Please remember these people in your Prayers

Each week, we read aloud new names added to our prayer list. Every two weeks, unless we hear from those submitting the names, we begin to take the names off of the list—so please do not be offended if a name you submit is not on the list. Rather, pleasehelp us to stay current by keeping us posted; let us know when it is time to take a name off of the list. You may submit a name by calling Samantha Brennan at 703-323-5400 or email to

·  The healing of: Jeff Lindsay; Bill Baxter; Michael Keller, father of James Keller; Shirley Damon; Jack Gibson; Ben Allen, friend of Bill Straight; Morgan Nuttycombe, grandniece of Bill Straight; Charles C. Allen, brother of Tom Allen; Jessica Wine King; Clif Stroud; Leanne Bucur; Sally Gibson; Sue Bower, sister of Charlotte Dickerson; Ron Kiss, father-in-law of Mary Beth Straight-Kiss; Michael; Missy Steele, friend of Dotty Kraft; Enrique Owens; June Farris, daughter-in-law of Rita Farris; Jessica Turner, granddaughter of Rita Farris; Chris Sarden, friend of Rita Farris; Carel Kasson, friend of Kim Appich; Darryl Morris; Edith Hime; Daniel Thompson, friend of Marie Ogur; Janeisha Virella, cousin of Manuel Vega; Annie Gonzalvez, sister-in-law of Manuel Vega; Lily Syah, young friend of Peg & John Morris; Mary Ann Penny, sister-in-law of Jane Montgomery; Emiliana “Em” O’Brien, relative of Sue Reilly; Catherine McKenna, friend of David and Gay Jones; Rev. Dr. Peter Gustin; Ernie Overbey, friend of Sam Martin; the Robb family; Rita Farris; Ralph Barrioz, uncle of Carol St. Germain; Elvira Gonzalez, mother of Elvira Beracochea; Dave Kuykendall and family; Jim Riddle, brother of Debby Schimmel; Claire Holiway; Phyllis Owens; Marge Powell; Flip McConnaughey; Debbie Overby; Julia Sirois; Billy Stoudenmire; Rosie Petrov; Fred Jolly; Patrick Kelleher; Kenneth Steblein, uncle of Savannah Steblein; Dan Parker, nephew of Charlotte Vincent; the Rev. Anne Turner; Pat B; Betty and George Legg; Pamela Kemp Hollifield; Hope Ely, friend of the Lincoln Family; David St. Germain; Dean Haritos; Tina Deaver, friend of Faith Hurley; Margaret Bohn; Mary Louise Clark, aunt of Dottie Wimberly; Mike Marks, friend of Roberta Lindsay; John Scarrott, brother-in-law of David and Gay Jones; Marjory Hanson, sister of Charlie Biele; Tim and Julie Crowley, friends of Lois Lightfoot; Heather and the Bartee family; Dick and Mary Jansson, parents of Kathy Lincoln

·  For those in special need, especially: Joe Kemp, Daniel Vega, John G. Bernat, Kaitlyn

·  For those before Surgery: Rev. Larry Packard

·  For the soul of: Bud Braithwaite, father of Michele Braithwaite

·  For the birthdays of: Bill Straight, Lynn Smollar, Carrie Bartlett, Michael Crawford, Joseph Burton, Lee Sites, Paul Farmer, Michael Anderson, Sam Connor, Chris Clarke, Jim Weber, Barbara Tiffin, Paula Rainford, Lauren Hartigen

·  For safe travels for: Liz and Sam Martin; Charlie and Shirley Joyce; and Carmen and Annie Quintero

·  We pray for peace in our world. We pray for the members of our armed forces, for all humanitarian workers, and all who work for peace. For all refugees fleeing ISIS.

·  In the Diocese of Virginia, we pray for the congregations and clergy of Christ Church, Lucketts

·  In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for the Diocese of Tamale (Ghana, West Africa)

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