
The Mickey Mantle School

Parent Handbook


“Making Progress With Every Home run”


Letter from the Desk of Principal Barry Daub

MISSION AND VISION STATEMENT……………………………………………...………….5

A Letter to Parents from JENNIFER CELADILLA...... 6


oRGANIZATION…………………………………………………………………………...... 8

Description of Class Staffing Ratios...... 9



School Procedures/Policies-15

School Meals

Medication Policy

Immunization Requirements

If your child becomes sick in school…

To protect your child’s health, don’t send to school if he/she has…


Waiting for the Bus

Afternoon Drop-Off Form


Bus Suspensions

Emergency Blue Cards

Emergency Drills

Inclement Weather/Storm Day Procedures

Student Forms

Lost or Stolen Student Items – Property Reimbursement forms

Parental Involvement-17


Education happens everywhere.

Parent Associations

School Leadership Team

Citywide Council on Special Education

Home Schooling vs. Home Instruction

Office of Home Instruction –Chancellor’s Regulations

ARIS (Achievement Reporting and Innovation System)______18

Parent daily schedule…………………………………………………………………19

Educational Resource List………………………………………...……………...20-23

IEP, Related Services and Report Cards

What is an IEP?

A Summary of Parent’s Rights for Your Child’s I.E.P

Report Cards

Description of related services………………….….………………………….25-26

citywide standards of intervention and discipline measures……..26-29

zero tolerance……………………………………………………………………………30

HOMEWORK POLICY ...………………………………………………………………………30

Positive Behavior intervention supports…………………………………...31-32


SCHOOL CALENDER……………………;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;…………………………………....34





Dear Parents:

It's hard to believe but it's that time of the year again - the beginning of a new school year. Welcome back! And while you aren't part of the teaching staff you are just as important to your children's education as we are.

Your children receive the best education when you and our dedicated teachers work as a team. It's a parents enthusiasm, support and involvement that inspires children to do their best; and a teacher's ability to teach what they need to learn. Together we can achieve wonderful things.

There's a lot of excitement ahead of us, including new teachers to meet, new books to read, new friends to meet and new skills to master...and I look forward to you sharing in those exciting times. As a parent myself I know how fast time goes by. One year your child's in 1st grade and seemingly in the blink of an eye they're in middle school, or in their senior year of high school for that matter.

In closing, I encourage you to fully embrace the moment and urge you to take the time from your busy schedule to become familiar with our school, as well as create a homework-friendly home environment that will allow your children to excel.

Thank you for your commitment to your child's education and I look forward to seeing you in the very near future.


Barry Daub


We, the educators and administrators of P811M~The Mickey Mantle School are committed to challenging all learners with many educational opportunities in a safe and positive environment of mutual respect and trust. Each learner will discover and develop unique talents, learn and refine skills, and access and use information effectively. Each individual will become a lifelong learner who will be able to function as a confident, creative, and contributing citizen of our nation and the world.

In P811M / The Mickey Mantle School, each person will learn and be successful. Our students will graduate with a desire to learn, the ability to process information efficiently and effectively and an appreciation for the value of life-long learning. An integrated curriculum and activities will challenge students to be involved in the learning process. A variety of methods will be used to develop the abilities of each learner. The educational process will promote the worth and value of all individuals.

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),

Welcome to the 2014-15 school year! Let me introduce myself - My name is Jennifer Celadilla and I am yournew Parent Coordinator here at P811M. I’d like to tell you about our plans for upcoming events and workshops at the school and within District 75 – As well as invite you to participate in the resurgence of our PA/PTA!

This year we will continue to host our traditional events and workshops in addition to various parent support and enrichment opportunities. We are looking forward to your participation and involvement in the school community. I welcome your ideas suggestions and requests for specific parent workshops and events.

We are moving into another year of the Manhattan District 75 Parent Workshop collaboration project. This partnership is made up of the (9) Manhattan District 75 schools. As a team we have developed a schedule of workshops that will be held in our various schools. The purpose of this alliance is to provide more enrichment and supportive opportunities conveniently located in your neighborhoods than one school can provide. In our experience we have found it difficult for parent(s) / guardian(s) to make it to workshops and events because of the location and time. We understand that many of our children are bussed into schools outside of your neighborhood. We want to provide you with opportunities to meet other parents within your community whose children attend other District 75 Manhattan schools. This opportunity will provide you a source of parent peer support and community based services.

Please make sure to look for emails, flyers, letters and school wide message reminders for events and workshops. Your participation is important to this initiative.

