The Military College of South Carolina

171 Moultrie Street

Charleston, SC 29409

Memorandum 31 July 2015


The citadel purchasing card policy


The purpose of this memorandum is to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the P-Card Administrator, Deans/Directors, Departmental Liaisons, Cardholders, and to declare Card Limits, Security and Operating Procedures. TheCitadelPurchasingCardProgramisdesignedtoenableauthorized,full-timeCitadelStateemployeestomakesmallvaluepurchasesof supplies,materials,equipment,andservicesforbusinessuse whilestreamliningpaymentsbyeliminatingtheadministrativeburdensandcostsassociatedwithtraditionalmethodsofpayment.

  1. South Carolina P-Card Policy
  2. South Carolina State-Wide Contracts
  3. Citadel Travel Policy
  4. Citadel Entertainment Policy
  5. Citadel Policies
  6. The Citadel Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline.
  1. Cardholder: A Citadel Employee to whom a card has been issued and has his or her name embossed on the card. For Cardholder responsibilities, see paragraph 4Gbelow.
  2. Dean/Department Head: A Citadel employee who is responsible for a department/division of The Citadel. For Dean/Department Head responsibilities, see paragraph 4Ebelow.
  3. Liaison:A Citadel employee who is responsible for assuring cardholders are in compliance with P-Card Policy. For Department Liaison responsibilities, see paragraph 4F below.
  4. P-Card Administrator: A Citadel employee who is responsible for overseeing the P-Card Program for The College. For P-Card Administrator responsibilities, see paragraph 4Dbelow.
  5. The College: The Citadel – The Military College of South Carolina
  1. The purchase card is also referred to as a “procurement card” or, more commonly, a “P-card.” This policy explains the benefits of the P-card program; describes the responsibilities of all program participants; and enumerates the rules of the program. The Citadel uses VISA© cards issued by Bank of America pursuant to the contract awarded to the Bank by the South Carolina Materials Management Office (MMO). The Citadel P-Card and the Student-Travel Card are the only purchasing card authorized for use by employees and no other credit card should be opened in the name of The Citadel.
  2. The Citadel Purchase Card Program is not intended to avoid or bypass appropriate purchasing procedures established by The Citadel and the State Consolidated Procurement Code. This program is designed to work side by side with existing procurement purchasing procedures.
  3. The success of the P-card Program and its continuing use depends on your participation and cooperation. Please be sure to read and follow the program guidelines as specified within this policy.
  4. Responsibilities of P-Card Administrator:
  5. Overseetheprogram;
  6. Establishesrules;
  7. Issuesguidelines;
  8. Provide reports;
  9. AssistsCardholderswithproblemresolution;
  10. PerforminternalP-Cardauditsofdepartments;
  11. EnsuringcompliancewiththeStateP-CardPolicy;
  12. ProvidingforuniqueneedsbasedonCitadelmission;
