Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The meeting was held at the 9-1-1 Center on Core Rd. Chairman Doug Hess brought the meeting to order at 12:10 PM. Also attending were: Kathy Tucker, Steve Johnk, Ken Harris, Dot Harris, Jason Franklin, Sherri Christopher, Carolyn Scott, Jim Rose, Larry Edwards, Kevin Campbell, Susi Gilmore, Carl Reynolds, Roberta Cox, Terry Moore, Michael Barrick, Keith Roberts, Dave White, Tim Pingley, Carl Sizemore, Wayne Dunn, Eric Chichester, Wendy Tuck, Arnie Green, Larry Stephens, Earl Totten, Don Williams, Eric Bucklin, Becky Mathes-Stump, Paula Strawder, and Todd Belcher
There was one correction to the minutes. Susi Gilmore said she was at the last meeting but was not listed. Mary Beth will correct.
Grant Committee
Wendy Tuck said that Sweetsong has begun work on the video being produced with the $11,000 Citizens Corps Grant. It will be available to businesses likely to be affected by western migration.
The HMEP Grant is due at the end of June. Doug suggested a new Commodity Flow Study might be in order since it has been ten years since the last and there have been numerous road changes in the area. He explained that the HMEP is a federal grant for hazardous materials while the SERC is a state grant from the Tier Two filing fees. The SERC Grant will be $1000 this year.
Doug has found a web site that he would like to use as a basis for a website customized for this area. There are many web pages from various agencies with a lot of information that could be adapted in a concise way for Wood County.
The Grant Committee will schedule a meeting soon.
Other Business
There will be training on manning a Volunteer Mobilization Center at First Lutheran Church on March 22.
There will be a workshop on Internal Control for Organizations on March 31 at the Country Club.
Training on Volunteer Management will be held at Stout Memorial on April 28.
Call Wendy for additional information on these events.
Jim mentioned that there are national models for the representation needed at an EOC.
Doug introduced Dr. Wayne Dunn, County Commissioner. Dr. Dunn talked briefly about the importance of individuals maintaining organic gardens and their ability to provide for their families during a catastrophic event.
Doug discussed the upcoming Joint EOC Drill with Washington County.
Jim mentioned that there are national models recommending representatives needed in an EOC.
Good of the Order
Arnie Green discussed Dupont’s Responsible Care Management System. His presentation included information on this global initiative that deals with safety, health, environment and security. Dupont is involved in the program as a member of the American Chemistry Council.
He also reported that at a recent meeting at Snowshoe regarding Western Migration it is estimated that 1.3 million people would pass through West Virginia with 700,000 stopping in the event of a dirty bomb or natural disaster on the east coast.
Todd Belcher of the WVU Extension Office discussed the gardening classes he offers. Paula Strawder provided hand- outs on canning and freezing.
Jim made a motion to recommend membership for Carl Reynolds of the WV Laborers Training Facility, Jason Franklin of the National Weather Service, Todd Belcher of the WVU Extension Office and Eric Bucklin of Ohio Valley University. Kenny seconded the motion which passed.
Doug said he would like to nail down a time and place for the Michigan State program which brings together business and emergency management. He has been working with local chambers of commerce. The recommended number of attendees is 40 or less. Wendy volunteered to help with the logistics.
Jim made a motion to adjourn at 1:20. Terry seconded the motion which passed.
The next meeting will be held at Noon, Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at the Wood County E-911 Center on Core Rd. Come early and bring your lunch.
Please RSVP by Monday, May 18 to Mary Beth at 420-0911 or