Mount Laurel Public Library
June 15, 2010
Meeting Minutes
- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:03am by Susan Briant.
2. Roll Call
Members present: Jayne Beline, Susan Briant, Ingrid Bruck, Joe DaRold, Heidi Cramer, Cindy Czesak, Keith McCoy, Cheryl O’Connor, Bill Paullin, Mary Romance, Pat Vasilik, Leah Wagner, Nancy Weiner
Members absent: Nicole Cooke, Trevor Dawes, Jane Fisher
Staff: Pat Tumulty
Guests: Norma Blake, Brett Bonfield, Dan O’Connor
3. Adoption of the Agenda
Keith McCoy moved to adopt the agenda; Cindy Czesak seconded. Agenda adopted.
4. Minutes
There was one correction to the May 18 minutes. Under item 7, Committees and Sections, Public Policy Committee, the roster for the proposed membership of the Public Library Funding and Structure and Task Force should indicate that Keith McCoy will be Chairing the committee. Keith McCoy moved to approve the minutes as corrected; Jayne Beline seconded. Minutes approved. Keith McCoy moved to approve the minutes from the Annual Meeting dated April 27; Bill Paulin seconded. Minutes approved with one abstention (Jayne Beline).
5. Financial Report –Keith McCoy
- Keith noted that 11 months into the fiscal year and we are doing all right. We are $1100.00 in the black and we won’t need to draw on the endowment and not take as much from reserve.
- Susan noted the financial report would be filed for audit.
6. Reports
President-Susan Briant
- Susan reported she attended the individual Annual Meetings for the four Regional Library Cooperatives at the end of May. Susan extended thanks to Connie Paul, Karen Hyman, Joanne Roukens and all the staff members for their perseverance and hard work during these difficult times. Susan also thanked Cheryl O’Connor for her continued hard work during this time of transition.
- Susan also noted that she has requested year end reports from Committees and hopes to have all of them within the next few weeks.
- Susan also noted that she is working with Mary Romance on transfer of duty responsibilities.
- Susan reported that Pat’s performance review has been completed. As Past President, Susan will work on revising the review form for next year. The job description for Karen Avenick’s position will also be revised.
- Susan noted that while Conference revenue was down, expenses were also down and the conference theme of Advocacy was certainly timely.
- Susan thanked everyone for serving on the Executive Board during her term and extended best wishes to those whose terms expire at the end of June.
- Susan also extended a special note of thanks to Pat Tumulty and the NJLA Staff, Sue Rice, Betty Steckman and Karen Avenick for all their help and support during her term as president.
Executive Director – Patricia Tumulty
- Pat reported on A2911 and S2070, identical bills that will require libraries with more than a 20% surplus to transfer funds back to the municipality were recently introduced. Pat indicated that these bills may not move forward at this time but will probably reappear in the future.
- Pat also reported the Governor is still pushing for a 2.5% cap on municipal taxes.
- Pat also noted that a few budget resolutions in support of different projects have been introduced, including ones seeking restoration of library funding. The down side is that libraries are competing with other areas and if money for libraries is restored, something else will be cut. Pat noted that we really won’t know what the impact will be until after the budget is signed.
- Pat also reported that Infolink will become a partner with the South Jersey Works Project, assuming the duties from the South Jersey Regional Library Cooperative. Pat also noted that Infolink is also bidding on the contract to become the administrator for Q and A New Jersey which was also administered by SJRLC.
ALACouncilor – Cindy Czesak
- Cindy reported that ALA will be in WashingtonDC from Friday, June 25-Tuesday, June 29. Cindy also noted that she is running unopposed for ALA Councilor and will be representing NJLA at the Conference. Cindy expects to have a full report for the next meeting.
- Cindy also noted that Legislative Day is being held on Tuesday, June 29. Anyone planning to attend should contact Chris Carbone, who is coordinating for New Jersey librarians.
7. Committees and Sections
Publications Committee-Action Item
- The Publications Committee submitted a final draft of their Social Networking Editorial Guidelines for Board approval. As a former member of the Publications Committee, Leah Wagner indicated that much thought and effort went into the drafting of the document. With no further discussion or comments, the question was called. The Guidelines were unanimously approved by the Board.
Public Policy Committee –Action Item
- Members reviewed the Statement Concerning Texas Curriculum Standards submitted by the Public Policy Committee for Board approval. Pat provided some background on the issue and noted that the Texas Library Association feels the policy impinges on intellectual freedom. Comments and questions followed. The suggestion was made to change the termSchool Board (located in paragraph four) to read Texas State Board of Education. The revised statement was unanimously approved.
