State St Room

April 25, 2011

University Center

4:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 4:06pm


Present: Tyler Smith

Marcus Rochellle

James Hawkins (late)

Katie Lieberknecht

Onyi Apakama

Safa Lele

Breyanna Carter

April Gubatina

Raul Martinez

Chloe Stryker

Yeni Nguyen

Alex Onodera

Lucy Nguyen



Absent:Ahmed Naguib

Jason Lopez

Javier Martinez

Advisor:Cindy Lopez, Jose Raygoza


Shae has class from 4-5pm.

Onyi needs to be excused from 8pm onward.

Wariss Abedi is proxy for Ahmed.

Jack Gaylord is proxy for Jason.

Kadeem is proxy for Beatriz. – Motion to suspend orders of day by Marcus; second by Wariss to have Jonathan proxy and reinstate orders of the day

James will be a little late.

MC motion to accept the proxies and excused absences. (Yeni) (Marcus)

MCC passed by consent. Acceptance of proxies and excused absences.


24 SB Investment Assoc. – allocations.

3. EAB – action item – trying to get approval for funding they have.

25 SRB gov. board to new business.

13. Global medical brigade supposed to be in agenda and being squeezed in for new business.


Cindy – all AS lock in’s reaffirmed.

Jose - Per legal code all unused money goes back to unallocated – as of today $27,396.17 total left in unallocated.


MC motion by Marcus to accept the amended agenda.; Second by Lucy

MCC passed by consent. Acceptance of the agenda.


Marcus accepts last weeks; Tyler second – passed with consent


1. IOT for reallocation

allocated $3,920 for Campbell + $50 for advertising – tried to work into budget videographer, which was funded by FB last yr. – lowered Campbell to $3,685 and was wondering if they could use leftovers $ for videographer

Alex: so would people be selling them? Would other IOT ppl only have access?

Speaker: everyone can buy one

Katie: how much is videographer in total

Speaker: abt 250 in total

2. CALPIRG changing date


1.Mujeres Sin Limites

Marcus motion to table indefinitely; second by Onyi – passes with consent

2.Simga Chi Omega

Motion to table indefinitely by Raul; second by Lucy – passes with consent

3.ECCES Parent Council

Motion to table to end of new business by Raul; second by Tyler – passes with consent

4.Sigma Kappa Chi

Philanthropy wk focusing in hmn sex trafficking – May 16th-19th tabling at arbor and UCEN – hosting events fundraiser donating $ to purple rose campaign – info night on what hmn trafficking is – movie sin city diaries - $3640 total

Raul – are you just requesting money for shirts

Speakers – probably just a typo; requesting $ for everything

Katie: are t-shirts being sold?

Speaker: just giving out

Katie: who are the donors? Are you paying for the movie rights?

Speaker: Purple Rose campaign – certain venues require you to have one – depends on the place – were able to do it last yr. w/o rights

Alex: how many ppl in org.

Speaker: 26 active members

Alex: did you get shirts last yr.

Speaker: yes about same amt.

Onyi: speakers fee for both?

Speaker: yes

Kadeem: Expected attendance for film screening?

Speaker: abt. 30

5.Active Minds

Mental Health interns collaborating wed. May 11th – photo booth contribution

Onyi: rented or bought

Speaker: rented

Marcus: is there a reason to go this route

Speaker: what the group decided on and seemed more fun to give to ppl

Tyler: how many pics can be taken

Speaker: unlimited use

Katie: will this be running all day

Speaker: from 11-4


Budget change handed out – May 5th women’s appreciation day – total $3800 – would RSVP – venue’s a surprise – right now at Hillel – night of poetry, dinner, entertainment – change in catering to $3300 – would want to use one-time exception but up to discretion of the board

Alex: besides FB how are you advertising

Speaker: using FB and handing out personal invites

Alex: how many ppl does the catering serve

Speaker: 150-200

Alex: in the past have you had that many ppl

Speaker: yes but trying to keep numbers under control

Katie: where are you getting the catering?

Speaker: Belazzio

7.Lambda Sigma Gamma Sorority, Inc.

Motion by Raul to table indefinitely; Second by Safa – passes with consent

8.Engineers without Borders

This weekend having a bioscope wksp – bldg a stove and have speaker – mentor for Korean team project – new perspective on reducing carbon emission – goals: to build 2 stoves and cook on it – 2nd day edu. Wksp talking abt cultural and social aspects

Marcus: how long is the speaker going to be in town

Speaker: will be here for 2 full days

Marcus: is he a UC professor

Speaker: no, indep. Contractor

Alex: how are you advertising

Speaker: FB + flyers

Yeni: have you done this before

Speaker: first time but passionate abt project

Yeni: where is it taking place

Speaker: someone’s ranch house in Goleta – university wouldn’t let them use facilities

Yeni: how big is the facility

Speaker: outdoor camp style with a lot of land

Yeni: it might require a one-time exception since it’s funded off campus – would you be willing to use that

Speaker: would want that

Yeni: how are you getting students to the event

Speaker: getting a carpool system and possibly van to help ppl get there

Lucy: how many expected

Speaker: around 30-40

Yeni: speaker going to demonstrate the project

Speaker: will help on the bldg. process and the science behind stove – constr. Plus implications

Yeni: $2000 – negotiated or asking price?

