This baseline survey will inform theBarcelona IWEC Mentorsto develop the program and personal growth of mentees. Thank you for accepting to complete this survey. All information provided will remain confidential and will only be used as a statistic by the Advisory Board.
Directions: Please circle or tick ONE response per question.
A.General Information – Please answer ALL
- Dependants (Number of people within or outside of your household whom you support financially on a regular basis):
A.1-5 B. 6-10 C. 11-15 D. more than 15
- Highest level of education completed:
A. Primary B. Secondary D. Tertiary (certificate, first diploma, Bachelor’s) D. University Graduate/Post-graduate (Master’s, PhD, etc.)
- What sector is your business?
- Agriculture
- Mining, Oil, Gas
- Financial services
- Healthcare/medical
- Retail/distribution
- Information Communications and Technology
- Transportation
- Utilities(incl. Telecommunications)
- Real estate
- Manufacturing (incl. handcrafts, and any other type of product production)
- Services
- food/beverage,
- beauty/cosmetics;
- legal, events,
- administrative/consulting
- Other: ______
- How many years have you been in this business? A. less than 1 year B. 1-5 years C. 6-10 years D. over 10 years
- Which of these statements best describes your current company performance:
- I am totally satisfied with my current company performance
- I am looking to change my current company performance
- I need to be trained to change my current company performance
B.Business Activity
- Is your business legally registered? Yes__ No____
- How much in initial funds did you need to start your business?
- less than $1,000B. $1,000-5,000C. 5000-10,000D. 10,000-20,000E. more than 20,000
- How did you obtain the initial capital?
A. SavingsB. Loans/gifts from family/ friendsC. Commercial Bank LoanD. Grant from organization or government E. Other
- Describe the ownership / shareholding structure of your business.
- Do you have a formal financial or accounting system? Yes___ No____
- Is your accounting system hand-written or by computer? A. Hand-written B. By computer
- What was your company’s total revenue last year?
A. less than $50,000B. $50,000-100,000C.$100,000-250,000D. $250,000-500,000
E. $500,000-1mil F. over $1million
- How many total employees does your business currently employ in a year?
A. 1-25 B. 25-50 C. 51-100D. 100-500 E. over 500
- Does your company employ seasonal or temporary workers? Yes_____ No______
- If yes, what percentage of your staff isseasonal / temporary? A. 25%B. 50% C. 75% D. 95%
- Does your company trade or do business outside of the country? Yes___ No_____
Explain: ______
- Where are the majority of your customers/clients?
- Local (Within my city/province) B. National (across the country) C. Regional (within Africa) D. International/Global
- What is your role within the company?
C.Business Skills
- Please tick the single answer you feel most represents you:
- I currently am trying to determine what skills would best help me in the future
- I currently have a clear sense of what skills would best help me in the future, but have not developed those skills
- I currently have a clear sense of what skills would best help me in the future, and have developed some of those skills
- I have developed all of the skills I need, and use all of my skills in my work day-to-day
- I have developed all of the skills I need, and I am learning how to teach other women these skills
- I have developed all of the skills I need, and I regularly teach women these skills
- On a scale from 1-5 (1 =no knowledge , 2=a little knowledge, 3=some knowledge, 4=a lot of knowledge, 5= expert knowledge on the topic), how would you rate your skill level in the following areas:
- Business management (i.e. how to run a business, grow a business, take a business to regional and global scales, use business skills to manage a project, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Financial management (i.e. how to keep track of revenue and expenses, how to manage money or funding, create budgets, developing fiscal policies and practices, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Access to capital (i.e. attracting investors, obtaining loans, going public, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Communications (i.e. creating presentations, giving speeches to groups, networking skills, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Marketing (i.e. designing promotional materials, raising awareness about the project or business, collecting information to make decisions, analyzing competitors, targeting products/customers/regions, hiring people to evaluate opportunities, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Business or Strategic planning (i.e. how to create and implement an action plan, timeline, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Corporate Governance, Ethics (i.e. starting or maintaining a corporate board, company policies, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Technology/ICT (i.e. collecting information to make decisions, analyzing competitors, targeting products/customers/regions, hiring people to evaluate opportunities, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Operations management (human resources, capital management, etc.)
Answer: ______
- Which ONE of the above areas do you most want to work on in the next 12 months?
- What strategic challenges do you face in this area?
D.Business Environment
- What is the ONE bigobstacle that is limiting your success as a woman in business?
A. Discrimination against women (legal, customary, workplace)
B. Lack of land/inheritance/collateral
C. Limited access to finance
D. Lack of business knowledge/skills
E. Corruption F. Infrastructure (roads, technology, telecommunications, etc.)
- Are you aware of any Supplier Diversity opportunities for women entrepreneurs? Yes____No____
- Are you currently a supplier to government or to multinational corporations?Yes____No____
E.Civic Engagement/Helping Others
- On a scale from 1-5 (1 = this is never true, 2=this is usually not true, 3= this is true half of the time, 4=this is mostly true, 5 = this is always true), how would you rate the following statements:
- I believe it is my personal duty to improve the lives of others Answer: ______
- I am currently leading or involved in a project that is focused on improving the lives of others Answer: ______
- I feel like I can have a positive impact on my community Answer: ______
- Please tickthe single statement you think most describes you:
- Currently I am using my business and/or an initiative or project to help others
- Currently, I am using my business, and/or an initiative or project to help others, and I am focused on expanding my efforts to help even more people
- I have a business an initiative or project, but I need help developing it so that it can benefit others
- My business, initiative, or project currently does not help women in need.
- Are you a member of any business organization? Yes ______No ______
- Are you a member of any social, volunteer, and/or political organizations in this country?Yes___No____
- On a scale from 1-5 (1 = this is never true, 2=this is usually not true, 3= this is true half of the time, 4=this is mostly true, 5 = this is always true), how would you rate the following statements:
- I consider myself a leader
Answer: ______
- I consider myself a mentor
- My leadership crosses sectors (both business and public)
Answer: ______
- My leadership creates opportunities for others as much as it benefits myself
Answer: ______