The Mayan Perspective and Response to What the Bleep Do We Know

The Mayan perspective and response to “What the Bleep Do We Know?”

As indigenous teachers who have maintained wisdom and knowledge passed down through generations, we are frequently asked about scientific revelations and their relevance to religion. Recently we were offered an opportunity to view the DVD “What the Bleep Do We Know”? Upon watching the movie and hearing the buzz that science confirms what we have always known, we wanted the opportunity to share our views of the world, including the “bridge” between science and spirituality. Of course some of you already know, the Maya have always believed that there is no separation between science and religion, and have taught this for many thousands of years.

What is the Mayan understanding of quantum physics? We, the Maya, have always been regarded for our highly developed system of sacred geometry and mathematics. We believe that all matter is energy, and all that surrounds us is alive and vibrating. Everything seen and unseen radiates an electromagnetic field. Health radiates a different field from illness. So the Mayan concept of healing includes balancing the body with a vibration of health and healing. We believe that plants have certain frequencies, as do sacred words or sounds, drumbeats, and geometric configurations. In classes Tze'ec, it is possible to learn how to feel these different frequencies and bring the body into a state of perfect balance.

When we begin to understand our vibration, we can expand our awareness to experience the vibration of all that surrounds us. Not only are we vibrating, but so are our family and friends, our communities. So are the rocks and trees, the plants and the earth, the sun and the moon. We can use this knowledge of vibration to bring ourselves back into the proper balance within the universe. We can experience different vibrations to calm our state of mind and help our selves heal. We believe that we are co-creators of our lives and of our health, and need to actively understand that all things are possible and feel the power of our connection to the Creator and Maker. We then have the ability to supercede all limitations of the mind and body. The Maya believe that we are spirits here for the physical experience of life. Therefore, it is both our gift and our responsibility to enjoy life and live life fully. We follow the principles of the Chilam Ba'lam, the Sacred Book of the Jaguar, to help guide us on this path of life.

It is time for all people to come together and heal as a whole. Each person has the power to positively influence others through their own vibration. Each group of people automatically influences the community around them, and each community influences the well being of the planet. Working with the understanding that all things are vibrating, we can certainly begin to comprehend the influence of our vibration on the world around us. When we begin to vibrate in harmony with all creation, we emanate a natural healing vibration that affects all people with whom we come in contact. This vibration extends far beyond ourselves and our communities, and promotes a positive healing on the planet.

What do the Maya believe about being alive during this time?

We know that great changes are currently taking place on the face of Mother Earth. We believe that it is a result of our forgetting to maintain rituals and respect for all creation and each other. We have suppressed the magic of the universe that once allowed us our proper place, space, and time in the cosmos. We have created the opposite of Heaven on Earth. The results are numerous, and we must now come back into the fold of becoming the bearers of respect, not for some, but for all creation. The physical ramifications upon Mother Earth are now inevitable.

According to Mayan belief, man was created four times and brought destruction upon his race four times also. Therefore we have had numerous opportunities to come into balance and avert destruction by our own hand. Our true essence is, and always has been, to be the Heart of Earth and the Heart of Sky. We are and have always been spirits here for the human experience, to maintain the rituals that bond humanity, nature, and the cosmos. We have always been able to communicate without talking, to speak long distances without the use of the telephone, to share knowledge without the Internet. We have always been able to travel by way of doorways rather than airplanes and automobiles.

Technology has brought about a disturbance in the natural electromagnetic fields of the earth and sky. Because of these technologies, the earth has lost her natural balance. We have built manmade dams to hold back the natural flow of water. We have run telephone and electric lines interfering with the natural flow of the earth's energy lines. We have purposefully altered all that has been natural and flowing on our dear Mother Earth. We have attempted to conquer the earth's natural process only to find that Mother Nature will inevitably be the one to conquer us.

The last recorded date on the Tzol'kin Sacred Mayan Calendar is December 21, 2012, and the great cleansing of Mother Earth is occurring even now. We must come into our hearts. We must forgive ourselves and one another. We must acknowledge the past and move on, letting go of past patterns and moving forward into our true essence of being. We need to come into a balance with all realms that exist around us. We cannot continue to dwell within that which keeps our vibration low. We need to recognize the stressors and distractions in our lives and come into a balance. We can accomplish this by living from our hearts with unconditional love, transforming the profane into the sacred. We can let go of arrogance and superiority, and live in happiness and acceptance. We need to stop attaching guilt and judgment to everything, and allow the magic to return.

We begin by loving what we are doing. When we love what we are doing, our acts become meditations, and our lives become our power. Life is a celebration, and when we choose to live life in a state of unconditional love, we know that anything is possible. When we love life and live life fully, our lives blend in harmony with the universe. This is the key, to blend in harmony with all creation and the cosmos. We must acknowledge where we are in the evolutionary process of the cosmos, our place within the spiraling universe.

How can we understand where we are in the evolutionary process, why we are here, and how one person can make a big enough difference?

During our classes, we use experiential exercises to learn how to make a paradigm shift from within and begin to consciously radiate our true essence. By shifting our energy and perceptions from within, we will help our own journey, and will affect changes in our families, places of work, and communities. One person really can make a difference, for the growth and evolution of their own soul, and for all Creation.

Xata Zac, Xata Amac.

Only may there be peace in your presence.


For more information about Tze’ec, you can log on to, or email him at .