The aim of the service is to reduce re-offending by delivering against the objectives of the “Achieve” programme. “ACHIEVE” is the North West Probation project co funded by NOMS ESF aimed at improving the employment prospects of offenders.
The objectives are:
· To deliver a responsive and consistent mentoring service for female offenders referred by Greater Manchester Probation Service.
· To provide services which enable offenders on ACHIEVE to access volunteering opportunities.
The Mentoring Service
Service users will be offered one to one mentoring support from a trained mentor who has been CRB checked. Prior to a mentor match the service user will be invited to attend a group open session to raise their awareness of the service. The session will cover the mentoring process, the role of the mentor and the aims of the project, a subsequent induction to the project will be delivered to interested parties.
Those service users who agree to take part will complete an assessment form to aid the mentor selection process and set objectives for the mentoring relationship.
The mentoring co-coordinator will then select a mentor and facilitate a match. Both parties will have the option to opt out should the relationship be unsuccessful in which case a second mentor will be offered.
Mentors will be trained empathetic volunteers recruited from business and the wider community. Mentoring and Volunteering programmes will focus upon supporting and guiding service users to ultimately move towards training and employment opportunities.
A portfolio of volunteering opportunities will be compiled working in collaboration with local partners and volunteer bureaux in each borough. The key worker for the project will support the service user and volunteering placement facilitator throughout the placement.
The Mentors Role
To provide:
· Regular, consistent contact with the mentee as agreed.
· Provide support, encouragement and information.
· Talking through critical issues and helping the service user to identify coping strategies to maintain their progress.
· Talking about own experiences of the workplace, education in a positive and inspirational way
· Maintain record of contacts and participate in the evaluation of the programme.
· A mentor may also offer practical support in terms of additional signposting, accompanying offender to visit a location to prepare for an interview or meeting etc. However the mentor will need to refer the mentee back to the key worker for more crucial signposting or guidance.
· Act in accordance with the confidentiality/information sharing policy.
In addition mentors may
· Be required to participate in support meetings
· Participate in meetings with other Mentors
· Ongoing support will be provided by the key worker and Salford Foundation.
· The key worker will maintain regular contact and will be available to both mentor and mentee to provide both parties with the opportunity to raise any concerns or queries that arise throughout the mentoring process.