
Table A1: Physical WB item bank: item selection process and item parameters.

Text / Response sets / CFA / Reasons for exclusion
phys_001 / In general, how would you say your health is? / A / 0.55
phys_002 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt physically fit and well? / B / 0.71
phys_003 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been physically active (e.g. running, climbing, biking)? / B / 0.55
phys_004 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been able to run well? / B / 0.63
phys_005 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt full of energy? / C / 0.68
phys_006 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been happy with your health? / B / 0.65
phys_007 / Thinking about the last week: Were you physically able to do the things,
which you enjoy the most? / B / 0.55
phys_008 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt relaxed? / C / 0.49
phys_009 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been able to take part in sports? / C / 0.49
phys_010 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been able to do just nothing? / 0.13 / Low factor loading,
high residual correlation with phys_018
phys_011 / Thinking about the last week: Have you had minor health problems (colds, headache etc.)? / 0.46 / High residual correlations with phys_011
phys_012 / Thinking about the last week: Have you become ill easily? / B / 0.41
phys_013 / Thinking about the last week: Has your movement been restricted or difficult? / B / 0.42
phys_014 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been physically able to do most things? / C / 0.49
phys_015 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been active? / 0.34 / Low factor loading
phys_016 / Thinking about the last week: Have you had a good appetite? / 0.34 / Low factor loading
phys_017 / Thinking about the last week: Have you had enough sleep? / 0.37 / Low factor loading,
different construct (sleep deprivation)
phys_018 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been able to relax after a tiring day? / 0.38 / Low factor loading,
more suitable for adults
phys_019 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been worried about your health? / 0.36 / Low factor loading,
more suitable for adults
phys_020 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt totally worn-out? / C / 0.47
phys_021 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt slow and clumsy? / C / 0.43
phys_022 / Thinking about the last week: Have you had trouble getting to sleep? / 0.27 / Low factor loading,
different construct (sleeping problems)
phys_023 / Thinking about the last week: Have you stumbled? / 0.20 / Low factor loading
phys_024 / How many days during the past 4 weeks did you feel so bad that you needed to stay in bed? / 0.25 / High residual correlation with items phys_025 and phys_026,
presumably a different construct (disease)
phys_025 / How many days during the past 4 weeks did you feel so bad that you could not go to school? / 0.23 / High residual correlation with items phys_024 and phys_026,
presumably a different construct (disease)
phys_026 / How many days during the past 4 weeks did you feel so bad that you could not participate in leisure acitivities? / 0.24 / High residual correlation with items phys_024 and phys_025,
presumably a different construct (disease)
phys_027 / During the past week I felt ill. / C / 0.50
phys_028 / During the past week Ihad a headache or stomach ache. / C / 0.45 / High residual correlation with item phys_027, but included due to content reasons
phys_029 / During the past week I was tired and worn-out. / C / 0.52
phys_030 / During the past week I felt strong and full of energy. / C / 0.59
phys_031 / I am full of energy. / D / 0.61
phys_032 / I resist illness very well. / 0.44 / High residual correlation with phys_036
phys_033 / I am well coordinated. / D / 0.42 / Age DIF, but included due to content reasons
phys_034 / I am very physically fit. / D / 0.60
phys_035 / My muscle strength is really good. / D / 0.49
phys_036 / When I get sick, I usually recover quickly. / 0.39 / Low factor loading,
More suitable for adults
phys_037 / Have you been worried about your health during the past couple of weeks? / E / 0.51
phys_038 / Lately I have been sleeping bad. / 0.37 / Low factor loading,
different construct (sleeping problems)
phys_039 / I feel tired. / F / 0.53
phys_040 / I don’t have any appetite. / 0.17 / Low factor loading
phys_041 / When I am in pain… / 0.19 / Low factor loading
phys_042 / How often are you physically active during your leisure time (e.g., exercising, riding a bicycle etc.) that you get out of breath or sweat? / G / 0.40
phys_043 / How do you rate your physical fitness? / H / 0.54
phys_044 / During the past week: I felt like I was too tired to do things. / 0.35 / Low factor loading

