Paint Creek ISD

Board Meeting

April 20, 2015

The Paint Creek Board of Education met in regular session with the following members present: Bruce Waters, Sherrie Raughton, Kendell Medford, Dana Pendergraft and Gina Buerger. Randy Emert and Barry Shaw were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm

Bruce Waters read the minutes from the March 23rd meeting. Motioned by Sherrie Raughton seconded by Bruce Waters to approve the minutes as read. 5 for 0 against

Discuss and approve network products and E-rate: Becky Pair spoke to the Board. Motioned by Bruce Waters seconded by Kendell Medford to adopt the E-rate proposal as submitted. See attached. 5 for 0 against

Current bills: Motioned by Dana Pendergraft seconded by Sherrie Raughton to approve current bills. 5 for 0 against

Seniors to discuss their trip and ask permission to use both vans: no action taken

Approve Student Insurance for the 2015-16 school year: Motioned by Bruce Waters seconded by Dana Pendergraft to approve using Texas Student Resources-Health Special Risk at a cost of $7984.00 for the 2015-16 school year.

Discuss and approve Personnel/Teacher contracts for the 2015-16 school year: Motioned by Sherrie Raughton seconded by Bruce Waters to approve the rehiring of the following teachers on a term contract for the 2015-16 school year:

Tammie Hawkins Amy Jimenez Tracey Graham Emily Olson

Nan Sublett Kristi Moeller Shannon Livingston Roy Gardner

Cynthia Cumby Becky Pair Bobby Busby

5 for 0 against

Motioned by Sherrie Raughton seconded by Dana Pendergraft to approve the rehiring of the following teachers on a probationary contract for the 2015-16 school year:

Ben smith Alexis Wright Garrett Dowell Chelsea Bullard

Marti London

5 for 0 against

Motioned by Dana Pendergraft seconded by Bruce Waters (with regrets) to accept Ben Smith’s resignation as of May 30, 2015.

Discuss and approve a depository bank extension for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years: Motioned by Bruce Waters seconded by Sherrie Raughton to approve a two year extension with Hamlin National Bank. 5 for 0 against

Approve the calendar for the 2015-16 school year: motioned by Dana Pendergraft seconded by Bruce Waters to approve the calendar as presented. See attached 5 for 0 against

Discuss and approve Grimes and Associates Asbestos Plan: Motioned by Bruce Waters seconded by Kendell Medford to approve the Asbestos Plan as presented at a cost of $7525.00. 5 for 0 against

Other Business: Roof Leaks, New Buses needed. No action taken.

Financial Report given to Board

At-will Employees letters of assurance will be issued in May

Principal’s Report given to Board

Motioned by Kendell Medford seconded by Sherrie Raughton to adjourn. 5 for 0 against

Time 7:45pm

Approved: ______

President of Board


Date Secretary of Board

Paint Creek ISD

Called Board Meeting

April 24, 2015

Paint Creek Board of Directors met in a called meeting with the following members present: Dana Pendergraft, Gina Buerger, Kendell Medford, Randy Emert and Bruce Waters. Sherrie Raughton and Barry Shaw were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00am.

Discuss and approve applying for waivers to the TEA for 3 Staff development days, in lieu of students’ school days, for the 2015-18 school years and low attendance waiver and bad weather waiver for all eligible days for the 2014-15 school year: Motioned by Bruce Waters seconded by Dana Pendergraft to approve applying for the 3 staff development days waiver as presented. 5 for 0 against

Motioned by Kendell Medford seconded by Randy Emert to approve applying for the low attendance and bad weather waiver days as needed. 5 for 0 against

Motioned by Bruce Waters seconded by Kendell Medford to approve paying Employees for the missed instruction day due to bad weather for the 2014-15 school year. 5 for 0 against

Oversight of one teacher on the approved list. Positon of Counselor/Teacher: Motioned by Bruce Waters seconded by Dana Pendergraft to approve rehiring Valiene Bullinger on a term contract for the 2015-16 school year. 5 for 0 against

Motioned by Kendell Medford seconded by Randy Emert to adjourn. 5 for 0 against

Time 8:11am

Approved: ______

President of Board


Date Secretary of Board