Speaker: asking price

Yeni: is there any way to negotiate the fee

Speaker: possibly. We can call him tonight and will have a mtg. later to discuss

Yeni: is it possible for you as students to do it yourselves and teach audience to do it

Speaker: wants a more participatory process and work with students to build it – want to use more natural mats. And experience how to build these and reduce carbon emissions

9.Poetry/Poetics Hub

Motion by Breyanna to table until the end of new business; second by Wariss – passes with consent


May 6th having annual conference to help women learn how to get into college

James: transportation and shirts? Food?

Speaker: asking for all 3

11.La Escuelita

May 14th student parent conference – learn abt. Getting into college plus tools – student life – FA wksp – all day event from 9-3pm – involve parents and students and mostly fm low income – expecting abt 100 ppl – provide a day-care and activities – keynote speaker professor Rios and Financial Advisors – most expensive is catering

12.American Indian Mentor Association

Only need $500 as opposed to $2000 asked – only need remaining $ for food – in conjunction with SLO for native pops – honoring grads fm amer. Indians minor – has list of donors

Raul: is this only for grads:

Speaker: undergrads, grad, minor

Matie: is CaLPOLY putting something in

Speaker: yes a lot

13. Global Medical Brigade

funded for global health awareness wk. – asking for medical brigade to Honduras June 13th-16th – donated medical supplies from Direct relief international – asking for $3010 total – showed how much volunteers put in – fundraising for medication and chose essential medication – multivitamins, heart and diabetes meds. – also fundraising for whole yr. and have other funding sources avail. – restaurant sponsors fundraiser – impact UCSB – memorable experience – giving UCSB high rep. among global medical brigade – trying to spread awareness and ways to get involved during awareness wk.

Onyi: how many students are going

Speaker: 44 students and 20 or so professionals and possibly families

Alex: how much were you given last year

Speaker: $6000 from AS

14.DJ Club

Publicize as much as possible for a new group - $50 for advertising, tabling, FB - $343.76 total – bbq for outreach – ppl interested in learning DJ techniques, lighting, etc. – trying to host bi-monthly DJ wksps. – Food for $293.76 plus $50


5th yr. – collective of spoken word, documentary, to talk abt. Higher edu. Issues for women of color and queer of color – May 13th and 14th – about 300 ppl coming to watch the show and always sell out venue - $150 for posters – programs $400 - Total $550

Alex: where are you getting funding for food and kitchen

Speaker: done outside fundraising and gotten money from other organizations

Alex: normally don’t fund programs

Speaker: switch line items $0 for programs and $400 for food

Katie: where are you getting your food?

Speaker: keeping it simple; wraps; snacks, etc.

16.Pilipino Graduation

cultural night after-party – happen every yr. – at the hub Sat. May 7th for over 100 student members – congratulate them for hard work on PCN production – need $ for venue, CSOs – open to everyone on UCSB campus

Lucy: have you tried getting funding from anywhere else? – suggested After Dark – have you negotiated with the DJ

Speaker: only tried FB – will try to negotiate

Safa: how many ppl are you expecting? Are you advertising

Speaker: abt 100ppl plus their friends – and waiting on $ for advertising and tabling with PCN and FB

Apex: is this an open event?

Speaker: yes

17.Peer Education Program

speak up vs hate wk – solidarity rally – having music, white boards to discuss hate issues – student panel on whether hate exists at UCSB – safe spaces for queer folk – doing program with DSP interns – Wed. self-defense wksp. – intro to hate crimes and hate incidents and how you can help – asking for $3945.25 - $3545,25 for t-shirts – refreshments fm Costco and each night have pizza – trying to get sandwich boards from Home depot for advertising – misc. $50 for buttons

Alex: how much was food

Speaker: $300 all fm Costco

Alex: what do the shirt look like

Speaker: slogan “hate is the epidemic, love is the cure” on t-shirt and haven’t gotten it finalized and would add AS if they funded it – from IV print

Katie: have you already ordered your shirts

Speaker: no

18.UCSB Sociology Association

program open to everyone of all majors – friends of our community homeless banquet – at St. Marks’ Church – went to Costco and made budget off that – May 27th – pasta, fruit, veggies, cake

Katie: how many do you expect to attend

Speaker: about 15 volunteers and however many homeless indivs. want to come

19.Students for Justice in Palestine

palistinan awareness wk – May 11 and 12 – education on struggle and what’s going on in west bak and gaza strip – have edu campaign – handing out flyers, pamphlets in arbor

Onyi: are you going to rent canopies

Speaker: renting

Onyi: wat are you doing with boards when you’re done

Speaker: only need 2 instead of 5 and will recycle tham after

20.Students Teaching Alcohol and Other Drug Responsibility

safe drive – May 25th – tabling on lot 22 fm 11-3pm with other orgs. – liquid lab in embarcadero showing students who are of age drink and a CHP officer give a DUI test – asking for tables and chairs fm UCSB rentals – making audience interactive with the clickers and help reflect on their choices and friends choices – possible drunk tank – rep fm MADD – STAR keychains and bracelets and keeping it inclusive and using local vendors- buying food fm a CO-op – food for liquid lab – and fill up rm (abt 250) – create thank you letters for personal touch

Alex: for keychains and bracelts how much and how many

Speaker: keychins abt 100 nad bracelets abt 125

Alex: dunk tank?