Response Sets of the remaining (unmarked) items:

A: 1 = excellent, 2 = very good, 3 = good, 4 = fair, 5 = poor;

B: 1 = not at all, 2 = slightly, 3 = moderately, 4 = very, 5 = extremely;

C: 1 = never, 2 = not very often, 3 = quite often, 4 = very often, 5 = always;

D: 1 = completely agree, 2 = mostly agree, 3 = agree a little, 4 = do not agree;

E: 1 = not worried, 2 = rarely worried, 3 = a little worried, 4 = moderately worried, 5 = quite worried, 6 = very worried;

F: 1 = I rarely feel tired, 2 = I often feeltired, 3 = I always feel tired;

G: 1 = almost every day, 2 = 3-5 times a week, 3 = 1-2 times a week, 4 = about 1-2 times per month, 5 = never;

H: 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = average, 4 = not that good, 5 = not good at all.

Table A2: Psychological WB item bank: item selection process and item parameters.

Code / Text / Response sets / CFA / Reasons for exclusion
psy_001 / Thinking about the last week: Has your life been enjoyable? / A / 0.69
psy_002 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been in a good mood? / B / 0.59
psy_003 / Thinking about the last week: Have you had fun? / B / 0.57
psy_004 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt sad? / B / 0.61
psy_005 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt so bad that you didn’t want to do anything? / B / 0.56
psy_006 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt lonely? / B / 0.64
psy_007 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been happy with the way you are? / B / 0.63
psy_008 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt pleased that you are alive? / A / 0.64
psy_009 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt satisfied with your life? / A / 0.72
psy_010 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt cheerful? / 0.61 / High residual correlation with psy_003
psy_011 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt that everything in your life goes wrong? / B / 0.59
psy_012 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt fed up? / B / 0.58
psy_013 / Thinking about the last week: Did you feel respected by others? / 0.33 / Low factor loading
psy_014 / Thinking about the last week: Have you worried about what others say about you? / 0.40 / High residual correlation with psy_016
psy_015 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been afraid that others think that you are silly? / 0.41 / High residual correlation with psy_017
psy_016 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt insulted? / 0.42 / Content reasons
psy_017 / Thinking about the last week: Have you thought that you are a disappointment to others? / 0.49 / High residual correlation with psy_016
psy_018 / Thinking about the last week: Did you think that other people look down on you? / 0.35 / Low factor loading
psy_019 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt happy? / A / 0.60 / Age DIF, but included due to content
psy_020 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt like crying? / 0.56 / Gender DIF
psy_021 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt miserable? / B / 0.59
psy_022 / Thinking about the last week: Have there been some days when nothing appealed to you? / 0.50 / High residual correlation with psy_005
psy_023 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt that your life is pointless? / B / 0.64
psy_024 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt hopeless? / B / 0.64
psy_025 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt so down that you did not know how to go on? / B / 0.61
psy_026 / Thinking about the last week: Have you laughed a lot? / 0.48 / High residual correlation with psy_003
psy_027 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt excited about something? / 0.47 / High residual correlation with psy_003
psy_028 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt at ease (peaceful)? / 0.33 / Low factor loading
psy_029 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt worried? / B / 0.59
psy_030 / Thinking about the last week: Have you been afraid? / 0.48 / Gender DIF
psy_031 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt angry? / 0.51 / High residual correlation with psy_012
psy_032 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt under too much stress? / 0.53 / High residual correlation with psy_033
psy_033 / Thinking about the last week: Have you felt under pressure? / B / 0.55