  13. DefiningresponsibilitiesofP-CardProgramparticipantsandcriteriaforobtainingaP-Card;
  14. ReviewingDepartmentapprovedapplicationsforcompletenessofrequiredinformation;
  15. MaintainingapolicyandproceduresManualfortheP-CardProgram;
  16. Managingcardsecurity,includinginternal controls,cardlimitsandmerchantcategorycodesaswellasprovidingamethodforreportingsuspectedmisuseorfraudulentuse;
  17. Listingconsequencesformisuseorfraudulentuse;
  18. Creatingaprovisionforreviewoftheinternalpolicyforadequacyatleastannuallyandaprovisionforauditorotherindependentreview;
  19. Establishinginternalprocedurescoveringpropersetupofprofilesforeachcard(includingMCCblocks)andhowtousetheP-Cardforvarioustypesoforderstopreventthecompromiseofsecurityinformation;
  20. Reviewing,annually,allP-cardsissuedtoemployeesand eliminatingP-cardsforemployeeswhodemonstrateconsistentlylowusageofP-cardsornolongerhavedemonstratedabusinessneedfortheP-card;
  21. Establishingproceduresfordocumentingtransactions;
  22. BeingtheCitadelLiaisonwithBankofAmericaandadministeringtheWorksSoftwareProgram;
  23. EstablishingprocedureforcardapplicationandsubmittingcompletedapplicationstoBankofAmericaandreceivingpurchasingcardsfromBankofAmerica;
  24. ConductingP-Cardorientation/trainingsessionsforallnewpurchasingcardrecipients,includingcoordinatingandconductinggroupsessionsandindividualsessionsforrefreshertraining;
  25. FilingsignedCardholderagreements,signifyingagreementwiththetermsofthePurchasingCardProgram;
  26. Workingwithmanagementtodetermineappropriatespendinglimitsbaseduponbudgetconstraints,jobresponsibilities,knowledge,skillsandabilities,historicalspendingpatterns,andoverallprocurement practices;
  27. CoordinatingtheCitadelP-CardProgramasLiaisonwithOCGandMMO;
  28. Reviewingandanalyzingreports andstatisticaldatato evaluateuseractivityandassure compliancewiththepolicyregulations;
  29. Handlingdisputedcharges/discrepanciesnotresolvedbyCardholderorDepartmentalLiaison;
  30. InitiatingchangeofPurchasingCarddefaultaccountnumberuponrequestofDepartmentalLiaisonasapprovedbyDepartmentDirector;
  31. Securing revoked purchasing cards and properly deactivating and/or destroying cards whenCardholderstransferjobs,resign,areterminated,orloseacard;
  32. ElectronicallynotifyingDepartmentalLiaisonsofBankofAmericabillingdistributionandadvisingLiaisonsofcut-offdateforapprovals;
  33. ProcessinguploadofbilltoAccountingforchargingtoindividualdepartments; and
  34. ReportinginappropriatechargestoCardholder,DepartmentHead,andProcurementDirector.
  35. Responsibilities of Deans/Department Heads:
  36. HoldingtheCardholdersandLiaisonsresponsiblefortheirrespectiveduties;
  37. SignandapproveofanapplicationbeforeitissubmittedtotheOfficeofProcurement;
  38. Signingthemonthlypurchasingcardcertificationforminapprovalofallpurchasecardchargesfortherespectivemonth;
  39. ContactingthePurchaseCardAdministrator if anyoftherolesinvolvedin thepurchasingdutiesof thedepartmenthavechanged;
  40. On an ongoing basis, the Dean/Director should:


