Graduate Council Minutes


PRESENT: Durham (Chair), Bonnell, Frazer, Goebel, Hardgrave, McGuire, Niemeier, Rhim, Rodgers, Rowser, Schultz, Valadares, and Zehr.

The meeting was called to order at 8:12 AM.

  1. Approval of Minutes

Dr. McGuire moved the minutes be approved as distributed. Dr. Goebel seconded. Motion passed.

  1. Graduate Faculty Applications
  2. Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Schultz seconded that George Barton be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2013. Motion passed.
  3. Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Schultz seconded that Roxanne Beckham be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2013. Motion passed.
  4. Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Schultz seconded that CheronaHajewski be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed.
  5. Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Schultz seconded that Adam Henney be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2013. Motion passed.
  6. Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Schultz seconded that Jennie Hiam be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2013. Motion passed.
  7. Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Schultz seconded that Elizabeth C. Bonham be approved as Regular-3 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being fall 2015. Motion passed.
  8. Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Schultz seconded that Tracy J. Kinner be approved as Regular-3 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2015. Motion passed.
  9. Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Schultz seconded that Maria Shireybe approved as Regualr-3 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2015. Motion passed.
  10. Dr. Goebel moved and Dr. McGuire seconded that Michael Galvin be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed.
  11. Dr. Goebel moved and Dr. McGuire seconded that Sheila L. Huff be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed.
  12. Dr. Goebel moved and Dr. Bonnell seconded that Emily Smith-McCormick be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2013. Motion passed.
  13. Dr. Goebel moved and Dr. McGuire seconded that Gina Berridge be approved as Regular-3 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2015. Motion passed.
  14. Dr. Goebel moved and Dr. McGuire seconded that Susan H. Gooden be approved as Regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2018. Motion passed
  15. Dr. Goebel moved and Dr. McGuire seconded that Joyce Gulley be approved as Regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2018. Motion passed

The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 AM.