The LaGrange Link
A monthly publication of
The LaGrange District of the United Methodist Church
Rev. Carol Cook,
District Superintendent October 2014
October brings with it two special awareness opportunities that are close to my heart. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February, 2013 thanks to a regular screening. Breast cancer does not run in my family so I had not always been diligent about getting that annual mammogram. Last year, Scott insisted that I do it and my cancer was discovered. It was found early and my treatment was surgery and radiation therapy. Now a year and a half later, I am cancer free and thankful for all the doctors, nurses, and technicians who have helped me. I proudly wear pink this month to remind everyone (men can get breast cancer, too) that knowing your body and getting those screenings are very important.
I am very thankful for a supportive group of women that meet monthly to talk about our experiences, learn more about advances in cancer treatment, and work to bring community awareness year round. The Breast Friends for Life Group in LaGrange has been a great help to me and I appreciate their friendship. I hope that our churches will reach out to cancer survivors and give them a safe place to share their journey with this terrible disease.
October is also Pastor Appreciation Month. I have the opportunity of working with 111 elders, deacons, full-time local pastors, part-time local pastors, extension ministers, and those on leave. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for what you do. I am honored to work with you. I also ask that all of our local churches celebrate your pastor's leadership sometime this month.
Called Session of the Annual Conference
Bishop Michael Watson has called a special session of the Annual Conference for Saturday, October 25 at 10am at the Classic Center in Athens. The purpose of the meeting is to hear a report from the Conference Trustees regarding the Simpsonwood property. All clergy members of the Annual Conference should attend. If you are unable to attend, please notify Donn Ann Weber, Conference Secretary. Local church lay delegates who were elected for 2014 should attend unless your church has had a change in the number of appointed positions since last Annual Conference. (If you are unsure, please contact the District Office). Lay Delegates who are unable to attend should notify their pastor. District at Large Delegates elected for 2014 should also attend this called session. If you are unable to attend, please notify the District Office. Registration will begin at 8:30am, so plan to arrive a few minutes early in order to get checked in prior to the start of the conference.
District Mission Trips
Plans are underway for 2 district mission trips to El Salvador. The first team will be going February 14 – 21, 2015 and still has a couple of spaces available. Rev. Tommy Holder will be leading this trip where the team plans to participate in some construction work as well as a food distribution project. The second team, led by Rev. Kory Trinrud, will go May 30 – June 6, 2015. They are hoping to do a medical clinic as well as some church construction. Total cost of each trip is approximately $1500. Churches in the district are asked to contribute $100 towards the project costs for the teams. Checks should be sent to the LaGrange District Office, marked “El Salvador”. Anyone interested in joining a team should contact the District Office.
Clergy Evaluations
All full time clergy and those part time clergy participating in the online pilot evaluation program should have all online assessments completed as well as covenant agreement information entered online. Part time pastors not participating in the online evaluations should have turned in to the District Office 2 copies of the assessment forms (one from the pastor and one from the SPRC) and a signed copy of the covenant agreement with goals. Evaluation meetings with the DS begin on October 7 and run through November 18. Clergy, be sure that you are aware of your appointment time. If you cannot make your scheduled appointment, you may swap with another clergy, but be sure to notify the District Office. Or, you can call Denise and she will re-schedule you. If you are unsure of your appointment, call the District Office.
Glisson Camp and Retreat Center, YOUR North Georgia camp, would love to partner with you by bringing camp to you! Experienced camp staff are ready to come to your church to engage children, youth, and their parents in a customizable camp experience. Previously we've run children's and youth programs, made announcements, shown videos, shared testimonies, preached the sermon, visited Sunday School classes, held parent meetings, and much more. Sundays, Wednesdays, any day you're looking to share camp so are we...because we believe camp changes lives. For more information or to schedule a date, contact Program Directors Stephen Ward () or Kim Bell () at706-864-6181.
It’s not too early to prepare for Advent and Christmas!!
Join us at HINTON RURAL LIFE CENTER in Hayesville, North Carolina October 27 – 29 for a Lectionary Lab workshop led by Two Bubbas and a Bible.
Exploring the Revised Common Lectionary Texts for Advent & Christmas
Two Bubbas and a Bible, Rev. Dr. John Fairless and Rev. Dr. Delmer Chilton, return to Hinton Center to explore the lectionary texts with inquiring preachers. The workshop is designed for those who preach regularly, and participants will leave the workshop with a detailed plan for Advent and Christmas. You can find the Two Bubbas atto read written reflections and listen to the Lectionary Lab Live podcast.
Information for registration is available on the Hinton Center website at the following link or as an attachment to this email.
Please contact Rev. Amy Spivey at Hinton Center with questions or for further details.
