The Knighton and District Community Centre Management Committee

Monday Jan 20, 2014, Reynolds Room

Present. K Plant, C Plant, R Smith, P Medlicott, L Higgins, D Jones, R Bright, L Reynolds, A Crowe

1. Apologies: S Watts, L Lunn

2. Minutes of Last Meeting : read and agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

Business Cards: DJ has not had time to investigate new source and design but will follow up.

CCTV: PACT meeting thought to be later this week. PM will try to attend.

W Steadman: KP attempted to make contact by phone and has now met with W Steadman, who claims committee was expected to pay off balance in instalments without any requirement to make right defects in work and that defects were due to precise instructions given at time of initial work. He has agreed that he will come to centre to discuss issue and do the remedial work but will require immediate payment. KP asked whether the meeting considered that lines should be painted (as opposed to taped), given that there may be changes to hall layout in future. DJ suggested a letter to WS clearly setting out the committee’s position and KP agreed to do this.

Toilets: DJ has still to investigate possible revenue from toilets being available to public. RB repeated that he understood that £500 was available and facilities were only required to be available during normal office hours.

Fire Alarm point in Reynolds Room: Chubb has serviced this point, involving a call-out fee.

PAVO award: RB to investigate when next round takes place.

Food Hygiene Rating: DJ still to investigate.

“CRB” checks: Now called DBS. DJ to get more forms.

4. Treasurer’s Report

RS presented the end of December accounts:



Opening Balance4229.20


Cash Float355.00

Closing Balance4426.86


RS pointed out that the positive balance does not take into account the bar costs for Conmitments or over £1000 paid out in early Jan for gas and electricity. Today’s balance is £3069 but Leg Club still owe hiring charge from July 2013. KP to see S Licence this week to give end of month deadline.

Community Support utilities charges were considered now in need of revision and a £5 per week increase was considered appropriate. KP to see N King.

5. Bar services

A Crowe presented his proposals as an interim solution to the present severe problems of wastage and unsustainable financial losses. DJ explained the implications of any future successful Lottery grant application in terms of period of closure and changes to layout and type of bar. AC expressed willingness to work closely with the committee, to attend meetings whenever appropriate, to put on small bars where necessary for minor events and to aim to put on around four events of his own per year. A vote to accept AC’s proposal was accepted unanimously on the basis of a 12 month interim measure, this to be formalised in a written contract. AC will price up usable stock before Feb 14 event. He is happy for committee to run small wine and bottle bars for events such as film shows, either buying stock from him or bringing in its own. On subject of premises licence AC said there is a £23 charge to change designated licensee and that he is happy to take on that cost and organise.

6.Events/ Hirings

Feb 14 Little Big Band. DJ suggested that those with £5 tickets who wish to buy soup on night should be charged £3. KP asked for helpers on night to staff door, serve soup etc. A raffle was proposed with a cash prize and other items. KP appealed for prizes.

Table Sale: this was proposed and set for March 29th. KP and LR to co-ordinate.

Possible future events discussed included an Abba tribute band (LH to investigate cost and dates), a casino night (RB to investigate further) and a children’s event (RB to investigate bouncy castle hire). Events to engage with the teenage group were discussed as a means of tackling current littering and anti-social behaviour problems around the centre. KP reiterated her wish to meet with young people to discuss events. PM to ask Lynsey Price to contact KP and to investigate provision of a rubbish bin near the centre’s entrance.

7. Lease/ Change to Company Limited by Guarantee

KP described the continuing problems with lack of progress from solicitor, despite the change to Medlicott Snow. KP will attempt to get a meeting with solicitor this week.

8. Grant Applications

£250 has been received from local Masonic Lodge but Rotary Club application appears to have been unsuccessful though no official judgement has been received (RB will make enquiries).

DJ has submitted application to Police commissioner’s Fund for approximately £5000. She has additionally had written confirmation back from the Lottery. She was also pleased to report that the CFAP grant funding appears to be again available and that one of the architects who previously worked with the committee has started a new company following the bankruptcy of the previous practice.

9. Repairs and Maintenance/ Health and Safety

M Conway is this week working on the remedial electrical work arising from the fixed electrics certification visit.

CP has now removed all the glass below the pelmet light fittings in the hall. CP to investigate Perspex alternative.

Stage Lighting: Following compliance programme work Marty Jones is to investigate what can be done re unsatisfactory areas.

CP reported back that Marty Jones is now set to do work to repair broken heating system pump and service Myson blow heaters in hall, work which PCC has agreed to pay for thanks to Jenni Thomas’s support. CP further reported that the 3 water heaters with cracked burner bars are now obsolete and replacements will cost approximately £5000 according to Marty Jones.

10. AOB

LH reported that at recent town council meeting a question was asked about why the new banner sign on the Community Centre did not include welsh language. KP replied that we did not have funding for this at the time but if this can be found she would like Scott Hill to be given this work on a paid rather than voluntary basis. RB will approach PAVO re possible funding.

RB passed on cleaners’ comments re increasing litter outside the centre’s front door and particularly the chewing gum removal problem.

On the issue of the bar, RS noted that T Taylor has lost money over an extended period and he proposed that the committee write off the resultant debt. This was unanimously agreed.

Next meeting: Monday Feb 24, 2014. Reynolds Room.