2)Reviewing and approving Cardholder applications submittedby members of the respectivedepartmentaswellascommunicatingtotheAdministratoranyuniqueneedsofthedepartment;


4)Assigningthedefaultaccountindexand FOAP(fund,org,account,program)informationforaCardholderontheCardholderapplication;

5)Contacting The Citadel Purchase Card Administrator to change Cardholder and/or Liaisonassignments; and


  1. RespondingtimelytoaddressorremediateP-cardauditfindingsandincidentreports;
  2. On a monthly basis, the Dean/Director should:






6)ContactPurchasingCardAdministratorregardinganyunapprovedtransactions; and


  1. Responsibilities of Department Liaisons:
  2. Liaisons mustbefulltimeemployeesoftheCitadel;
  3. Liaisons mustbeassignedtoaCardholderontheCardholderapplicationandtrainedbythePurchaseCardAdministrator;
  4. Liaisons performandcomplete amonthlyreconciliationwithin 10businessdaysfromthecompletionofthepreviousmonthcycleperiodorelsefromthedatethatpurchasesareavailableinBanner;

  1. Liaisons musthavethoroughknowledgeofthejobresponsibilitiesoftheCardholdersunderhis/hersupervisioninordertodetermineifpurchasesarereasonableandproper;
  2. Liaisons mustcarefullyreviewalldocumentation;
  3. ParticipatingintrainingforLiaisonsandmaintainingknowledgeofP-CardPolicy;
  4. ReviewingappropriatenessofCardholdertransactions;
  5. ObtainingsignedcreditcardstatementsandsupportivedocumentationfromCardholdersandkeepingdocumentationonfileforaminimumofthreeyears.Purchasesusingfederalfundingmustberetainedforaminimumofsevenyears;
  6. CollectingoriginalcopyofvendorreceiptsfromCardholdersandreconcilingtoBankofAmericabillingstatements.Organizethereceiptsintheorderthattheyappearonthestatement;
  7. Retainingallchargeslipsandreceiptsforauditbyinternalandexternalauditors.Ensurethatthereareinvoicesorreceiptsforallcharges.Ifnot,asktheCardholdertoobtainmissingreceipts;
  8. UpdatingdefaultaccountnumberonPurchasingCardSystemofindividualCardholderaccountinadvanceofthemonthlydefaultcut-offdateforapprovalsestablishedbyTheCitadel. Usethemostappropriateaccountingstringtoclassifypurchases;
  9. Attemptingtoresolveanydisputeswiththevendorand/orBankofAmericathatarenotresolvedbytheCardholder.NotifythePurchaseCardAdministratorwithin3businessdaysofanyunresolveddisputes,notingthereasonsanddocumentingallattemptsatresolvingit;
  10. IdentifyingtransactionsthatrequirethesubmissionofusetaxtotheSouthCarolinaDepartmentofRevenue.Enter“USETAX”forthesetransactionsintheBannersysteminadvanceofthemonthlydefaultcutoffdate;
  11. RequestingTheCitadelPurchasingCardAdministratorchangedefaultaccountforindividualcardasneededandapprovedbyDepartmentDirector;
  12. NotifyingTheCitadelPurchasingCardAdministratoroflostorstolencards;
  13. EnsuringthattheCardholderandtheDepartmentHeadsignoffonthecompletedreconciliation;
  14. RequestingTheCitadelPurchasingCardAdministratortocancelaCardholder’scard(e.g.terminatedemployees,transferringdepartments,lossofpurchasingcardprivileges)asapprovedbyDepartmentDirectors;
  15. CollectingcanceledcardsfromCardholdersandforwardingtoTheCitadelPurchasingCardAdministrator;
  16. AlertingthePurchaseCardAdministratorifyoususpectsomeoneismisusingtheirpurchasecardorotherwiseviolatingpurchasecardpoliciesand/orprocedures; and
  17. NotifyingthePurchaseCardAdministratorifLiaisonwillbeabsentduringareconciliationperiod.
  1. Responsibilities of Cardholders:
  2. CardholdersmustbefulltimeemployeesoftheState;
  3. Cardholders musthavecompletedtrainingwiththePurchase Card AdministratorandsignedaCardholderagreement;
  4. ParticipatingintrainingforCardholdersandsigningCardholderagreement;
  5. EnsuringthephysicalsecurityoftheP-Cardandprotectingtheaccountnumber;
  6. EnsuringthatonlytheapprovedCardholderusesthePurchasingCard.UsebyanyoneotherthantheapprovedCardholderisstrictlyprohibited.ThePurchasingCardisnottransferablebetweenco-workers;
  7. Ensuringthatfundsareavailablepriortomakingpurchasesandthatpurchasesare“bestvalue”forTheCitadel;
  8. EnsuringthatthePurchasingCardisusedonlyforlegitimatebusinesspurposes.MisuseofthecardwillsubjectCardholderto disciplinaryactioninaccordancewithCollegePoliciesandProceduresrelatingtodisciplinaryactionandterminationforcause;
  9. AdheringtothepurchaselimitsandrestrictionsofthePurchasingCardandensuringthatthetotaltransactionamountofanysingletransactiondoesnotexceedthepurchasingcardspendinglimit.Furthermore,theCardholdermustensurethatallpurchasesarewithinallotherspendingandvendorguidelinesestablishedbytheCollege;
  10. Immediatelyreportinglost/stolenorcompromisedcardstoBankofAmerica,theDepartmentDirectorandthePurchasingCardAdministrator;
  11. SigningthemonthlycreditcardstatementbeforeprovidingittotheassignedCardholderLiaison;
  12. Obtainingallsalesslips,registerreceipts,and/orpurchasingcardslipsandprovidingtotheDepartmentalLiaisonforreconciliation,approvalandallocationoftransactionsonamonthlyandtimelybasis;
  13. Identifyingdisputeditemsandcontactingthemerchantdirectlytoresolvedisputes;
  14. Ensuringthatappropriatecreditforthereporteddisputeditem(s)orbillingerrorappearsonasubsequentCardholderMemoStatement;
  15. Notingon thereceiptthereasonforthepurchaseifnototherwiseobvious.Forexample,officesupplies,ormeetingregistrationforProfessor ,orclockforclassroom;