I am updating parent email address database please email me at _ and I will include you on the distribution list. If your contact information has changed please inform, Sonia Charles, Pupils Accounting Secretary at (212) 579-3788. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns. I can be reached at (212) 579-3788

Parents are the key to a successful school and we appreciate you. Thank you in advance for your support and continued involvement.


Jennifer Celadilla

Parent Coordinator

(212) 579-3788

(212) 579-3879 (fax)

September 2014

Dear Parent(s) / Guardians (s),

Welcome to the 2014-15 school year! I am your Parent Coordinator, Jennifer Celadilla and I am looking forward to meeting you as well as spearheading a grand revival of our Parents Association.

Having a Parents Association here at P811M is very important, it is a scientific fact that children fare better emotionally and academically in school, and go on to high school and college at higher rates when their parents are involved in their schooling. This is great news! Your involvement for your child as well as for yourself will make a great difference. The Parents Association builds leadership within yourself and aids you to develop your talents as a parent and as a person.

I will be dedicating myself this year to helping you build an active Parent Association, You must know that as long as your child(ren) are student(s) of P811M/The Mickey Mantle School; you are automatically a member of the Parents Association. Your voice and contribution is needed and appreciated so that we can make a difference.

This year the Parents Association will establish regularly scheduled meetings and create fundraising and special activities and workshops for the children and families of P811M school community. We understand that many parents work during the day and hold several responsibilities so we ask that you participate in any way you can, it will be greatly appreciated.

With that, It is my great pleasure to cordially invite you to our 2014-15 Parents Association informational and Election being held on:

When: Tuesday, September 30th 2014

Where: P811M@Main 466 West End Avenue

Time: 1:30PM

Place: Auditorium (2nd Fl.)

We can be reached at (212)579-3788, I look forward to hearing from you all this year! You can also visit our P811M Parent website at for all memos and announcements. I look forward to an outstanding year at P811M – The Mickey Mantle School.


Jennifer Celadilla

Parent Coordinator


The Mickey Mantle School (Main Site)

466 West End Avenue

New York, NY 10024

(212) 579-3788

(212) 579-3879 (fax)


Barry Daub, Principal

(212) 579-3788, Ext. 2011

Vilma Melendez, Assistant Principal (149)

(212) 410-5202

John McCormick, Assistant Principal (Main Site)

(212) 579-3788, Ext. 4220


James Kijowski,Assistant Principal (101)

(212) 348-9886


Jennifer Celadilla, Parent Coordinator

(212) 579-3788, Ext.


Off Sites

P811M @ P101MP811M @ P149M

141 East 111th Street34 West 118th Street

New York, NY 10029New York, NY 10026

(212) 348-9886(212) 410-5202

(212) 369-8258 (fax)(212) 427-8740 (fax)


P811M @ P75MP811M @ P163M

735 West End Avenue163 West 97th Street

New York, NY 10025New York, NY 10025

(212) 866-5400(212) 678-2854

(212) 678-2878 (fax)(212) 678-2856 (fax)

Educational programs are provided in the different sites for children according to the special education continuum. Students are referred to a specific class ratio by the Committee on Special Education.

Special Class Staffing Ratio 12:1:1

• No more than twelve (12) students per class

• One full-time special education teacher

• One full-time paraprofessional

Serves students whose academic and/or behavioral management needs interfere with the instructional process, to the extent that additional adult support is needed to engage in learning and who require specialized/specially designed instruction which can best be accomplished in a self-contained setting.

Special Class Staffing Ratio 8:1:1

• No more than eight (8) students per class

• One full-time special education teacher

• One full-time paraprofessional

Serves students whose management needs are severe and chronic requiring intensive constant supervision, a significant degree of individualized attention, intervention and intensive behavior management as well as additional adult support.

Special Class Staffing Ratio 6:1:1 and 8:1:1 (Alternate Assessment)

• No more than six (6) students per class

• One full-time special education teacher

• One full-time paraprofessional

Serves students with very high needs in most or all need areas, including academic, social and/or interpersonal development, physical development and management. Student's behavior is characterized as aggressive, self-abusive or extremely withdrawn and with severe difficulties in the acquisition and generalization of language and social skill development. These students require very intense structured individual programming, continual adult supervision, (usually) a specific behavior management program, and individual strategies to encourage students to engage in all tasks. The students also need a program of speech/language therapy (which may include augmentative/alternative communication).

Special Class Staffing Ratio 8:1:2Pre-K

• No more than twelve (8) students per class

• One full-time special education teacher

• One additional staff person (paraprofessional) for every four students

• Serves primarily children on the autism spectrum such as Rhett’s syndrome, PDD, autism, etc.

