The Lake Clifton Alumni Association Inc. Comprised of Lake Clifton, Lake Clifton/Eastern, Doris Johnson, Heritage High and Reach Partnership Alumni (Years 1974 to Present)
December 2012 Laker Alumni News
December 3, 2012
Greetings Alumni,
We would like to start off by sending out birthday wishes to all alumni with birthdays in the month of December. They are as follow:
Darlene Bolling 1978 December 26
Phillip Cooper 1978 December 12
Karen Crossland 1986 December 5
Pamela (Edmonds) Dorsey 1978 December 29
Cheryl (Adams) Eatmon 1976 December 14
Joe Eggleston 1979 December 4
Ross Eley 1975 December 31
Karen (Eames) Epps 1979 December 27
Val Francis 1974 December 16
Lenora (Johnson) Ghlosen 1979 December 28
Veronica Green 1983 December 19
Mayme Hammond 1982 December 8
Novice Horne 1975 December 4
Daphnee (Bennett) Jolley 1982 December 15
Reginald Kennedy 1980 December 19
Brian Knight 1976 December 18
Keena Lee 1997 December 29
James Logan 1974 December 7
Carol (Gardner) Means 1974 December 12
Alicia (Leggett) Cassell 1982 December 24
Elizabeth Phillips 1978 December 7
Jackie (Burton) Richburg 1975 December 8
Rhoda Smackum 1981 December 26
Warren Squirewell 1975 December 24
Hughey St. Claire 1975 December 23
Cathy (Hettinger) Thompson 1982 December 21
Frenchus (Mitchell) Travis 1976 December 9
Veda (Francis) Tucker 1974 December 16
Hazel (Dunn) Vice 1975 December 18
Alice (Roberts) Watson 1974 December 24
Thomas West 1975 December 14
Deneen (Carter) Williams 1995 December 24
Rozena (Smith) Williams 1976 December 17
Cheryl (Leach) Sedgewick (1979) celebrates her 28th anniversary on December 22.
Nancy Cheyanne Webb Larkins 1974 will celebrate her 6th anniversary on December 12 to Claude Larkins.
Lake Clifton Campus Is In Danger Of Closing – Meeting Tonight
The Baltimore City School system has presented a 10 year plan to make changes in the cities schools. It was presented seven days ago. If implemented it will affect your alma mata. The system is proposing to phase out Heritage High School and is considering the demolition of the building. Many alumni may not realize that the system has looked at prior attempts to demolish the building but the alumni association has fought two prior attempts. The system feels that the building is under utilized and needs extensive maintenance. Our position is it was the system that went to the smaller learning environments which caused the enrollments to decrease; now they say we are under utilizing the building. When they look at square footage they count office areas that are not classroom areas. The Lake Campus building was brand new when opened and just like every other city school maintenance was not kept up which has allowed all schools to fall into disrepair. Eight years ago the campus was scheduled to receive $25 millions dollars to renovate the school completely. Because the CEO changed, that money eventually was awarded to Dunbar. There has been millions spent on repairs since then but more is still needed. She opened her doors in 1971 and needs more than a face lift. The school system started having community meetings on Saturday December 1, 2012 at Dunbar. We are asking that any available alumni come out tonight from 4pm to 5:30 in the library/media center. This is a short notice. We just found out this morning about this meeting. If you cannot make tonight there will be a citywide meeting this Thursday December 6th at Mervo to see the city’s plan. The time is from 5pm to 8pm in the cafeteria. You don’t have to stay for the whole time, just long enough to see their plans and make your concerns heard. Tonight’s meeting is being held at the Lake Campus to discuss our school specifically. We will be asking every available alumnus to attend that meeting to show solidarity that we want to keep our school building open, have it renovated and keep our current schools on campus. Reach and Heritage must be given opportunity to succeed. There is no reason that we shouldn’t have a first class building like Dunbar and a renovated stadium to showcase our athletics. We can’t allow the system to treat our school and the students and staff there like second class citizens. Any questions or concerns feel free to contact Richard McCoy at 443-790-3900 or . The LCAA along with the Lakers For Life and other community partners will work together to keep us open.
LCAA Fundraisers For 2013 and 2014 As the fundraising committee meets and plans future fundraising events, we need your help. We would like to hold events that our alumni body and friends would support. What we need are your ideas of activities that you would support. Until we start to receive grants, our sources of revenue are memberships purchased, fundraisers and donations. Our fundraising goals are to hold the most cost efficient ventures that will maximize the funds raised so that we can continue to provide scholarship assistance, beautify our campus and cover our operating costs. Ideas submitted so far are: 1. Atlantic City Bus Trip 2. Cruise in 2014 (Destination is Open) 3. Trip to Disney Florida 4. Foxwoods Resort in Connecticut 5. Gospel Festival 6. Old School Dance 7. Prayer Breakfast 8. Shopping Trip To Pennsylvania or New York 9. Ski Trip
The LCAA is also researching hosting an all class reunion next year. Many class years have not had reunions due to various reasons and have expressed an interest in this type of venture. Eight years ago the LCAA hosted this type of event and it was supported by twelve different class years. This event is not meant to detract from any individualized graduating class reunion but to give classes an opportunity that may not be able to host their own class reunion due to cost factors. Many other schools such as City, Dunbar, Eastern, and Western are currently having them. The LCAA assists and patronizes all know class reunions as a way to continue to make the community aware that there is an organization in place to continue the history of Lake Clifton, Lake Clifton-Eastern, Doris Johnson, Heritage High and The Reach Partnership School at the Lake Clifton Campus. Please take a minute and reply to any of the above ideas that you might support or send your suggestions of fundraiser’s that you would patronize or comments to our business manager Akkra Tucker at .