Memo 5-2XX, Page 6

  1. NotifyingtheDepartmentalLiaisonifthedefaultaccountnumbershouldbechangedonanindividualtransaction.Noteontheinvoiceorreceipttheaccountnumberoriftheitemshouldbechangedtosomethingotherthanthedefaultaccountnumber;
  2. Notingonthereceipt,theemployee’sCWIDandTravelAuthorizationnumber,ifthepurchaserelatestoameetingregistration;
  3. Havingallordersdeliveredtoavalidon-campusaddressonly;
  4. ReturningPurchasingCardtoDepartmentalLiaisonuponterminationofemploymentwiththeCollegeortransferringdepartmentswithintheCollege; and
  5. Ensuringthata“premium”isnotchargedbythevendorforuseofacreditcard.Theimpositionofpremiums/surchargesisprohibitedbyVISA unless certain criteria are met.ContactthePurchaseCardAdministratorifavendorischarginganextrafeeforuseofthecard.
  1. For P-Card Limits and Security Procedures, see Annex A.
  2. For P-Card Procedures, see Annex B.
  3. For P-Card Reconciliation procedures, see Annex C.
  4. For P-Card Travel, see Annex D.

For a comprehensive look at consequences, see Appendix 3 to Annex B

  1. NOTES
  1. Dates of Official Enactment and Amendments:

Approved by “Responsible Official” on (Day) (Month) (Year).

For non-substantive changes, identify all dates of revision, if any, with a brief description of the changes.

  1. Responsible Department:

(Indicate the Responsible Department)

  1. Responsible Official:

(Identify the Responsible Official)

  1. Cross References:

(Identify any related Memoranda)


Memo 5-2XX, Page 6

(Identify any previous version of the Memorandum by number and date, followed by “…is rescinded.”)


(State schedule for review: annual or biennial)


