The Life and Times of Jesus

Period 9

2.  Main areas Jesus visited? Like?

-  Cana- village 4 mi. NW of Nazareth, 1st miracle

-  Capernaum- edge of Sea of Galilee

-Peter, James, John, Andrew

-Nazareth- farmers, 200-400 ppl. Annunciation, fountain of healing.

-Jerusalem- largest, 700,000 today, warm/dry, cool/rainy, 40,000-250,000 in Jesus’ day.

Gethsemane- Jesus’ arrested

-Bethany- Woman anointed his head revealing him as the Messiah, Anointed one.

3. Important places for Jesus look like today?

-Bethlehem- 60,000 pop. Mostly Muslims and Christians, Church of the Nativity.

-Nazareth 70,000 mostly Jewish, Church of the Annunciation. Village that reenacts life in 1st century.

-Jerusalem- Christians/Muslims/Jews, 700,000 today.

4. Housing in Jesus’ time?

-dirt floors, 1-2 rooms, all-purpose, dark, few windows.

-around courtyards

-slept on roofs, tasks, dried fruit.

7. When and how did Romans influence Palestine?

-architecture, aqua ducts, amphitheaters, gymnasiums, public baths.

63 B.C. Roman period

Crucifixion developed by the Romans, perfected by them.

Roman Caesar placed officials/kings who rule in Palestine.

Herod the Great- king of the Jews; massacre of the infants in Bethlehem.

Heavy taxes: tax to Caesar, Herodian tax, temple tax

8. Roles of men and women in the time of Jesus?

- men- most authority, status, position

-educated, supporting the family

-could divorce his wife

-women- uneducated, domestic duties, raising of the children. 2nd class citizens, property of their dad/husband.

Segregated worship, not right to divorce

Jesus treated women with equality and dignity, many women as friends and followers. The Lost Coin.

10.  What were the different Jewish groups in Palestine? Did Jesus fall into any of them?

-Pharisees- Separated Ones; strict and exact observance of the Law. Oral Law- application of the written law in daily life. Middle class

-Sadducees- Aristocratic/upper class priests; supervised Temple worship.

-Zealots- rebels; violently overthrow Roman occupation.

-Essenes- Desert of Qumran, withdrew from society because of the corruption; Dead Sea scrolls.

11.  Who was In and who was Out of Palestinian society?

Common people- farmers, fishermen

Outcasts- tax collectors, poor, diseased/lepers, Samaritans

In- priests and scribes/lawyers

12.  What did people eat in Jesus’ time?

-eating was a sacred act

-bread- essential- bread of life


-fish, rarely meat.

-fruit, grains, spices, olives, olive oil

14. Clothing of men and women in Jesus’ time?

Men and women- inner tunic- undergarment

-outer tunic- winter coat




Women- linen, silk, more colorful and embroidered, detail.

15. Languages spoken in Jesus time?

Greek-Official language

Latin- Roman officials and military

Hebrew-native language of the Jews, Jewish Bible, used for worship

Aramaic-common language spoke by the Jews

16. Marriage practices in Jesus day?

- arranged


-consume wine


Bridal chamber

Bridal price- groom pays to the Bride’s family.

Dowry- Bride’s family gives the new couple.

17. Work?

-social class, geographic features.

Rural- shepherds, farmers, herders, nomads


Artisans- stonemason, goldsmith, blacksmith, weaver, carver.

Slaves, servants, peasants.

18. Forms of transportation?

-dangerous: traveled in caravan, large groups.

Extreme heat, cold, insects, reptiles, lack of water, sandstorms.

-by donkey- for the common person

-by camels, horses- upper class, kings high-ranking officials.

-chariots- Romans.

-Romans developed roads, 63,000 mi.

-carts- 2-wheeled, 4-wheeled

19. Communication?

-parchment/ animal skins- scrolls

- elevate self to teach/speak

-servants/slaves were sent with messages

-by word of mouth

20.  Jewish customs in Jesus day?

-Sabbath- no work

-Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles