The Mental Health System is a FRONT for Nazi Genocide; an eyewitness account & excerpts & comments on the book The Men Behind Hitler-A German warning to the world by Bernhard Schreiber

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The Mental Health System (mental hygiene, psychiatry, behavioral health) is the continuation of the Nazi genocide agenda against the mentally ill, Christians, Jews, blacks & others.

The book THE MEN BEHIND HITLER, a German Warning to the World by Bernhard Schreiber, shows how psychiatry was behind the 3rd Reich, and psychiatry is part of the 4th Reich in this country and around the world. (the new world order). Hitler called the 3rd Reich the new world order. It is an anti-christ agenda. Schreiber shows how mental health, or mental hygiene, is a front for eugenics and euthenasia and sterilization.

Eugenics started in England and the US and was imported to Germany. The same people who supported eugenics and euthenasia and sterilization & abortion have been using mental hygiene and mental health as a cover for their genocidal policies. The nazis killed mental patients with drugs and gases (the T4 euthenasia program) before gassing the Jews. This was done covertly.

This was also a covert attack on Christians who they simply called mentally ill, using atheistic psychiatry & their definitions of mental illness.

Dr. Peter Breggin, who has written many books warning about toxic psych drugs, exposed how the nazis killed mental patients using them and gases.

"Nothing has harmed the quality of individual life in modern society more than the misbegotten belief that human suffering is driven by biological and genetic causes and can be rectified by taking drugs or undergoing electroshock therapy. ... If I wanted to ruin someone's life, I would convince the person that that biological psychiatry is right - that relationships mean nothing, that choice is impossible, and that the mechanics of a broken brain reign over our emotions and conduct. If I wanted to impair an individual's capacity to create empathetic, loving relationships, I would prescribe psychiatric drugs, all of which blunt our highest psychological and spiritual functions."

Peter R. Breggin, M.D., in the foreword to "Reality Therapy in Action" by William Glasser,M.D.

"Advocates of psychiatric drugs often claim that the medications improve learning and the ability to benefit from psychotherapy, but the contrary is true. There are no drugs that improve mental function, self-understanding, or human relations. Any drug that affects mental processes does so by impairing them."

"Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs", by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. & David Cohen, Ph.D. from

The Genocide of Mental Patients has continued since WWII using toxic psychiatry:

"In the 14-year period between 1950 and 1964, more American deaths occurred in state and county mental institutions than in all of the nation's armed conflicts beginning with the Revolutionary War and ending with the Persian Gulf War. Between 1965 and 1990, the total number of mental-hospital inpatient deaths exceeded the number of battle deaths in the same wars by 70 percent. Inpatient deaths topped out at 1,103,000 during this 25-year period, compared with 650,563 recorded deaths in battles."

Kelly Patricia O’Meara: "The Forgotten Dead of St. Elizabeth's", Insight Magazine, June 16, 2001 from

has quotes by & about the psychiatrists and social engineers running mental health & education revealing their real motives to be genocide, world government, atheism, mind control.

G. Brock Chisholm, Canadian psychiatrist & founder of World Federation for Mental Health, said the purpose of education is to prepare for world government; the purpose of therapy is to eradicate morality. He was against God, family, patriotism.

"We can therefore justifiably stress our particular point of view with regard to the proper development of the human psyche, even though our knowledge be incomplete. We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life…. We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine."

Dr. John Rawlings Rees, "Strategic Planning for Mental Health", June 18, 1940

"Principles of mental health cannot be successfully furthered in any society unless there is progressive acceptance of the concept of world citizenship. World citizenship can be widely extended among all peoples through applications of the principles of mental health."

National Association for Mental Health, 1948

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas...

Dr. G. Brock Chisholm, psychiatrist and co-founder of the World Federation of Mental Health

The Nazis founded an institute for Racial Hygiene, or eugenics. This supported sterilizaton and euthenasia of the mentally ill.

After the war, when the world saw that the eugenic philosophy led to genocide, they became more covert and called it Mental Hygiene.
The Rockefellers funded the Institute for Psychiatry in Munich in l938, run by Ernst Rudin, a Nazi psychiatrist.

He was also the head of the eugenics society.

The Rockefellers and other social engineers also supported eugenics and euthenasia and abortion /sterilization.

"It was only through the political work of Hitler that the meaning of racial hygiene has become publicly manifest in Germany, and it is only due to him that our thirty-year-old dream to put racial hygiene into practice has become a reality."

Dr. Ernst Rudin, Nazi psychiatrist, explaining how psychiatrists in Germany originated the ideas of genocide which Hitler later executed.
Note: Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger published Rudin's article in the U.S.: "Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need"

My article

Quotes showing the Real Agendas behind Mental Health & Education

also has other references showing the mind control agendas behind education.

