Branch Meeting

October 20, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance: Randy Ball

Prayer: Dennis Kaminski

Roll Call of Officers: All were present except Bob Muse (excused for training).

Minutes from the Previous Meeting: A motion was made by Joe Shouse to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Mike Plaskon seconded. Motion passed.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: Gary Bluestone gave his report. A motion was made by Joe Glessner to approve the report. Mike Plaskon seconded. Motion passed.

Nominations of Officers: All nominated accepted the nominations.

President: Ted Lee*

Executive Vice President: Randy Ball/George Reffert

Vice Pres.: Pat Rothwell*

Secretary-Treasurer:Gary Bluestone*

Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: Marilyn Viggiano/Tom Hein

Senior Trustee: Dennis Kaminski*

Trustees: Paul Mooney, Ed Heide*

MBA Representative: Carole Ann Connelly*

HBP Representative; Alex Criego*

OWCP/RetirementOfficer: Joe Roman*

ACLC Delegates: Ron Blank*, Darryl Ulyas*, Dave Zavasky*, Bob Muse*, Dave Bugay*

**Indicates elected by acclamation.

According to Article V, Section 6b of the Branch By-Laws, an election committee was appointed.

Nominations for State Officers (2 positions) were as follows:

Alex Criego (50), Matt Sherry (38), Tom Hein (7) and George Reffert (17). All accepted the nomination. Final count is indicated after each name.

Guest Speakers: Myra Warren (Director of Life Insurance for the NALC), Bill Lucini (National Business Agent), and Joe Antal (PA State Association President) addressed the membership.

Executive Vice President Report: none

VP's Report: none

Presidents’ Report: Ted Lee spoke on the following issues:

  1. Mike Plaskon, our former president, resigned and returned to carrying.
  2. State Convention: All delegates should have received their credentials. Don't forget to bring them with you to the convention (October 27-29).
  3. CCA membership: we are up to 92% within the overall 96% and branch.
  4. Meetings: a regional meeting was held on October 4, 2016 in Greensburg. The Canonsburg Labor-Management meeting scheduled for October 18 was canceled. We hope to reschedule that meeting, and schedule one in Greensburg, and in the City.

Important dates to remember: Shop Steward Training-November 14 at 7 PM

Branch Meeting--- November 17 and Dec. 15 at 7:30 PM

Stops Staples Rallies- November 13-- Monaca,- 11-12:30PM

Branch Meeting Oct. 20, 2016, (con’t)

Unfinished Business: Bill Lucini recognized all the Veterans and thanked them for their service. All veterans are encouraged to join the NALC Veterans Group.

New Business: Gary Bluestone explained to the membership that our office computer system needs completely overhauled. Many of the computers are near or at capacity. He estimated that the cost will be somewhere between $10,000- $15,000.

**A motion was made by Gary Bluestone to allocate the funds necessary to upgrade our computer system. Mike Plaskon seconded. Motion passed

Good the Association: Dave Zavaskythanks everyone who participated in the Labor Day parade.

Correction: There was an error in the dates for the FEHBP Open Season. They are from November 14-December 12. Please consider the NALC health benefit plan.

50-50 Raffle: Paul Mooney won $74.

Adjournment: The meeting adjournedat 8:43 PM.


Marilyn Viggiano

Assistant Secretary-Treasurer