Lake Clifton Homecoming /JV Championship
Our JV football team was scheduled to be playing in the Baltimore City Championship game on Thursday November 8, 2012 @ 3pm at Mervo High. Our team had to forfeit its game. The LCAA apologizes for any alumni that made the trip to Mervo’s stadium. We found out about the game cancellation an hour before the scheduled game time.
Class Of 1975 – December 21, 2012
Jackie Jeffries from the class of 1975 is planning an event this fall to bring together her classmates and alumni from other graduating years to renew old friendships and start new ones at a social meet & greet. On Friday December 21, 2012 the social will consist of a Happy Hour from 9:00 pm – 1:00 am. Contact Jackie (Watson) Jeffries @ 443-804-0880.
Class of 1980 Reunion Committee Formation
The class of 1980 has begun preliminary planning for an upcoming reunion and is forming a reunion committee. If you are interested in additional information or assisting contact either alumnus Wanda Taylor at 410-802-0998 or Tanya Knight at 410-241-8022.
Class of 1982 Reunion Committee Formation
The class of 1982 is forming a committee for their upcoming 30th reunion. If you are interested is working on the committee contact Tracey Weems-Garrett at 443-540-5497 or
Class of 1983 Reunion Committee Formation
The class of 1983 had its first Meet & Greet on June 5th as they start their preparations for their 30th year reunion next year. Stay tune for their next meeting or fundraiser. Any classmate interested in assisting the reunion committee can contact Theresa Graves at
Class of 1998 15th Reunion – Save The Date
The class of 1998 is planning activities for their 15th year reunion. A committee is being formed to plan this reunion. If you are interested in working on the committee please contact Misty Wallace at . If any alumnus that is interested in supplying a quote for any of the following services that will be needed for this reunion, you can also contact Misty. Services that will be needed include catering, photography and DJ services.
Class of 1977, 1987, 1997 or 2002
No information received yet
Unchained Talent Unchained Talent has moved from the Lake Clifton Campus and is now located on the campus of Mervo High School. We wish them well at their new home and look forward to the opening of their new permanent home in the upcoming months that will allow them continued opportunities to serve the youth of the surrounding communities.
Educational/Employment Opportunities With the state of today’s economy the association lists both employment and education opportunities in hopes that they may assist alumnus. If your employer is hiring or if you have valid job fair or employment opportunity please submit that information, it may assist an alumni brother or sister.
The MTA has a variety of employment opportunities visit their website at and then use the employment link.
Alumni Prayer List
We ask that you keep the following alumni in your prayers:
Laverne Allen 1977
Bernadette (Fowlkes) Bridges 1974
Danielle Carr 2000
Donna Caldwell-Edwards 1974
Joyce Edwards 1974 Cynthia (Johnston) Fortune 1975
Marian Franklin 1975
Jackie (Watson) Jeffries 1975
Gabriella Neal 1974
Clarence (Peanut) Payne 1974
Carmelita Tavers 1978
Greta Veale 1974
Next Month’s Birthday List
If we do not have your birthday in the database and you would like it listed in our monthly announcements, please submit it to Richard McCoy @ The same applies if you have someone that you would like placed on our prayer list.
Upcoming Meetings
The LCAA will not meet this month for its regular monthly meeting. We will be taking this month off so that members can enjoy the holidays with their families. The next meeting will occur in January on Saturday January 19, 2013 from 3:30 to 4:30pm at the Reach Partnership School on the Lake Clifton Campus. Refreshments will be served. Meetings are open to all alumni, teachers and administrators of our campus schools (Lake Clifton, Lake Clifton/Eastern, Doris Johnson, Heritage High and the Reach Partnership. Spouses and children are also welcomed. As the LCAA continues to grow, we need your help. We need your talent and resources to continue to make a difference in the fight to save our school and help its students of today.
Address Reminder
Our Membership Committee reminds alumnus that when you change either your e-mail address or mailing address to update us. That way we can keep the information flowing to you. Each month we lose contact information when we are not updated. Please send that information to Richard McCoy at .
As we close out 2012, the LCAA thanks all alumni who have purchased memberships, renewed their memberships, supported fundraisers, donated time, resources, expertise and have spread the word of the existence of your alumni association.In 2013 look for a new website and expanded face book page from the alumni association. We are making the changes needed to keep up with today’s technology changes. The LCAA is committed in supporting today's staff and students of The Lake Clifton Complex, building a database that can assist with class reunions and keeping the history alive of that magnificent facility at 2801 St. Lo Drive. The LCAA wants all alumni and their families to have the happiest of holidays.
Richard McCoy - President
The Lake Clifton Alumni Association Inc.
The Lake Clifton Alumni Association - “Committed To Making A Difference”
The LCAA - A 501C3 Non-Profit Organization