THE MINISTER OF INTERIOR, on the recommendation of the
Secretary of the Environment and by virtue of the powers
conferred upon him by Decree No. 73.030, of 30 October
1975, Decree-Law No. 1.413, of 14 August 1975 and Decree
No. 76.389, of 3 October 1975;
Considering that Regulation/GM/No. 323, of 29 November
1978, prohibited, starting with the 1979/1980 harvest,
dumping, either direct or indirect, of slop into any catch
basin by alcohol distilleries established or that may be
established in Brazil, but failed to cover the pollution
caused by alcoholic beverage distilleries;
Considering that, in addition to slop, the other
effluents of alcohol and alcoholic beverage distilleries,
as well as the effluents of sugar refineries, cause
considerable damage to the water supply of cities and to
economic activities, severely altering the ecological
balance of interior waters and causing serious damage to
fish resources;
Considering, moreover, that the experience acquired in
the application of the aforementioned Regulation has
demonstrated the necessity of extending and upgrading it;
I - Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation/GM/No. 323,
of 11/29/78, the direct or indirect dumping of slop into
any catch basis is prohibited, without prejudice, however,
to the provisions of items III and IV of this Regulation.
II - The slop treatment and/or utilization system shall
comply with the solution proposed and approved by the state
environmental control agency.
III - Distilleries already in place as of the date of
publication of this Regulation and which demonstrably have
no areas for the application or disposal of their slop, may
adopt the same criteria as those established for the
dumping of other liquid industrial effluents, provided they
are formally authorized by the respective state
environmental control agencies and by the Special
Environmental Secretariat - SEMA.
IV - The prior authorization pursuant to the preceding
paragraph shall be granted on a temporary basis after
analysis of the appropriate documentation forwarded by the
distillery concerned, until such time as technically viable
conditions for the treatment or utilization of the slop, as
applicable to each case, have been defined.
V - The effluents of distilleries and sugar plants that
are discharged into any catch basin may not, in any section
of this basin, display characteristics in conflict with
category as established under the terms of
Regulation/GM/No. 0013, of 01/15/76 of the Ministry of the
Interior pertaining to the classification of interior
VI - For the purposes of this Regulation, all catch
basins, even if not classified, are considered to be Class
VII - The same conditions as specified in item XIV of
Regulation/GM/No. 0013, of 01/15/76 of the Ministry of the
Interior shall be adopted for the effluents referred to in
item V.
VIII - Regarding effluents not containing slop, sugar
plants and distilleries already in operation and not in
compliance with the provisions of this Regulation shall,
within a maximum of 60 (sixty) days of the date of
publication of this Regulation, submit for approval by the
state environmental control agencies a Reference Letter
covering the installation of adequate systems for their
treatment and/or use.
IX - The Reference Letter referred to in the preceding
item shall contain a Physical Timetable setting forth, as
minimum requirements, the deadlines for the development and
approval of the project, its execution and startup; the
total period may not exceed 14 (fourteen) months from the
date of publication of this Regulation.
X - Projects for the installation of systems for the
treatment and/or utilization of effluents shall be
submitted in 3 (three) copies to the state environmental
control agencies for analysis and approval.
XI - The State environmental control agencies shall
forward to the Special Environmental Secretariat - SEMA of
the Interior Ministry one copy of each approved project,
together with a copy of the respective technical opinion.
XII - The environmental control agencies may conduct
periodic inspections during the phases of execution of the
work and of system operation, and may require that
companies take corrective and preventive measures in a
timely fashion when these are deemed necessary for the
preservation or improvement of the quality of the receiving
bodies of water.
XIII - The entire effluent treatment and/or utilization
system for sugar plants and distilleries either established
or to be established in Brazil, shall be completed and in
operating condition at the time operations start up at the
XIV - For the purpose of obtaining financing of
government incentives, companies must have plans for the
treatment and/or utilization of their effluents duly
approved by the state environmental control agencies
accredited by the Special Environmental Secretariat - SEMA.
XV - The state environmental control agencies shall
adopt, in their own respective jurisdictions, all measures
at their disposal aimed at securing full compliance with
this Regulation.
XVI - Once the measures recommended in the preceding
paragraph have been carried out, the state environmental
control agencies shall forward to the Special Environmental
Secretariat - SEMA, a duly completed request for the
imposition on violators of the penalties specified in
Decree No. 76.389, of 10/03/75.
XVII - This Regulation shall apply to alcohol
distilleries, alcoholic beverage distilleries and sugar
XVIII - The Special Environmental Secretariat - SEMA,
may, by means of Normative Instructions, adopt procedures
requirements pertaining to this Regulation.
XIX - This Regulation shall enter into force on the date
of its publication, and any provisions to the contrary are
hereby revoked.
Mario David Andreazza
EFFECTIVE-DATE: 11/03/1980