TO AGREE LETTER OF RESPONSE RELATING TO STATION APPROACH TOILETS: Members had previously been circulated with a copy of the letter of complaint, along with the response from the Town Mayor. The Chairman expressed the Mayors response is well structured and justifying the complaints with regards to the condition of the Ladies toilets. Cllr Ashcroft reported the Sheringham Enhancement Group have been monitoring the toilet block and expressed that unless it is re-built it is beyond repair. Cllr D Smith suggested writing to NNDC stating the condition of the toilets are detrimental to the tourist trade and STC has received many complaints. The Clerk reported all complaints are forwarded to NNDC for attention.
24.CONSULTATION FROM NNDC FOR NEW STREET NAME:The Clerk read the letter from NNDC inviting STC to choose between two options of new street names for a new Development of thirteen properties off Cremer Street. The choices are ‘Augusta Court’ or Fishers Yard. Cllr McGinn PROPOSED naming the new Development ‘Augusta Court’; Cllr Bush seconded. IT WAS AGREED.
25.REQUEST TO DISPLAYTOWN COUNCILS COAT OF ARMS FROM TESCO ART FOR SHERINGHAM COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PROJECT: The Clerk read a letter of request from a Member of the Tesco Art for Sheringham Committee Community Project. Tesco Stores has allocated a parcel of land near the railway line to create a garden area with wave shaped seating and fencing with a black granite inscribed time line and wishes to request the inscription of the Town Council’s Coat of Arms. The Chairman explained there is no significance in the name of the Company providing the use of the land and decisions should be treated on the same grounds as any other Company. He also stated approval of such request is usually only granted when STC is involved with or financially involved with in projects. Cllr D Smith PROPOSED granting permission exclusively for this project. There was no seconder. After further discussion Cllr Worboys PROPOSED seeking more clarity from the Tesco Art of Sheringham Committee Community Project Representatives before STC considers their request; Cllr Ashcroft seconded. IT WAS AGREED.