The Lord's Portion - April 1, 2018- $1,156.00- Thank You!
Easter Collection $2,637.00
Ministries for the Weekend of April 14-15
LectorsServers EMOHC
Sat. 5:15 p.m. Dan MagninieJordan CluffDan Magninie
Patrick HowardLinda McGinnisVolunteerGreeter: Jeanette Merryfield
Sun. 9:00 a.m. Jusin PerryMichael Steele Justin Perry
Tyler McManigalLaura Perry Jean Klassen
Greeters: Alene Schilz and Vera JonesFloyd Long Karen Long
Second Sunday of Easter 903(B)
Religious Ed: April 11- Grades K-5 3:30-5:00 p.m. Classes in Church basement.
Grades 6-10: 7:00-8:00 p.m. Classes in church.
April 15: Altar Society Breakfast after Mass. Everyone is Welcome.
April 17: Altar Society meeting at 7:00p.m. in Church Basement. All are Welcome.
April 18-20: Fr. Sagar and Greg Stull will be going to a Stewardship Conference. It will be in Wichita, Kansas. Fr. Sagar, Kim Baliman, and Gregg Stull are on the Diocese level Stewardship committee. Fr. Bob will be available for any emergencies.
April 21: Abdiel Flores will be Baptized during the Mass. Congratulations.
April 22: We will be spring cleaning the church yard after Mass. Please bring gloves, lawn tools and fun attitude. Cookies and Drinks will be provided.
April 25: End of the year Picnic for CCD/CYO kids. Fried Chicken, Hot Dogs and drinks are provided. Please
bring a Salad or Dessert.
April 29:First Communion and May Crowning. Those making First Communion are: Charlotte Bremer, Abdiel Flores, McKenzie Howard, Giovanni Sanchez, Macee Stull, and Thomas Wilson. Congratulations.
May 6: Mass for the Seniors. We have 2 Seniors this year. Justine Heeg and Sebastian Portillo. Congratulations
Rich Flores is stepping down from the Church Council. We are in need of a new Council Member. There is a sheet in the back for anyone interested. Please fill out and drop into the collection plate or give to Fr. Sagar.
Thank You Rich for all your years of service.
Anyone interested in the mowing/weed eating for a month this summer. Please contact Kim at
308-235-5818. If you would like to donate to offset cost of flowers and fertilizing the church yard, please put donation in collection box and designate it toward Lawn Care. Thank You
Annual Appeal. Our set amount for the Annual Appeal is $7,869. We have received $4,804.64
towards this year's goal and we have pledges totaling $1,039.50. Thank You for your continued support.
Please bring your Main Street Market receipts and place in basket at the Baptistery. Thank You. To date the total grocery receipts are $85,365.44. Thank You for your continuous support.