Fluoride in water is Mass Medication of the Population

There is a video on Youtube, Dr Russel Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret 5/7 with a neurologist, Dr Russel Blaylock who says that the social engineers openly support population control. They want to depopulate the planet down to 500 million. This is genocide. They don't openly say how they intend to do this, but if you look at what they support, it becomes apparent. They support abortion, sterilization, eugenics, psychiatry. Blaylock talks about the Rockefeller "science of man" project where eugenics was re-named social engineering, behavioral health, mental hygiene.

He talks about how fluoride is mass medication of the population (which was used by the nazis to make the prisoners docile). It is now in 60% of the US tap water, as well as sneakily in most bottled water and many foods & beverages, such as sodas & Mcdonalds fries. It is part of the nazi agenda to drug the population. Blaylock says 60% of the UK has it, and they forced Ireland to do it. Europe is NOT fluoridated. NYC has it.

Sodium fluoride is a toxic waste, found in rat poison. Toothpastes with it say to consult poison control if swallowed. Where the water is fluoridated, IQs are 20 points lower. Fluoride does not help teeth; it causes cavities, as well as ADHD, fractures and canc--. It accumulates in the thyroid.

Sodium fluoride is the main ingredient of anti-depressant and anti-psychotics. People on these drugs have thyroid problems The social engineers & drug cos' offer to test people for depression, so they will take the drugs which actually cause depression, and which stupify people and hypnotize them, dumbing down the population.

Warning: Toxic fluoride in drinking water, psych drugs & food & how to get rid of it

has lists of foods with fluoride, & antidotes such as Vitamin C, apple pectin.
Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, who supported eugenics, abortion and sterilization of what she considered to be inferior groups such as blacks, mentally ill, the poor/ homeless.This is still their hidden agenda. They call it reproductive health care but they only support abortion. Sanger suggested using "negro" ministers as a front to falsely reassure blacks that genocide was NOT their goal; "in case some of their more rebellious members get wise to what we are doing".

The Nazi genocide of mental patients was also a covert attack on Christians since they used atheistic psychiatry to falsely call them schizophrenic.

The Jewish psychiatrists in their ignorance of Christian theology were used by the Nazis to label and treat and kill Christians & also their own people, the Jews. (Christian theology says it is normal to hear voices; Jesus said "my sheep hear my voice" John 10:27) but doctors are trained to think that anyone who hears voices is having auditory hallucinations, a supposed symptom of schizophrenia. Their 2nd question is almost always - do you hear voices?

The correct answer is that EVERYONE hears voices, as thoughts in our heads. They come from the spiritual realm. The word "inspiration " means "a spirit goes into it". But psychiatry is an atheistic materialistic anti-spiritual worldview which usually denies that the spiritual realm exists.
Sigmund Freud, the father of psychiatry, was a Jewish atheist and cocaine addict. His legacy to psychiatry is also atheism and drug addiction. Emil Kraepelin, a non-Jewish atheist and contemporary of Freud, created the labels and diagnostic criteria for mental illness. He argued for a biological model of the brain and what causes mental illness (chemical imbalances) which has become more prominent recently and is used to justify the entire pharmaceutical industry of drugs to correct chemical imbalances. There is actually no evidence of chemical imbalances prior to treatment, but the drugs do cause brain damage and change brain chemistry.

"I regard myself as one of the most dangerous enemies of religion"
Sigmund Freud

This genocide has been going on ever since WWII; God made ME a witness to it and had me write a book

Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to Psychiatry, FREE at

which exposes atheistic psychiatry which falsely calls Christians & anyone with spiritual beliefs and experiences schizophrenic, a nonsense label, and their genocide by toxic drugs, which are deadly, by design, & also how to heal mental & physical illness through prayer.

For 50 years, they have been calling Christians schizophrenic and using the drugs to genocide them.

God sent me into the system to be a witness against it. I spent 7 years in different places so I would have authority as a witness.

90% of patients are NOT ill; they are Christians being labeled schizophrenic, schizo-affective and bipolar – all nonsense.

2 years prior to this, someone prophesied over me at a Christian prayer meeting “I’m gonna use you to write a manual”. The title came to me in a dream. When asked God why I was there a 2nd time, he said “I’ve made you a witness to all this-I didn’t give you that book to have it sit in a closet.”

The mental health system is unconstitutional. Ch 1 addresses legal issues & is help for lawyers.

For additional information see article

Manual of Help for Lawyers to Win Hearings for Mental Patients

There are 4 constitutional violations: the 1st amendment for religious freedom, the 13 anti-slavery amendment, the 8th ban on cruel & unusual punishment, and the 6 & 14 due process amendments. See below.

The first amendment for religious freedom is violated by the fact that atheistic psychiatry calls anyone with spiritual experiences & beliefs schizophrenic, saying they have hallucinations and delusions which are supposed symptoms of psychosis. All Christians would be called schizophrenic, by them, and millions have been falsely called this and forcibly "treated" with anti-psychotic drugs. This is the genocide of Christians. This first amendment violation needs to be addressed by Christian lawyers in federal and the Supreme Court.

Most of the doctors are just ignorant; they are trained in an atheistic world view. Historically, however, psychiatrists have supported eugenics (sterilization of the mentally ill and euthenasia.

Rafael Zalechik wrote an article saying how Israeli psychiatrists support eugenics, as long as it doesn't lead to genocide. However, what Germany showed us is that it DOES. It is the logical result of it.
A lot of these doctors know the drugs are deadly. They consider it mercy killing to "treat" the mentally ill" with them. (euthenasia).
There are people like the prominent U.S. psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey of the Treatment Advocacy Center who argue for more "treatment" of the homeless, saying they are untreated mentally ill. It is just an excuse to euthenize the poor and homeless by calling it "treatment" for their supposed mental illness. The man is a snake. Also, the homeless who are mentally ill don't need treatment, they need housing. Homelessness can cause mental illness. A lot of these people don't get enough sleep, and that creates mental problems. Finding them shelter is treating the root of the problem. In the cities in the colder months there aren't enough places to go to rest, so they drink coffee to stay awake, which creates problems (the drugs are openings for demonic oppression which causes mental illness).

The churches & libraries should be open 24 hours, so everyone, homeless and travelers and anyone has a spiritually clean place to rest and pray. This society needs this desperately. There are not enough quiet places for people to go rest and pray. One needs quiet to hear God. We need to have that peace and contact with God's peace to hear Him speak to us. A quiet environment is necessary for that.

A lot of businesses play music; restaurants, stores, bookstores; it is everywhere, overstimulating people with programmed agendas (subconscious commands to buy in some places) and drowning out God's voice to speak to us. All the more reason the churches should be continually open, as an alternative.

The constant barrage of noise in all the restaurants is mind control of the population. Most of the music is demonic and puts people into a trance. People need to petition the stores to stop it. The social engineers are using psych drugs, music & education to brainwash & control the population.

Illuminati Mind Control in Psych Drugs, Music & Education

The social engineers won't openly say that is what they are doing. It has been documented that the mentally ill live 20 years less than non-mentally ill. This is because of the Drug treatments; the drugs are toxic and deadly. The dr's will say; well it's a cost- benefit question - it's better to have a shorter life but have better mental health (with the drugs). But the drugs don't actually improve mental health; they cause mental illness. It is a BIG Lie. And they are using the drugs to shorten their lives intentionally - genocide of the mentally ill.
The Nazis were occultists; devil worshippers.

They were anti-christian. They admitted that nazism was incompatible with Christianity. The Hitler youth sang a song which said "we have no need of Christian virtue, Adolph Hitler is our savior". (this quote is in the book Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. They didn't want to kill Christians openly, they were in a Christian country. So they used atheistic psychiatry to call them mentally ill and get support to sterilize and euthenize the mentally ill.

They have replicated the same agenda in the US; a Christian country, using mental hygiene as a front for a genocide of Christians.
Mental health is a continuation of the Nazi Genocide agenda. They killed Christians first by calling them mentally ill. They will use it on Jews next, just like they did in Germany. They are following Hitler's playbook.
Jim Marrs' bestselling book The Rise of the 4th Reichtalks about how the nazi psychiatrists and scientists came to the US under Operation Paperclip; they run the CIA and NASA. In the CIA they continued their mind control and torture research; they used MKULTRA to brainwash assassins using drugs for political purposes. They were behind the killing of RFK, MLK, John Lennon and others. Bill Clinton apologized for MKULTRA.

Psychiatry, Nazis and the 4th Reich interview with Jim Marrs, author of The Rise of the 4th Reich

has an interview with Marrs. He says "it makes you wonder who won the war".
Someone gave a prophetic warning that "those who will harm you will be those who would heal you". They are using healthcare to genocide the planet, through toxic mental health drugs, toxic vaccines, fluoridated water which is toxic and poisoned food. The GMOS in food causes sterility. That is their purpose.

The Dangers of Healthcare; Look to God – He heals

Mandated health care is just a way of using healthcare to genocide the population. First they pass mandatory health insurance. Then they will say that in order to get the insurance, you have to take mandatory vaccines. And these are toxic.
They do this in jails already; mandate vaccines. In order to be released into the general population, people are told they have to have a tb shot, otherwise people stay in solitary confinement.
Jesse Ventura, former Minnesota governor, has a show called Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura which you can watch on youtube. In the first season in an episode on Secret Societies he has an interview with a doctor hiding out in panama, who tells him most vaccines have Squaline, a poison, designed to make people sick and die. She says one of the global elite said to her "it's getting near time to cull the population".