Abbreviation / : / PFY/ZAA12
Schedule / : / 15hours of lectures
45 hours of exercises
Course distribution / : / 3rd year, 5th semester
Number of Credits / : / 8
Course Form / : / Lectures, exercises
Teacher: / Professor(s) of the dept., event. guest teachersStudy: / Continuous
Date / Subjects / Duration (hrs)
1 / 17. 9. 2018 / Pathophysiology of digestive system. / 2
2 / 1. 10. 2018 / Pathophysiology of liver and bile ducts. / 2
3 / 15. 10. 2018 / Pathophysiologic aspects of diabetes mellitus. / 2
4 / 29. 10. 2018 / Pathophysiology of kidneys. / 2
5 / 12. 11. 2018 / Pathophysiology of endocrine system. / 2
6 / 26. 11. 2018 / Pathophysiology of nervous system disorders. / 2
7 / 10.12. 2018 / Disturbances of calcium and phosphorus balance.Bone pathophysiology. / 2
8 / 31. 12. 2018 / Pathophysiology of selected problems of oral cavity. / 1
The lectures are held in the RLH - Right Lecture Hall on Mondays, from 8.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. on even weeks of the year, starting from 38th week.
Study : / ContinuousWeek
from-to / Subject / Duration (hrs)
1 / 17. 9. 2018 / Stress and general adaptation syndrome. / 2
2 / 24. 9. 2018 / Pathophysiology of caries, gingivitis, periodontitis. / 4
3 / 1. 10. 2018 / Pathophysiology of GIT. / 2
4 / 8. 10. 2018 / Nutrition disturbances.Malassimilation syndromes. / 4
5 / 15. 10. 2018 / Pathophysiology of lipid and purine metabolism.Gout.
Disturbances of vitamins uptake. / 2
6 / 22. 10. 2018 / Pathophysiology of liver functions and jaundice. Disturbances of exocrine pancreas.
Midterm test No. 1. Content of exercises 1-5 and ex. 14 SS (clotting), lectures 1 and lec. 13, 14 SS. / 4
7 / 29. 10. 2018 / Pathophysiology of carbohydrate metabolism. Diabetes mellitus. / 2
8 / 5. 11. 2018 / Pathophysiology of kidney functions. / 4
9 / 12. 11. 2018 / Pathophysiology of endocrine system. / 2
10 / 19. 11. 2018 / Pathophysiology of pain.
Midterm test No.2.Content of exercise 6-9, lectures 2-5. / 4
11 / 26. 11. 2018 / Central and peripheral nervous system disorders I. / 2
12 / 3. 12. 2018 / Central and peripheral nervous system disorders II. Analysis of Heart Rate Variability. / 4
13 / 10. 12. 2018 / Pathophysiology of selected rheumatic diseases and systemic connective tissue diseases. / 2
14 / 17. 12. 2018 / Pathophysiology of selected problems of oral cavity.
Midterm test No 3.Content of exercises 10-13 and lectures 6-7. / 4
15 / 31. 12. 2018 / Credit. Credit test. Substitutions of absences confirmed by relevant document. / 3
The exercises are held in the RLH - Right Lecture Hall on Mondays, from 9.45 a.m., to 11. 15 a.m.on even weeks and from 8.00 to 11.15 on odd weeks of the year.
Completed by: /Credit, examination
Credit conditions are as follows:
1)The participation of students in practical exercises is regulated according to the Directive of the dean of the faculty of medicine and dentistryLF-B-18/01(article 6. item 1.).Substitutions are provided at the 15th week of the study.
2)Credit will be granted upon successful answering 2/3 of questions from the respective term topics in the final test on the computer in the 15th week of the term.
3)For students, who were active during the term and in ongoing testsachieved average score over 2/3 of questions answered*, final test will not be mandatory.
4)There are two possibilities for correction of unsuccessful credit test; after that, at the discretion of the department, opportunity for oral correction with at least two teachers will be considered.
* bonification of up to 10% of average score can be earned by presenting a topic selected from department list.
The examination starts with the written part (20 questions on computer), then the oral part follows (2 questions, each from winter and summer term). The preparing time for oral part is 30 minutes. The exam is passed when student is successful in both written and oral parts; minimum 60% of test questions must be answered.
- Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (9th Edition) by Sheila Grossman, Carol Mattson Porth. Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014.
- McCance K. L., Huether S. E.: Pathophysiology. 7rd Edition. Mosby, 2014.
- Silbernagl S, Lang F. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, 3rd Ed. Thieme, 2016.