Joint NJLA/NJASL Task Force-Action Item
- The Fact Sheet: About Public and School Libraries Working Together was recently updated. The document was unanimously reaffirmed by the Board.
Strategic Planning Committee-Action Item
- Jayne Beline reviewed the revised Mission Statement drafted by committee members Joe DaRold, Ingrid Bruck and Jayne Beline. Jayne also noted that the revised vision statement is actually the old mission statement. Discussion and comments followed. The suggestion was made to reverse the order of the sentences. The Mission Statement, as revised, was unanimously approved and states:
- The New Jersey Library Association serves as the voice of New Jersey libraries and librarians to the public, the media and the legislature. NJLA members work together to provide high quality library services that meet the needs of New Jersey residents.
- The Vision Statement was also unanimously approved and states:
- The New Jersey Library Association provides vision, leadership and support for the library community.
Budget Committee-Action Item
- Before discussing the budget, Keith McCoy reported that the Investment Committee had a discussion with financial advisor Howard Parker about BP stock in the investment portfolio. With the stock valued between $5k-$6k, it was decided to sell half of the stock to minimize risk. This decision was partly financial and partly philosophical, but done to protect our investments.
- Keith reported the Budget Committee met twice and crafted a budget of $450k, which is a decrease of $39k from the FY10 budget. Keith provided an overview of the some of the key points regarding the proposed budget:
- Anticipates a drop in membership income and conference revenue
- Money saved by eliminating printed newsletter
- Eliminated financial support for committees and sections
- Consolidates lines in Programs and Services and in Credit services
- Restores funding for Emerging Leaders and support for the Trustee Institute
- Includes some financial improvements for the staff
- Keith McCoy moved to table a vote on the budget until after the closed session; Cindy Czesak seconded. Motion approved.
- In other business, Keith McCoy moved that incoming Treasurer Brett Bonfield be added as a signatory for Association checks and that Keith McCoy be removed; Bill Paulin seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Keith McCoy moved that the F11 Budget of $450k be adopted as amended. Cheryl O’Connor seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
Personnel Committee-Closed Session
- Before moving into closed session, reports from others in attendance were given. After the reports, Heidi Cramer moved to go into closed session; Cindy Czesak seconded. Motion approved.
- Keith McCoy moved to go back into open session; Heidi Cramer seconded. Motion approved.
- In reportable action from the closed session, members reviewed the evaluation of the Executive Director. The Board also approved a 1% salary increase for three positions and a 2.5% increase for the office manager position.
8. Reports
New JerseyState Library – Norma Blake
- Norma noted there are 15 days to go until the budget is signed and it is expected that the budget will be signed by the June 30th deadline.
- Norma noted that there are at least five budget resolutions in favor of library funding but we are unable to read or view the specific content of them yet.
- Norma also reported that a few of the regions are selling or giving away furniture and other office paraphernalia. Norma has asked them to hold off and wait until the budget is finalized.
- Norma reported that Senator Barbara Buono (D) introduced a resolution against the merger between Thomas Edison and Rutgers.
- Norma and her staff have made over 50 legislative visits during the past few months.
- Norma also reported that some legislators have signed up to be library champions. Norma also noted that Zach Parise left a number of signed pieces that are being distributed throughout the state.
- Norma reported that all questions have been answered for the broadband grant and the due diligence period is over. The Gates Foundation is confident we will receive the grant and is already working on a convening schedule.
- Norma congratulated Nancy Dowd and Peggy Cadigan for being named Library Journal Movers & Shakers.
RutgersSchool of Communication –Dan O’Connor
- Dan reported that at the recent commencement ceremony, 10% of all graduates were from the School of Communication & Information.
- Dan also reported that Rutgers faculty was just notified that all salaries are to be frozen for FY11. The faculty union was not advised of this action prior to the announcement and Dan expects the issue to be discussed in the near future.
- Dan also noted that three new members are scheduled to join the faculty at SCI, including one who specializes in Health Information Science. An offer has also been made to a fourth individual. Dan agreed to notify the New Jersey Health Sciences Library Association about their new faculty members.
- Dan noted that President McCormick values libraries and the recent hires support this notion and it bodes well for the LIS Program.
- Dan also announced there would be a Rutgers Reunion at ALAfrom 5:30pm-7:30pm at the Mayflower Renaissance on Sunday, June 27.
Meeting adjourned at 11:58am.
Respectfully submitted by
Nancy Weiner, NJLA Secretary
NJLA Executive Board Meeting Minutes June 15, 2010Page 1