The McLean County Fiscal Court met in regular session in the McLean County Courthouse, Calhoun, Kentucky on August 15th, 2017 with the Hon. Kelly Thurman, County Judge/Executive presiding. Justices of the Peace were: Esquire Clay Troutman, Bobby Johnson, Matt Hayden, and Jimmy Igleheart. County Attorney, Donna Dant was also in attendance.

Motion by Esq.Haydenand seconded by Esq.Troutmanto approve theminutes from July 25thFiscal Court Meeting.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Troutman and seconded by Esq. Hayden to approve the minutes from August 4th Special Called Meeting.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Tony Iriti with Kyndle spoke to the court about various economic development plans for the future in McLean County and surrounding areas. He also supplied the court with Kyndle’s 2016-17 Annual Economic Development Report.

Motion by Esq. Igleheart and seconded by Esq. Johnson to approve the 2017 County Real Property Tax Rate 15.9 (compensating rate).

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Igleheart and seconded by Esq. Troutman to approve the 2018 Motor Vehicle & Watercraft Property Tax Rate 12.5 (compensating rate).

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Hayden and seconded by Esq. Troutman to accept Buck Creek Conservancy Taxing District Rate 0.001.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Igleheart and seconded by Esq. Johnson to accept the McLean Co. Conservation Taxing District Rate as .013.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Igleheart and seconded by Esq. Johnson to accept the McLean County Public Library Taxing District Rate as 3.9.

Yeas: 3

Nays: 1

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Igleheart and seconded by Esq. Johnson to accept the McLean County Health Dept. Taxing District Rate as 5.2.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Hayden and seconded by Esq. Troutman to approve annual financial reports from Buck Creek Conservation and McLean County Conservancy Districts.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Igleheart and seconded by Esq. Johnson to approve the 1stReading of Ordinance # 17.220-3 establishing the 2017 Tax Rates.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Johnson and seconded Esq. Hayden to approve 1st Reading of Ordinance # 17.830-1 adopting a Solid Waste 5-year plan.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Hayden and seconded Esq. Igleheart to approve the 2017 Comprehensive Plan prepared by GRADD.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Hayden and seconded Esq. Troutman to approve powerlines over Patterson Road and the execution of any necessary documents pertaining to required procedure for Hartshorne Mining to conduct business.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Johnson and seconded Esq. Igleheart to adopt Resolution # 8-15-17-1 relating to the Soil Maps for Seismic Hazard Planning in the Green River Area Development District Project.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Igleheart and seconded Esq. Troutman to approve Resolution # 8-15-17-2 adopting and approving the execution of a Rural Secondary Program Agreement with KYTC.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Troutman and seconded by Esq. Hayden to accept the County Clerk’s Report in the amount of $10,130.40.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Johnson and seconded Esq. Igleheart to reinstate Melissa Huckleberry as a PRN EMT with the wage of $10.25 an hour effective August 15th, 2017.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Johnson and seconded Esq. Igleheart to hire Rachael Hulen as a PRN Paramedic with the wage of $15.00 an hour and Erica May as a PRN EMT with the wage of $10.25 an hour; both positions effective August 15th, 2017

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried

Motion by Esq. Hayden and seconded Esq. Troutman to increase PRN EMT Kylie Townsend’s wage to $12.00 an hour effective August 15th, 2017.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Troutman and seconded by Esq. Johnson to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to allow necessary transfers to balance.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Troutman and seconded by Esq. Johnson to approve the Open Invoice Report and additional bills to pay.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Troutman and seconded by Esq. Hayden to approve the donation of bleachers from The McLean County School Board; subject to a contract being drawn, inspection for safety completed, and liability insurance established.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Esq. Troutman and seconded by Esq. Hayden to adjourn.

Yeas: All

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned.

Signed: Attest:


Kelly Thurman, Judge/Executive Wendy M. Clark, Fiscal Court Clerk