OFFICIALResponsible Official Name

Responsible Official Rank



Annex A, P-Card Limits and Security

Appendix 1 to Annex A - P-Card Certification Form

Appendix 2 to Annex A – Single Transaction Override Form

Appendix 3 to Annex A – Blocked Merchant Category Codes

Appendix 4 to Annex A – Restricted Items

Annex B, P-Card Procedures

Appendix 1 to Annex B – Cardholder Agreement

Appendix 2 to Annex B – P-Card Application

Appendix 3 to Annex B – Progressive Discipline

Annex C, P-Card Reconciliation

Memo 5-2XX, Page 6

Memo 5-2XX, Annex A, Page 1

Annex A

P-Card Limits and Security Procedures

  1. Department Internal Controls.
  1. Each department should establish internal controls sufficient to regulate its P-Card activities. The responsibility for appropriate use of the card lies not only with the Cardholder, but also with the approving Department. The three department roles of Cardholder, Liaison, and Department Head should be fulfilled by three unique individuals when sufficient staff allows. A Cardholder may be Liaison to his/her own card only if an independent review has been performed by at least one other person. The purchasing card certificationform, located in Appendix 1, must be signed by the Cardholder, Liaison, and Department Head on a monthly basis. The Liaison or Department Head review and certification must be performed and signed by someone other than the Cardholder. Under no circumstances may one individual serve all three roles.
  2. The Purchase Card Administrator is not allowed to have a card because of the conflict of duties. A provision for an annual independent audit or review of the P-Card Program must be carried out by the P-Card Administrator, Internal Audit unit, or other unit assigned audit responsibilities. Reviews must address the adequacy of internal policies and procedures, the appropriateness of Cardholder spending limits, the adequacy of reconciliation and payment procedures, and the adequacy of documentation.
  1. Card Credit Limits.
  2. Cardholder monthly credit limit and single transaction limits are electronically set up for each billing cycle. The monthly credit limit sets a restriction on the total amount of spending that can occur during the statement period. Monthly limits are, by default, $10,000 per card and may be decreased or increased at the request of the Dean or Director or the respective department head. The single transaction limit does not affect how much can be spent per day; it affects how much can be spent per transaction. By default, this amount is $2,500 per purchase.
  3. Each Department should keep track of its credit balance, or call Bank of America at the number shown on the reverse side of the Purchasing Card to inquire the remaining balance.
  4. The Citadel’s billing period runs from the 28th of the month to the 27th of the following month. On the first business day of each billing period, a Cardholder’s limit amounts will be restored to the full amount.
  5. Card Inactivity.
  6. Purchasing Cards that are inactive for a period of 12 months will be removed from the bank-card system. If the card has been suspended, contact the Purchasing Card Administrator to have it reinstated.
  7. Single Transaction Limit Override.
  8. Single transaction limits may be increased from $2,500 up to a single purchase limit of $10,000 for one-time purchases placed with vendors on agency or state contract or else purchases determined to be “fair and reasonable” by The Procurement Department. The Procurement Card Single Purchase Transaction Limit Override Request form located in Appendix 2must be completed and signed by the Cardholder and the respective Department Head or Dean and then forwarded to the Purchase Card Administrator for processing. Please allow sufficient time for processing and approval and be prepared to provide proof of the fairness and reasonableness of a purchase.
  9. Awarded State Contracts:
  10. State Policy Regarding “Fair & Reasonable”: Purchases from $2,500.01 to $10,000 require a minimum of two (2) price references. These need not be written quotes, but can be quotes, internet pricing, prices on the internet, email, vendor catalog, or telephones quotes. In cases where it is impractical or not possible to get price quotes, approval of a purchase may be granted by Procurement Services with appropriate justification showing affirmation that the price is fair and reasonable. The vendors/references and prices must be noted on the purchase requisition or in p-card supporting paperwork.
  11. Citadel Procurement Policy: To assist The Procurement Department in determining if a service or product is “fair and reasonable” and to obtain the best pricing, please provide a minimum of (2) two quotes written on the respective vendors’ letterhead.
  12. Split Transactions
  1. Making multiple transactions to the same vendor within a short period of time when the combined total of orders exceeds the purchasing card transaction limit of $2,500 is considered splitting purchases. Any action taken to work around or bypass the limits set on P-Cards is strictly prohibited. A single purchase cannot be divided into separate transactions or to different vendors to circumvent a single purchase dollar limit or to artificially create small purchases to circumvent bidding as required by State and institutional policy. Splitting of purchases will be considered a P-Card violation. Whether the intention is deliberate or an oversight, this is a violation of the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code and will create audit points against the Purchasing Card.
  1. Card Security
  1. The Purchasing Card should always be protected and kept in a secure location. The only person authorized to use the card is the Cardholder whose name appears on the face of the card. Under no circumstances may a Cardholder allow another individual or employee access to use his or her P- Card. Since the P-Card is a regular VISA card, it can be mistaken for a personal card. For this reason, it is recommended that the P-Card be kept separate from any personal credit cards. P-Cards must be used strictly for Citadel business.