The Division of Assessment and Accountability (DAA) develops and administers city and state tests, compiles data and produces educational reports for students, parents, teachers and members of the New York City public school community. Such information enables the Department of Education (DOE) to monitor students' progress and design short- and long-term strategies for improvement. In addition to developing and administering assessments, DAA assists schools with their research and data needs, supplies students with testing information, and provides relevant information to researchers.

Information on student achievement for all schools can be found on the DOE website. Just enter the school name or number for example; P811M, on the School Finder link on the homepage. Each school has an annual school report which includes student test results for all City and State tests.

State and federal laws, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) require that all students, including students with severe disabilities, participate in state assessments. To comply with these laws, the State Education Department (SED) requires schools to assess students with severe disabilities using the New York State Alternate Assessment. TheCommittee on Special Education(CSE) determines whether or not a student with a disability is eligible to take NYSAA based on the following criteria:

  1. The student must have a severe cognitive disability, significant deficits in communication/language, or significant deficits in adaptive behavior; and
  2. The student must require a highly specialized educational program that facilitates the acquisition, application, and transfer of skills across natural environments (home, school, community, and/or workplace); and
  3. The student must require educational support systems, such as assistive technology, personal care services, health/medical services, or behavioral intervention.

The New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) for students with severe disabilities who are at ages 10-11, 14-15, and 17-18 is a datafolio assessment in which students demonstrate their performance toward meeting the alternate performance indicator level of the New York State learning standards. Student performance in the datafolio is recorded through direct observation and documentation of the student demonstrating a performance task and may include other information such as student products, audio and videotapes, and photographs. The assessment is scored using a rubric (scoring guide).

Parents will be asked to assist in completing the NYSAA datafolio by completing a “Parent Survey” with the classroom teacher. This survey is done through an interview between the classroom teacher and the parent. Parents are asked to provide accurate information relating to the learning styles of the child.

Another form of assessment utilized for students with disabilities is known as the Brigance Assessment. This assessment is completed throughout the school year by different disciplines, for example, Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Psychologists.

As per the Chancellor’s Directive, each child should have a minimum attendance of 90%. At P811M, we expect that no child will be absent more than 5 days during the school year. Your child must come to school each day. Doctor’s appointments should be scheduled after school hours. You will be contacted if your child is absent. Excessive absences will be investigated by school officials and if needed, by outside agencies. Students who have 100% attendance during the months of October through June will be rewarded with special recognition during school assemblies.

If your child is ill, please let the school know. If a student becomes ill at school, you, or in your absence, the person designated on the emergency blue card will be contacted.

If your child will be out for three (3) days or more, please inform both the school and the bus driver. This will ensure that there is no disruption of bus service.

Parents will be notified in writing about half-days and holidays. The calendar at the back of this handbook also lists the days the school is closed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Attendance

How can I tell if my child is absent or late from school?

The school will telephone or send mailings to your home when your child is absent from school. In addition, report cards and parent-teacher conferences will provide you with information about your child’s attendance in school. You may also contact your child’s school for this information.

Who can I speak to in the school if my child is not attending and I need support or advice?

Ask to speak to your child’s guidance counselor. If the school does not have a guidance counselor, ask to speak to the assistant principal in charge of attendance or the attendance coordinator. If your child is not attending a subject class, speak to the teacher.

Must I send a note to school when my child is absent from school?

Yes. In addition, if your child visits a doctor, provide the school with a doctor’s note.

Can my child fail a subject for non-attendance in class?

Promotion is not based on attendance alone. Your child’s academic progress, class work and test scores along with attendance are considered in the evaluation of your child’s work.

Can I get attendance records for my child?

Custodial parents, legal guardians or students who have reached the age of 18 may obtain attendance records.

What can I do if my child was marked absent erroneously?Contact the school directly and ask to speak to the attendance office or the person in charge of attendance.

Can I take my child on vacation when school is in session?

No. If you take your child on vacation while school is in session, it is considered an unlawful absence.

Can I keep my child home during religious observances while school is in session?

If a specific religious observance requires your child to be absent from school, a request in writing to the school must be made prior to the date of observance. Your child will be recorded absent for the day, but it is considered to be an excused absence.

Under what circumstance will my child be excluded from attending school?

Your child can be excluded from school for medical reasons such as lack of immunization, tuberculosis examination or a highly contagious disease.

If my child will be absent from school for a long period of time because of physical / mental reasons, what must I do?

If a child is medically, physically and/or emotionally/ behaviorally/ psychologically unable to attend the customary school placement for an anticipated duration of several weeks or more, Department of Education- Home Instruction may be requested. Contact the Home Instruction Office at (718) 794-7200 for general questions or inquiries.