Special Meeting

June 26, 2017

The Henning City Council held a special meeting at 12:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a nuisance ordinance hearing and to consider ordinance amendments. Present were Mayor Hermanson, Nancy Oseien, Jeremiah Rice, Doug Trana and Gaylord Anderson. Also present was Bert Thomas and Dan Broten.

Bert Thomas was present to discuss issues pertaining to his property. He requested the City replace the failing retaining wall, stating the City replaced the sidewalk, thereby causing it to fall. Superintendent Grabe showed photos of the wall taken by the concrete contractor prior to commencing work on the sidewalk showing the wall was already falling. Both Grabe and the contractor recall Thomas stating he planned to replace the wall. Hence, no fill was brought in after the sidewalk was completed, with the assumption being that it would only be disturbed by work done to replace the wall. Letters were sent to all property owners affected by the street and utilities project at the conclusion, and no correspondence was received from Thomas stating he would be delaying plans to replace the retaining wall. Council member Oseien said that she was in favor of bringing in fill so that Thomas could replace the wall if he so desired but that it is not the City’s responsibility to pay to replace the wall. Council member Rice stated that a precedent would be set if we were to replace the wall. He told Thomas that because it is his wall, he was agreeable to the City providing a truck to assist with the work, but not in favor of paying for materials. An order for abatement stating that the property be cleaned up of all junk and stored materials by July 14,2017 and the retaining wall be repaired, replaced or removed by September 1, 2017 was approved on motion by Oseien, S-Rice; M/C.

The meeting was recessed and the Ordinance hearing convened at 1:10 p.m.

Ordinances being considered: Requirements for City Approvals of Permits

Parking and Storage

Impoundment and Disposition of Motor Vehicles


No one being present to discuss the proposed ordinance amendments, the Council briefly discussed whether to require permits for motorized golf carts, utility task vehicles and mini trucks. It was requested to bring a sample application to a future meeting for consideration.

The hearing was closed and the special meeting reconvened at 1:20 p.m.

Resolution 2017-09 Approving Ordinance Amendments was passed on motion by Rice, S-Anderson, M/C/U on roll call vote.

Permits for Troy and Jessica Anderson and Mike and Jennifer Stevens were approved on motion by Rice, S-Trana; M/C.

Stormwater accumulation at the intersection of School Avenue and Inman Street was discussed. After receiving significant rainfall in a very short time frame, the ditch filled with water, concerning Tim Dally. Mayor Hermanson reported that he called the county engineer’s office and it happened that an engineer was very close by. He proceeded to shoot elevations which showed that it would be impossible for water to flood the Dally apartment building. It was also noted the water runs from West toward town. If the culvert under Barry Johnson’s driveway were deeper, water could flow properly from the West. The county is not taking responsibility, stating they haven’t done anything because it isn’t hurting anything. The County did agree to furnish a culvert and replace bituminous material, however the City would be responsible for excavation costs estimated to be approximately $4,000. Council member Rice asked whether we could budget for the project and complete the work next year. Grabe stated that the project should be done, but is not terribly urgent and could wait. Hermanson will check with the County to see how long the offer stands. Grabe will also check with the City engineer about completing a water/storm water plan to have ready should grants become available in the future.

Mayor Hermanson updated the Council on developments pertaining to the purchase of additional property near the airport, allowing for relocation of the fence. Currently, the property owner to the north is willing to sell but does not want the transaction to take place until 2018. Melissa Underwood, airport engineer is checking with MNDot to see whether it would be possible to move the allocated grant funds to the following fiscal year.

Rice and Oseien reported that a childcare committee meeting had been held and they are waiting to learn more from Joan Gedde of Henning Rehab and Healthcare Center, whether a childcare facility could potentially be located on the premises.

The meeting was adjourned on motion by Rice, S-Oseien at 1:49 p.m.

Gina Ellingson City Clerk/Treasurer

Jim Hermanson Mayor