President: Sig Gilberto Grandi
Run in accordance with the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice for the Running of a Breed Seminar
and Judging Competence Assessment
Sunday 23 November 2014
Kingston Blount Village Hall Bakers Piece Kingston Blount Oxfordshire OX39 4SW
Following the recent announcement by the Kennel Club that the Lagotto Romagnolo is moving to the Breed Register on 1 April 2015 (and thus be eligible for its own breed classes) , the LRCGB is revising its judging lists and welcomes application its judging lists.
Attendance at a Breed Specific Seminar is required for entry on to the C lists. A Breed Certificate of Judging Competence will be required for entry on to the B lists. (Please see our Judge's Criteria for the rationale behind this unusual requirement for a B list).
Additionally, a pass in the Breed Standard Module is a requirement for entry on to all lists. Lagotto have some unusual characteristics for a Gundog breed thus we are continually finding that dogs are being penalised for being short in neck, narrow in the chest and long on the leg, whereas these are desirable characteristics in a Lagotto. Dogs with level or reverse scissor bites are often dismissed by judges as having a "bad" mouth. Both bites are permissible and Lagotto with the finest heads will normally not have a "typical" gundog bite. The requirement for a pass in the Breed Standard Module is the Club's first step in educating judges into recognising the "Fit for Function" unique characteristics of this ancient breed.
LRCGB Judge's Criteria and Judge's Application form may be found on the club website. Candidates wishing to take the Breed Certificate of Judging Competence are strongly advised to read the relevant Kennel Club Guidelines.
AM 10 am The Breed Standard. Fit for Function
Main speaker Gilberto Grandi
followed by Breed Standard Module(Multiple Choice question paper on the Breed Standard.) Optional
PM 1.45 pm Hands-on Assessment with written critique.
Coffee/ Registration 9.30 am for a 10am start.
Attendance Certificates issued to all delegates. BS module certificates for those who pass the multiple choice paper. Breed Certificates of Judging Competence for those delegates who successfully complete both Breed Standard Module and “Hands on” evaluation.
Further information on the Lagotto including KC Interim Standard and FCI Country of Origin Standard (Italy) can be found on Club website:
President: Sig Gilberto Grandi
Sunday 23November 2014
Kingston Blount Village Hall Bakers Piece Kingston Blount Oxfordshire OX39 4SW
Name of Delegate______
(as it is to appear on the Attendance/BS pass/Competence Certificate)
Post Code______Tel; ______email ______
Whole day with lunch £25. 00 including the Guide to Judging the Lagotto Romagnolo
For overseas delegates the cost is 30 Euro payable in cash only.
Morning only £10 (please tick if you wish to add BS module and or lunch)
Breed Standard module £5.00
Lunch £5.00.
If lunching please indicate if you have any special dietary needs. Vegetarians will be catered for.
Booking form together with Sterling cheques made payable to LRCGB or Euros (cash only) should be forwarded to:-
Hon Secretary: Mrs Gael Stenton Eagle Cottage Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex UK RH13 0QX Tel: National 01403 790149 International +44 1403 790149