Test Improprieties – Test Security Webinar
Q and A ~ March 10, 2017
Will the incident log require a log in?
Yes, instructions will be provided on how to obtain a login if you do not already have one, when the app is released.
If we have zero incidents do we need to note that as well?
No. If you have nothing to log, you do not need to report anything. That will mean you also have no test improprieties filed in TIDE.
What do we do for students registered in TIDE who don’t test due to either moving or opting out? How do we clean up the list of students tested?
The codes for students who don’t test are listed in the TIDE manual. Only District Administrator and District Test Coordinators can edit this information in TIDE. As one of these roles, you select each student manually to mark this; there is a drop down menu for non-participation in the “After Testing” column on the TIDE dashboard. You will search for the student that needs codes entered and select the green pencil icon to edit that student’s test information. You will then see the list of tests your student is eligible to take. In the drop-down list next to each test, you can select the “non-participation” codes.
The list of “non-participation” codes include: Absent, New Non-English Proficient, Refusal – Student, Refusal – Parent, Medical, Withdrawn, and Invalidated.
Are we supposed to code all first year EL as Alt ELA in TIDE even if they took Access 2.0?
No, you would not code them as taking the ALT assessment; you would code them in TIDE as
”New Non-English Proficient”.
If a student has not had an LCI filled out, is it possible to take an ALT ISAT by mistake?
No, a student would not be able to proceed with an ALT assessment if the LCI (Learner Characteristics Inventory) has not been completed.
Do we need to submit anything when students talk to each other during testing?
It will depend on the situation. If one just starts to whisper to another and it’s stopped right away, probably not. If you know they are sharing answers or helping the other student, then yes. That is best determined at the time and with the individual circumstances. Remember, a test impropriety is when a student or assessment is impacted to the extent that it’s likely to affect the reliability of the score.
Do EL students take the math section (of the ISAT)?
Yes, there are a number of designated supports available to make sure they can access the test in a way that is fair, glossaries, etc.; be sure you review those and have the correct supports/accommodations in place for those that need them. These test settings are selected in the TIDE student interface and can be uploaded via spreadsheet as well.
ELs take Math and Science?
Yes, see response above.