Saint Gabriel’s Foundation

Bangkok, Thailand

The Learning Strands, Standards and Indicators

Subject: MathematicsCode:

Level: Primary 2Semester 1

Strand 1: Numbers and Operations

Sub – strand: Numbers Up to 1000

Standard M.1.1: Understanding diverse methods of presenting numbers and their application in life.


M.1.1.1. Write numbers in numerals and in words up to 1000;

M.1.1.2. Identify the place values of ones, tens and hundreds;

M.1.1.3. Compare and order numbers up to 1000;

M.1.1.4. Complete number patterns;

M.1.1.5. Actively participates during class discussion of Numbers up to 100.

Strand 1: Numbers and Operations

Sub – strand: Addition within 1000

Standard M.1.2: Understanding the results of operations of numbers, relationships of operations, and application of operations for problem solving.


M.1.2.1. Determine the sum of 2 digit numbers without regrouping and with


M.1.2.2. Determine the sum of 3 digit numbers without regrouping and with


M.1.2.3. Solve word problems;

M.1.2.4. Actively participates in group discussion then present answers to the class.

Strand 1: Numbers and Operations

Sub – strand: Subtraction within 1000

Standard M.1.2: Understanding the results of operations of numbers, relationships of operations, and application of operations for problem solving.


M.1.2.1. Determine the difference of 2 digit numbers without regrouping and with regrouping;

M.1.2.2. Determine the difference of 3 digit numbers without regrouping and with


M.1.2.3. Solve word problems;

M.1.2.4. Actively participates during class discussion of subtraction within 1000.

Strand 1: Numbers and Operations

Sub – strand: Multiplication

Standard M.1.2: Understanding the results of operations of numbers, relationships of operations, and application of operations for problem solving.


M.1.2.1. Calculate the product of a 2 digit number by 1 digit number from 1 to 5;

M.1.2.2. Determine the product of a 2 digit number by 10;

M.1.2.3. Solve 1 – step word problems;

M.1.2.4. Complete a multiplication activity to expand comprehension by

creating a creative multiplication scenario.

Strand 1: Numbers and Operations

Sub – strand: Division

Standard M.1.2: Understanding the results of operations of numbers, relationships of operations, and application of operations for problem solving.


M.1.2.1. Determine the quotient of 2 digit number by 1 digit number from 1 to 5 with a remainder and without a remainder;

M.1.2.2. Calculate the quotient of 2 digit number by 10 with a remainder and without a remainder;

M.1.2.3. Solve 1 – step word problems;

M.1.2.4. Actively participates during class discussion about division.

Strand 2: Measurement

Sub – strand: Measurements of Length, Mass and Volume

Standard M.2.1: Understanding the basic of measurement; ability to measure and estimate the size of objects to be measured.


M.2.1.1. Estimate and measure the length in meters and centimeters, the mass in kilograms and grams, and the capacity in liters and milliliters;

M.2.1.2. Compare the length in meters and centimeters, the mass in kilograms and grams, and the capacity in liters and milliliters;

M.2.1.3. Identify sums and differences of lengths, masses and volumes;

M.2.1.4. Convert meters to centimeters, kilograms to grams and liters to milliliters and vice versa;

M.2.2.1. Solve 1 – step word problems;

M.2.2.2. Actively participates in group discussion about Measurements of length,

mass and volume.

Strand 6: Mathematical Skills and Processes

Sub-strand: Measurements of Length, Mass and Volume

Standard M.6.1: Capacity for problem solving, reasoning, and communication; communication and presentation of mathematical concepts; linking various bodies of mathematical knowledge and linking mathematics with other disciplines; and attaining ability for creative thinking.


M.6.1.1. Apply diverse methods for problem solving;

M.6.1.2. Accurately use mathematical language and symbols for communication, communication of concepts and presentation;

M.6.1.3. Link various bodies of mathematical knowledge;

M.6.1.4. Actively participates in class discussion by raising hands to complete

measurement word problems with different approaches.

Saint Gabriel’s Foundation

Bangkok, Thailand

The Learning Strands, Standards and Indicators

Subject: Mathematics Code:

Level: Primary 2 Semester: 2

Strand 2: Measurement

Sub – strand: Money

Standard M.2.1: Understanding the basic of measurement; ability to measure and estimate the size of objects to be measured.

