​The Life of Joseph … God meant it for good

Genesis 39:1-6

Faithful is as Faithful does

We are looking at the life of one of the most amazing characters in history.

Joseph was born into a crazy family

He was the 12th child – the 11th boy

He was the son of the only wife that Jacob ever really loved

He was so amazing that I can’t help but think – How does that happen?

How does someone like him come out of a family like that?

There’s a lot of background that leads to the events we are going to look at today.

You can catch the background from listening to the teachings on our website

Let’s jump into today’s lesson

We’re going to talk about Joseph’s faithfulness

Video Clip – 0:42 – 5:15


When Joseph was taken to Egypt by the Ishmaelite traders, he was purchased by Potiphar, an Egyptian officer. Potiphar was captain of the guard for Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.

When we left Joseph last week he was tethered and headed for Egypt

He had a band around his neck and shackles on his feet

The torment that he was in was unbearable

25 years later his brothers’ recalled the anguish and torment that Joseph was in


As the caravan of merchants entered Egypt Joseph entered a strange new world

The Egyptian dynasty was in full swing

Middle Kingdom

The pyramids were fully built in all their grandeur and glory

Now the land was bustling with building projects and public works projects

One of the parts of this new life was the myriad of Egyptian gods

Everywhere Joseph looked there were signs of these god

There were local deities:

Ptah, the god the craftsman of Memphis;

Thah, the god of learning and the moon, at Hermopolis;

Amon the hidden god of Thebes.

There were cosmic gods: Ra, the sun-god; Nut, the sky goddess; and three gods of the air - Shu, Geb, and Nu. There was the cult of Osiris

Pharaoh was himself considered a god, the falcon sky-god Horus.

I thought of the Old McDonald song - Here a god, there a god, everywhere a god, god.

Joseph found himself in a country he didn’t know or understand

This was a strange culture and a strange language

Everything you could imagine was different

This was worse than being in the cistern

He was now under someone else’s complete control

Joseph starts his life as an Egyptian slave at 17

He has no friends, no family, no other countryman

Jacob’s family was his country

He endures the hardship of slavery – day after day – after day

A slave was not a ‘person’ per say but a piece of machinery

A tool to get the massive building and public works projects built

The record doesn’t give us any/many details of what occurred

These 6 verses cover about 10 years

We are left to imagine and to fill in details from what we know about what life was like

We can assume that he was assigned the most menial tasks under constant supervision and surveillance.

Though Joseph had been removed from everything familiar

Taken from his family

No more Dad or little brother

His precious coat had been taken from him

His character had not been taken from him

The Egypt that Joseph found himself serving in was a land of incredible contrasts

People were either rich beyond measure or poverty stricken.

There was no middle class.

Joseph found himself a slave of Potiphar

Rich families like Potiphar’s had elaborate homes two or three stories tall with beautiful gardens and balconies.

The aristocracy enjoyed live entertainment at home while they dined on delicious fruit from expensive dishes.

Their houses were filled with all the niceties of life: alabaster vases, paintings, beautiful rugs, and hand-carved chairs.

Dinner was served on golden tableware, and the rooms were lighted with gold lamp stands.

Potiphar was a high-ranking Egyptian official

He wasn’t the top 1% - he was on Pharaoh’s list of the wealthiest few

He is identified in Scripture as “captain of the guard”

This means that he was the the lead man in Pharaoh's team of bodyguards,

Other sources refer to him as “chief of the executioners.”

Potiphar was responsible for seeing that those who were to be executed were executed.

The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master. Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did.

Joseph went from wandering the desert and living in tents and/or sleeping under the stars – a rock for a pillow --- to the palace of Potiphar

Pillars, gardens, sphinx- guarded gates, feasts – servants - opulence

There was something about Joseph’s character

There was a health, resilience, coping/prospering character

Potiphar noticed …

He noticed that everything Joseph did succeeded

He realized that this success was not the result of one of the many Egyptian god’s

He realized that Joseph’s success was from the God that Joseph served

Joseph maintained not only faithfulness in his work but towards God

Let me tell you about an event that occurred in Jacob’s life – Genesis 35

Shortly before Joseph’s mom died giving birth to his brother Benjamin, Jacob had a powerful encounter with


He told his family and everyone in his house to hand over their idols/jewelry used in worship

When the family members had turned everything over he buried them

The result of Jacob and his household’s new devotion and obedience to God

A ‘terror’ came over the people in the regions that they were traveling through

Up to that time they had experienced one people group after another attacking them as they traveled

Now, as a result of God’s intervention – the people in the regions just watched in terror as Jacob’s family traveled through their region

God revealed himself to Jacob as - El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty’

God spoke to Jacob and God changed his name from Jacob to Israel

These encounters and the change that Joseph witnessed in his Dad’s life had a profound effect on him as a developing young man

Something sunk into Joseph’s heart

It was Joseph’s work ethic that enabled God’s hand of blessing

It was God’s hand of blessing that led to Joseph’s work ethic

The better part of 10 years passed before he was ‘put in charge’ of the house

Joseph was no ‘one song wonder’ or ‘flash in the pan’

Joseph slowly and faithfully plodded along

Slow and steady … wins the race

This pleased Potiphar, so he soon made Joseph his personal attendant. He put him in charge of his entire household and everything he owned. From the day Joseph was put in charge of his master’s household and property, the Lord began to bless Potiphar’s household for Joseph’s sake. All his household affairs ran smoothly, and his crops and livestock flourished.

