The Manager’s Orientation Meetings with the New Hire

When an employee first comes to CARE they are inundated with information. As a manager, it is your responsibility to make sure the proper resources and support are being provided for the new hires to work effectively in their new role. By scheduling three separate meetings, you will be able to first orient the new hire to their job and over time orient them to the team and CARE.

During the First Orientation Meeting

The first week of employment

Your first meeting with the new hire is the initial step in helping him or her understandtheir job. Below are suggested topics to cover.

Review job description with new hire and provide a print out of the job description

If it has not been already provided by HR, provide the orientation materials whichinclude any office orientationmaterials

Provide a contact list with telephone numbers of the team members and other contact persons such as the Security Officer, HR Manager and admin

In addition to the orientation materials, it is important to cover the following:

  • Who the new hire should go to for help
  • Upcoming events/deadlines
  • Time Entry Requirements
  • The New Hire Checklist

Provide the completed Meeting Schedule for the new hire with all the necessary meetings he or she will need to attend in their first weeks (safety and security, finance, project manager, CD...)

Schedule a time to follow-up with the new hire after his or her first month on the job

During the Second Orientation Meeting

The first month of employment

After the new hire has had a couple weeks to settle in to their new job, a second meeting is helpful to start orienting the employee to the team and CARE. Suggested topics include:

Ask the new hire how they are doing and if they need any help getting settled in to their new position

Review Project Proposal Specifics that new hire should know about (i.e. project plan, log frame, reports)

Give the history and structure of the office

Discuss the team’s top priorities and goals for the year

Discuss the preferred communication styles of the team (email, face-to-face, phone)

Explain the standard meetings for the team (do you meet once a week, once a month)

Provide and review the office organizational chart

Review the local employee handbook

Review critical policies and other essential information, such as procurement, finance or travel

Review new hire checklist and make sure they are on track

Make sure new hire has signed up for a Face-to-Face or One-on-One Orientation and required courses on CAREAcademy

Schedule time for the third and final orientation meeting

During the Third Orientation Meeting

The second-third month of employment

The third and final meeting with the new hire allows you an opportunity to make sure the employee is receiving the support and resources needed to do their job. By now the employee should have an understanding of their job and of the team. This is a great opportunity to clarify any information and make sure the new hire is on the right track.

Inquire how the first couple of weeks are going

  • Ask if there is anything that is challenging the new employee in fulfilling his/her role

Review orientation materials that have been provided

  • Gauge his/her understanding of background and skills needed for the job
  • Correct any misunderstandings or issues that arise
  • Answer any additional questions

Review progress around New Hire Checklist

  • Check to see the new hire has successfully signed up for CAREAcademy
  • Check to see if new hire has completed a face-to-face or one-on-one orientation.
  • Discuss how the new hire’s work will fit in with the priorities and planning processes

Answer any further questions he/she may have

Provide any feedback and praise for the new hire’s performance