Speaker: charging to throw balls and previous org. made abt $450

21.Beta Theta Pi

May 14th beta softball – updated budget passed around - $150 more for insurance – only IFC and CPT signed up but going to res halls to get participationg – attending abt 200 ppl and abt 100-200 viewing – want to get food paid for and get ppl to come out – on campus – goal is to raise abt $1k to $2k – T-shirts submitted to custom ink and has AS logo – going to CAB for funding but trying to get as much as possible –– all equipment rented getting it fm school or play it again sports - offering student to purchase t-shirts and give some away for free – total funding from AS orgs for $6250 – entrance fee $350

Katie: philthropy match – anything over 5k have to match

Speaker: what you all would be donating trying to match with entrance fees for teams

Onyi: what did you forget to add to orig. budget?

Speaker: $150 for insurance

Alex: what’s the total

Speaker: $6170

Alex: is it realistic to expect that much $ from CAB and Fb?

Speaker: would try to request less funding for t-shirts and ultimate goal to match fundraise

April: how much is Beta putting into event

Speaker: can’t put in any $ b/c they’re a non-profit

Marcus: you would need to match to the charity of choice

Speaker: we understand

Marcus: who’s getting the tshirt

Speaker: the players and may have ppl be able to buy shirts

April: how many ppl for team

Speaker: 20 ppl per team – only 10 ppl on the field at a time

Onyi: how many shirts

Speaker: depends on how many ppl sign up and abt 65-70 coaches shirts

Waris: is there a cap to the number of teams that can join

Speaker: no, as many as possible

22.Persian Student Group

Construct a mini-museum for middle eastern cultural awareness wk and hmn rights wk. – little edu on what’s going on in middle east and most students are disconnected – inspired fm SJT? Tent – in tent, life-size pics of ppl protesting and youtube vid of ppl protesting over the years – create an interactive, visual experience – trying to make a long-term project and allow future orgs. To use

Safa: what’s Scrim?

Speaker: want to mount the projector, but can have projector outside and would project the image toward you – it’s a piece of cloth that’s transparent and can have projected back

Katie: intending on keeping scrim?

Speaker: yes

Alex: where are you planning on storing this

Speaker: EOP taking care of storage

April: clarify digital fabric printing

Speaker: cloth will have print on it

23.Human Rights Board

Motion to table until they come in by Alex; Second by Safa – passes with Consent

24. SB Investment Committee – place where no interest is changed – banking more concerned abt. Their customers and wanted to bring in speaker on Islamic Finance – trying to get food $ - $200 total

James: did we already fund this?

Speaker: funded in some respects, but not in this respect

Alex: was food on the orig. budget

Speaker: not I don’t think so – will be mostly refreshments

Katie: already asked for $445 for food and would need one-time exception

Speaker: Adjust $200 to $55 for food and not use one-time exception

25. SRB Governance Board – finals wk coffee hours and normally splits with SRB - $500 for food and coffee for spring quarter finals

Onyi: did we fund them last quarter?

Katie: no we didn’t fund them all year

Speaker: was able to cover costs on their own with extra money – thought they had extra money and they didn’t

Motion to suspend orders of the day by Marcus to go to action items and then reinstate orders of the day; second by Raul – passes with consent

Motion by Raul for a 7.5 minute break; second by Marcus – passes with consent

Call mtg. back to order at 6:03pm

Motion by Yeni to table ECCES, poetry/poetics club, and HRB to end of allocations; second by Lucy – passes with consent.


From Old Business

1. ITO – motion by kadeem to reallocate for videographer; second by Onyi – objection to consent – Yeni retracts call to question – motion to unfriendly amend and not reallocate – objection to consent – motion to not reallocate 11-3-1 – objection to consent – all those in favor of not allocating 10-3-2 – ITO not reallocated funds – old business

Raul motions to take back $235 from Campbell hall ITO allocation and put back in total unallocated; second by Safa – passes with consent

2. CALPIRG – date change to May 6th – dates on checks do not match advertising for event – orig. date unknown

Onyi – do date changes matter?

Speaker: just asking for approval – keeping transparency

Raul motion to make date change ok; second by Wariss – passes with consent

From New Business

4. Sigma Kappa Chi

Motion to fund $2440 total by Alex – fully fund speaker at $1000; food $200, half of t-shirts $1200, flyers at $40; second by Marcus – passes with consent

5. Active minds

Motion by Lucy to fully fund photobooth at $1049; second by Alex – objection to consent by Raul – motion passes 7-6-4 – fully funded $1049

Motion by James to reopen Active minds allocation, second by Marcus – passes with consent – back in discussion