Potiphar kept hearing about this one slave Joseph.

People kept saying that everything he did went his way.

Everything he did was ‘successful.’

Potiphar could not help but noticed

If Joseph was involved – it was up and to the right.

Jesus said: That a servant who has “been faithful with a few things” will be put “in charge of many things” (Matt. 25:21).

That’s what happened to Joseph

When the other slaves/servants worked hard enough to stay out of trouble

He worked hard to know the hand and the blessing of God

Joseph had no possibility of advancement

Advancement and prosperity was not the realm of slaves

Advancement and prosperity was for the aristocracy – not slaves

He didn’t work in hopes of a promotion

He didn’t work so that his bank account was enlarged

The best a slave could do was hope to keep from being beaten or killed

Joseph was faithful not in the best of circumstances but in the worst of circumstances

We're not talking about faithfulness for a day or two – or a week – or a month

We’re talking about year after year after year

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. -Mother Teresa

There is a unique tension in what is happening to Joseph

He is in rough circumstances but has God’s blessing

Did God bless him because he was faithful or was he faithful because God’s blessing was on him

Depending on which translation you were to read you could get either idea.


It was God’s blessing because he was faithful and he was faithful because of God’s blessing.

Faithfulness and God’s hand - Spiral up or spiral down


Negligent/failure-less than success/negligent

So Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility over everything he owned. With Joseph there, he didn’t worry about a thing—except what kind of food to eat! Genesis 39:1-6 (NLT)

Joseph was faithful with no view as to what the future might hold

He was not faithful for a week in hopes that he might get noticed and promoted.

Joseph was faithful – because he was faithful

Joseph was given supervision of all the other servants and employees, handling Potiphar's public relations, overseeing his finances, administering his agricultural interests and all of his other business activities.

Never before had Potiphar seen his workers so motivated and his crops so productive.

All of Potiphar’s household affairs ran smoothly, and his crops and livestock flourished.

Joseph was faithful with someone else’s goods/materials/wealth/property

He was faithful to ‘serve’ even when there was no promise or reward

He was faithful to ‘serve’ when there was no promise of personal benefit

Would you mind if Jesus made your ‘boss’ prosper because of you AND there was no promise of

reward/promotion/benefit to you?

Joseph obeyed God by serving his ‘master’

Too many believers make obeying God a ‘spiritual’ thing – a ‘mystical’ thing

‘I need a word from God so I can obey it and be blessed.’

Joseph obeyed God and had God’s blessing because he faithfully served his master

He made decisions that were good for his master’s house/business

He didn’t make decisions that were good for him or his bottom line.

Joseph’s obedience was fully for someone else’s benefit

Joseph’s obedience to God was seen in his obedience to Potiphar

Jesus talked about the idea of being faithful

One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own? Luke 16:10-12 (ESV)

The Apostle Paul also addressed the idea of being faithful

Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:22-24 (ESV)

Notice what Paul writes – Obey in everything

Do what your boss asks of you --- PERIOD

*** Not by way of eye-service

*** Not as people-pleasers

*** Work heartily as for the Lord

What are you doing with the job that he has given you?

How do you serve your boss? – With sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord?

Is your obedience to God seen in how you work?

When you arrive to work are you ‘whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord’?

Are you being faithful in ‘a very little’?

Our faithfulness in what life sends our way, the doors that open, the jobs we are given to do --- may not be ‘rewarded’ or noticed in this life

This life is training for what happens in the future

Kent – YWAM

I remember being in a meeting – where a decision was being made about someone getting paid more than 2xs my salary and benefits … ‘That’s what we have to pay to get that level of leader.’

Here’s the truth – let me put it in terms about me – just so I’m not pointing a finger at you

My faithfulness is not for others

My faithfulness is not for advancement

My faithfulness is not to be dictated or directed by ‘time’ – I’ll be faithful for … and if something doesn’t change than …

My faithfulness is solely for God’s advancement and for God’s kingdom

My faithfulness is about Him and His advancement

My faithfulness is not to be compared to others level of faithfulness

When I’ll more faithful than …