Standard M.2.2: Solve measurement problems.


M.2.1.1. Write money in baht and satang up to 1000 baht;

M.2.1.2. Change money to get the same value;

M.2.1.3. Determine the sum and difference of money in Baht and Satang;

M.2.1.4. Convert baht to satang and satang to baht;

M.2.2.1. Solve word problems involving money;

M.2.2.2. Cohesively work together to solve money word problems with

different approaches and present to the class.

Strand 6:Mathematical Skills and Processes


Standard M.6.1: Capacity for problem solving, reasoning, and communication; communication and presentation of mathematical concepts; linking various bodies of mathematical knowledge and linking mathematics with other disciplines; and attaining ability for creative thinking.


M.6.1.1. Apply diverse methods for problem solving;

M.6.1.2. Accurately use mathematical language and symbols for communication, communication of concepts and presentation;

M.6.1.3. Link various bodies of mathematical knowledge;

M.6.1.4. Students will work independently on supplemental worksheets and correct the answers as a class.

Strand 1: Numbers and Operations

Sub – strand: Fractions

Standard M.1.1: Understanding diverse methods of presenting numbers and their application in life.


M.1.1.1. Write fraction in words and numbers;

M.1.1.2. Compare and order unit fractions and like fractions;

M.1.1.3. Students will actively participate in class discussion to complete supplemental fraction worksheets.

Strand 2: Measurement

Sub – strand: Time

Standard M.2.1: Understanding the basic of measurement; ability to measure and estimate the size of objects to be measured.


M.2.1.1. Read and write time based on analog clocks;

M.2.1.2. Identify a.m. and p.m.;

M.2.1.3. Presented analog clocks and figure out the time.

Strand 2: Measurement

Sub – strand: Volume

Standard M.2.1: Understanding the basic of measurement; ability to measure and estimate the size of objects to be measured.


M.2.1.1. Compare the volume of 2 or more containers;

M.2.1.2. Estimate and measure volume in liters;

M.2.1.3. Calculate the sum and difference of volume;

Strand 5: Data Analysis and Probability

Sub – strand: Picture Graph

Standard M.5.1: Understanding and ability to apply statistical methodology for data analysis.


M.5.1.1. Analyze and read simple picture graphs;

M.5.1.2. Solve word problems;

M.5.1.3. Create a picture graph and present the information it exemplifies.

Strand 3: Geometry

Sub – strand: Lines, Curves and Surfaces

Standard M.3.1: Ability to explain and analyze two – dimensional and three – dimensional geometric figures.


M.3.1.1. Identify straight and curved lines;

M.3.1.2. Identify figures with straight and curved lines;

M.3.1.3. Identify flat and curved faces of solids;

M.3.1.4. Actively participate in class discussion by raising hands to complete board exercises explaining the differences between lines, curves and surfaces.

Strand 4: Algebra

Sub – strand: Shapes and Patterns

Standard M.4.1: Understanding and ability to analyze pattern, relation and function.


M.4.1.1. Compare patterns according to shapes, size and direction;

M.4.1.2. Create patterns and identifies patterns.

Strand 3: Geometry

Sub-strand: Shapes and Patterns

Standard M.3.1: Ability to explain and analyze two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric figures.


M.3.1.1. Identify a semicircle and a quarter circle;

M.3.1.2. Identify shapes that make up a given figure;

M.3.1.3. Actively participates in class discussion by raising hands to complete supplemental worksheets to display understanding of patterns and shapes.

Basic Standard of Learning:

Semester / Sub-Strands / Standards
Semester 1 / Numbers up to 1000 / 1.1
Addition within 1000 / 1.2
Subtraction within 1000 / 1.2
Multiplication / 1.2
Division / 1.2
Measurement of Length, Mass and Volume / 2.1, 2.2, 6.1
Semester 2 / Money / 2.1, 2.2, 6.1
Fractions / 1.1
Time / 2.1
Volume / 2.1
Picture Graph / 5.1
Lines, Curves, and Surfaces / 3.1
Shapes and Patterns / 3.1, 4.1


K. Alamelu (2012). My World of Math for Primary 2. 2nd Edition, Black

Swan Private Limited, India.

Ministry of Education. The Basic Education Core Curriculum (2008). Thailand

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Head, Academic AffairsSchool Director