April 29, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bauerle, withBeck,Sandquistand Beckman present.
Beck moved to approve the agenda with the addition of a report on the Julesburg Enhancement Project and courthouse chairs under unfinished business. Second by Sandquist, carried.
Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting. Beck reported that TJ Amendt, Amendt Custom Building and Design, Inc, called with complaints concerning concrete that Sedgwick County Concrete poured at the home of Mike and Sharon Green. The complaint was that there was dirt mixed in with the concrete and that caused voids. Renquist explained to the Board that there could have been some dirt that got into the concrete but he feels that the amount of the bill sent to fix the situation is far too much. Discussion was held. The Board will listen to TJ Amendt at 9:30 and will consult with James Wittler, Attorney, before any decisions are made. Renquist left the meeting.
Randy Peck, Sheriff, Darin Falk, Undersheriff and Joanna Burke, Dispatcher, joined the meeting. Bauerle gave the guests an update on the communications center. Bauerle reported that the DOLA grant came through and that the communication center project will begin in the near future. Bauerle asked Peck to not make any unnecessary purchases as there will be many new purchases of equipment through the communications center project. Peck reported that Platinum Technologies did not get back to him after being called for a problem in the Sheriff’s office. The Board will look into this matter. Discussion was held on some issues with the WENS system calls. The guests left the meeting.
T.J. Amendt, Amendt Custom Building and Design, Inc, and Sharon Green joined the meeting. Amendt told the Board about a concrete issue concerning the job he is doing for the Green’s and using Sedgwick County Concrete. Amendt explained that there was dirt in the concrete received from Sedgwick County Concrete that caused two holes in the concrete pad. The Green’s are willing to have the holes patched as a solution to this problem. Amendt gave the Board a copy of an email he sent to Renquist that had a breakdown of the cost to fix this problem and said that Renquist has acted very unprofessional. Amendt expressed his concerns about the mixture of concrete coming from the Sedgwick County Concrete. Beck told Amendt and Green that the Board will meet with the Attorney to discuss this situation. Amendt and Green left the meeting.
Julius Dobranski and Elizabeth Ederlyi joined the meeting. Bauerle asked if there were any bids submitted for the following two properties: Sedgwick Original Town, Block 2, lots 10,11 & 12 and Sedgwick 1st Addition, Block 4, lots 9 & 10. There were no bids received for the two properties. Dobranski and Ederlyi left the meeting.
Payable vouchers and payroll were reviewed. Beck moved to approve payable vouchers and payroll. Second by Sandquist, carried.
Minutes of the April 23, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Beck, carried.
Beckman reported that there was an injury to an individual that was originally reported as working for the useful public service, however, after doing some research, found that this individual was working for Human Services. Lisa Ault was contacted by phoneand she reported that it was an Employment First incident and she is looking into this matter and will get back to the Board.
Beck reported on the Julesburg Enhancement meeting he attended.
Discussion was held on the communications center. The Board left a message for Greg Etyl.
Sandquist reported that the District Court reported that they will be purchasing two tables, a small desk and eight chairs for the courtroom. Beck reported that Alan Harris said Justin Julius will put in a bid for the chair refinishing project. Discussion was held. Beck moved to table the chair refinishing until the new furniture arrives from the district court and to get their input about the color and design of the stackable chairs. Sandquist second, carried.
Beck reported that a concerned citizen told him that there are four culverts, two of which are eroding into the road and two that are rusting out and need replaced on County Road 32.
Beckman told the Board that the Clerk’s office is in the process of setting up ACH to be able to accept debit/credit cards. Sandquist moved to authorize Christy Beckman to sign the NIC, Inc contract for the Clerk’s office. Beck second, carried.
Sandquist reported that he received a call from Steve Hoffmeister concerning the fairground marquee board. Discussion was held.
Wade Sanstra, Intrado, Wes Horn, Century Link, Mark Turner, Civil Defense, Randy Peck, Sheriff, Darin Falk, Undersheriff, Joanna Burke, Dispatcher and Juby Cumming, Assessor joined the meeting. Sanstra and Horn gave a presentation on the Postron VIPER Power 9-1-1. Questions were answered after the presentation and the guests left the meeting.
Dan Pederson, Accountant, joined the meeting. Pederson gave the Board the Local Highway Finance Report for review. Beck moved to approve the Local Highway Finance Report. Sandquist second, carried. Pederson left the meeting.
Meeting was adjourned.
Gene Bauerle, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board