  1. Vendor Blocking & Restricted Items
  1. Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) are assigned by the banking industry to each merchant or vendor based on the type of goods and services that they provide. The State of South Carolina and The Citadel require that certain types of vendors be blocked from the P-Card as a security measure. Among these are hotels, entertainment, and cash transactions. Please refer to the listing located in Appendix 3for the types of vendors at which the P-Card may not be used without approval from the P-Card Administrator. Transactions will be blocked at the point-of-sale level.
  2. The Citadel has delegated purchasing authority to those people who have been entrusted with State Procurement Cards. With this trust comes much responsibility. The items listed in Appendix 4are not intended to be an all-inclusive list but only a quick reference listing of items which may not be authorized to be purchased with a State Procurement Card. Please consider this only as an aid in determining proper usage of the State Procurement Card. Cardholders are required to be familiar with campus wide policies relating to proper use of funds for expenditure. Should anyone have specific questions regarding any potential usage of the card, please contact the Procurement Office. A simple recommendation is that if there is doubt whether a purchase is acceptable then DO NOT use the State Procurement Card.
  1. Erroneous Declines
  1. There may be certain situations when a vendor receives a decline message when processing your P- Card transaction. If you do not know the reason for the decline, contact Bank of America at 1-800- 538-8788 for an explanation. If the decline was in error, the Cardholder should immediately contact The Citadel P-Card Administrator for assistance. If a purchase is being made outside of normal College business hours, the employee must find an alternate payment method or terminate the purchase and contact the College P-Card Administrator during normal business hours.
  2. The following reasons may decline a card:
  3. Exceeding the monthly or single transaction credit limit
  4. Sponsoring bank has frozen the card account due to suspicious activity
  5. Merchant Category Code (MCC) is blocked
  6. In the event that a valid, unrestricted purchase is being blocked because of a vendor’s Merchant Category Code (MCC), The Purchase Card Administrator has the authority to unblock vendors with the contingency that the purchase is not otherwise in violation of any restrictions herein this manual or in violation of institutional policy. The Cardholder’s assigned Liaison must request, by e-mail, that the vendor be temporarily unblocked and wait to receive approval. The request must be made to the Purchase Card Administrator and must include information including the item(s) being purchased, the intended date of purchase, the business purpose, the total amount of the purchase, and the name of the vendor. Written authorization from the Purchase Card Administrator must be included with supportive documentation and filed by the card Liaison.
  1. Lost, Stolen or Misplaced Cards
  1. If a Cardholder loses a P-Card, or if it is stolen or misplaced, the Cardholder should notify Bank of America (1-866-500-8262), the Cardholder Approver and the P-Card Administrator immediately. The Cardholder must provide the receipts for valid transactions that were recently made (if any) on the P- Card prior to reporting it lost or stolen.
  2. The Approver should closely monitor all transactions posted in Citadel Financials and dispute charges that appear to be fraudulent. The Cardholder will be liable for all charges incurred if a fraudulent transaction is not disputed within 60 days following the end of the billing cycle in which the disputed transaction occurred
  1. Employment Change, Termination or Transfer
  1. The P-Card Administrator must be notified by the Cardholder or by the Cardholder’s Department when the Cardholder retires, resigns, transfers to another department, or assumes different duties that do not require using the P-Card. The same applies to any change in liaison roles.
  1. Reporting Fraud
  1. If you suspect that someone is misusing the Citadel Purchase Card you may submit an anonymous tip to The Citadel Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline.
  1. Audits
  1. The Purchase Card Administrator has the authority to internally audit any purchase card transaction and the supportive documentation at any time. The Citadel Purchase Card Administrator may also authorize an externally contracted auditor or else auditor of the State of South Carolina to intermittently audit purchase card documentation. Never provide your purchase card documentation to any unauthorized party without the Purchase Card Administrator's consent.
  1. Delivery of Goods
  1. Al deliveries of goods purchased with a P-Card must be delivered to a valid Citadel business address.

Appendix 1 to Annex A

P-Card Certification Form


Purchasing Period______to ______


I have reviewed the charges made on my purchasing card for the above period and certify that I made all charges listed. Furthermore, I certify that each charge is a valid Citadel expense and have provided itemized receipts with explanatory notes.


I certify that I have followed all reconciliation procedures for the above purchasing cards for the time period indicated. I have reviewed account numbers (source of funds), object codes, sales and use tax, and made all necessary changes in the Banner System. I have obtained itemized receipts with necessary explanations for all purchases.


I certify that I have reviewed all purchasing card charges for the time period indicated. I approve the charges and verify they are valid Citadel expenses, and I approve the accounts (source of funds) being charged.

Appendix 2 to Annex A

Single-Transaction Override