Young Adults Are Invited to a Conference-wide Retreat Complete With Ropes Course, Outreach, and Rachel Held Evans
Anyone else miss retreats and trips from our earlier days? I remember going to Camp Glisson with my church’s youth group and climbing the Alpine Tower. I made it to the top while my friends were cheering me on at the base. My Girl Scout troop served meals to people in need at a local soup kitchen. I remember going on a Confirmation Retreat and I still have the t-shirt to prove it! I went to Washington D.C. with my 5thgrade class and remember surrounding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with some of my classmates.
Both community organizations and churches are filled with activities and retreats catering to children and youth, As a young adult, I miss those times. It hit me one day that the North Georgia Conference should offer a Conference-wide young adult retreat. As I mentioned it to others, I quickly found affirmation that many agreed that it was time for a transformational retreat weekend, especially planned for young adults!
If you are between the ages of 18-39 this retreat is happening Nov. 14-16 and it is for YOU!
We want young adults from all different settings, churches, and campus ministries to attend. If you are the only young adult from your church, don’t worry! I promise that you will make friends and connect with other people around your age! Rachel Held Evans, Christian author, blogger, and speaker will be a keynote. In addition we will be doing the Alpine Tower, zip line, packing lunches for local children in need, and worshiping together.
Many people have asked how we have made programming decisions. I asked 20 young adult United Methodists what they wanted in a retreat, and what they suggested is what we are doing. Rachel Held Evans is a popular writer and theologian of the young adult generation. Glisson has been a hallmark on the lives of so many youth. Let's enjoy Camp just like we did 15 years ago - or for the first time! We will be staying in cabins, hiking the trails, worshipping God, and enjoying the High Ropes Courses. If you have never been to Glisson, it is Holy Ground.
If you are a pastor, church staff, or leader, please pass this information on to your young adults. We need your help getting the word out!
The cost of the retreat is $130 for the entire weekend, programming, lodging, and food. For aSaturdayonly option it is $45 which includes food and programming. For more information contact Ashley Fitzpatrick Jenkins r at770.394.0675 Ext. 179. To register go to
- See more at:
The North Georgia Annual Conference will be co-hosting The Upper Room Five Day Academy of Spiritual Formation at Winshape Retreat Center in Rome, GA, February 8-13, 2015. The Academy of Spiritual Formation is a program of Upper Room Ministries, providing an opportunity for laity and clergy to deepen their relationship with God through a daily rhythm of prayer, worship, learning and reflection. Each day includes teachings by gifted spiritual leaders, periods of silence, along with morning and evening prayer, Eucharist, covenant groups and community time. Time for rest and recreation are also part of each day.
Every 5-day Academy has a different focus. The focus of this year's focus is on Christian Pilgrimage and the faculty features Dr. Roberta Bondi and Dr. Loyd Allen. Three CEUs are available. The Academy is said to be one of the best kept secrets in the church. Don’t let it stay that way! If you’re looking to renew your faith and relationship with God, make time to be part of the Five Day Academy!
To download the brochure visit The Upper Room Website:
You can register online through the NGUMC Conference Website:
Register before September 30th to receive the early registration rate of $685.00.
For more information, contact Ken Hagler at
The next Wesley Pilgrimage in England takes place July 13-23, 2015. This is more than a tour—it is a spiritual pilgrimage, a leadership growth opportunity, and a chance to broaden one’s Methodist relationships and connections. Registration is now open ( Scholarships are available for provisional member deacons and elders. This is a joint ministry of General Board of Discipleship and General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
Oct. 6- Clergy fellowship with DS, Newnan Cracker Barrel, 8:30am
Oct. 7 – Clergy Evaluations with DS, District Office, 9-3:30
Oct. 9 - Clergy Evaluations with DS, District Office, 9-3
Oct. 14 – Cabinet Meeting
Oct. 15 - Clergy Evaluations with DS, District Office, 9-3
Oct. 18 – Clergy Spouses Fellowship Breakfast, Newnan Golden Corral, 9am
Oct. 19 – District UMW Annual Meeting, Fayetteville UMC, 2:30pm
Oct. 20–District Committee on Ordained Ministry meets with local pastors and new candidates for ministry, Moreland UMC, 4-7pm
Oct. 22 - Clergy Evaluations with DS, District Office, 9-12:30
Oct. 25 – Called Session of Annual Conference, Athens Classic Center, 10am
Oct. 28 - Clergy Evaluations with DS, District Office, 9-3:30
Oct. 30 - Clergy Evaluations with DS, District Office, 9-3
Nov. 3 – Clergy Fellowship with DS, City Café Fayetteville, 12 noon
Nov. 13 – District Training Event for SPRC and Finance Committee members, LaGrange First Methodist Ministries Center, 7pm