psy_034 / Thinking about the last week: Can you forget about any worries? / 0.37 / Low factor loading
psy_035 / During the past week I felt good in my body. / B / 0.63 / Age DIF, but included due to content
psy_036 / During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you feel sad? / 0.64 / Gender DIF
psy_037 / During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you feel afraid or scared? / 0.46 / High residual correlation with psy_054
psy_038 / During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you worry about things? / 0.62 / Too similar to psy_029
psy_039 / During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you feel unhappy? / 0.69 / Too similar to psy_021
psy_040 / During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you feel happy? / 0.61 / too similar to psy_019
psy_041 / During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you enjoy the things you do? / C / 0.62 / High residual correlation with psy_042
psy_042 / During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you have fun? / 0.60 / High residual correlation with psy_052
psy_043 / During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did you like yourself? / C / 0.65
psy_044 / I look forward to the future. / 0.43 / Excluded, because VAS scale not applicable to CAT
psy_045 / I feel alone in my life. / 0.50 / “
psy_046 / I feel good about myself. / 0.58 / “
psy_047 / I enjoy life. / 0.59 / “ and Age DIF
psy_048 / I am satisfied with the way my life is now. / 0.65 / “
psy_049 / I feel life is worthwhile. / 0.59 / “
psy_050 / Comparing with others my age, I feel my life is... / 0.38 / Low factor loading
psy_051 / During the past month, how often did you feel that you could not shake off the blues, even with help from your family & friends? / B / 0.60
psy_052 / During the past week: I had fun and laughed a lot. / B / 0.62
psy_053 / During the past week: I felt alone. / B / 0.64
psy_054 / During the past week: I felt anxious. / B / 0.53
psy_055 / Last week I felt good in my body. / 0.66 / High residual correlation with psy_056
psy_056 / During the past week: I felt pleased with myself . / B / 0.55
psy_057 / I have a lot of good qualities. / 0.44 / High residual correlation with psy_058
psy_058 / I have much to be proud about. / D / 0.57
psy_059 / I am satisfied with how I live my life. / 0.70 / too similar to psy_009
psy_060 / My life is meaningful. / E / 0.59
psy_061 / I enjoy life more than most other people. / E / 0.42
psy_062 / I am satisfied with the way my plans in life work out. / 0.42 / Irregular IRCs
psy_063 / My future looks good. / 0.51 / Irregular IRCs
psy_064 / On the next pages you will find several thoughts and feelings, which you may have had lately.
I felt miserable. / -0.59 / Low factor loading
psy_065 / Lately everything I plan works out. / F / 0.54
psy_066 / Lately I enjoy most things. / G / 0.51
psy_067 / Lately I think that bad things will happen to me. / 0.43 / Gender DIF
psy_068 / Lately I like myself. / H / 0.53
psy_069 / Lately I feel guilty if something goes wrong. / I / 0.43
psy_070 / Lately I feel like crying. / 0.49 / Gender DIF
psy_071 / Lately I am getting upset. / 0.45 / Irregular IRCs
psy_072 / Lately I feel lonely. / 0.59 / Too similar to psy_006
psy_073 / Lately I feel I can solve my problems. / J / 0.43
psy_074 / During the past week: I was worried about things, which usually do not bother me. / K / 0.54
psy_075 / During the past week: I did not feel like eating, I wasn’t very hungry. / 0.41 / Irregular IRCs
psy_076 / During the past week: I wasn’t able to feel happy, even when my family or friends tried to help me feel better. / 0.47 / Irregular IRCs
psy_077 / During the past week: I felt like I was just as good as other kids. / 0.31 / Low factor loading
psy_078 / During the past week: I felt like I couldn’t pay attention to what I was doing. / 0.42 / Irregular IRCs
psy_079 / During the past week: I felt down and unhappy. / K / 0.64
psy_080 / During the past week: I felt like I was too tired to do things. / -0.50 / Low factor loading
psy_081 / During the past week: I felt like something good was going to happen. / 0.13 / Low factor loading
psy_082 / During the past week: I felt like things I did before didn’t work out right. / K / 0.54
psy_083 / During the past week: I felt scared. / K / 0.62
psy_084 / During the past week: I didn’t sleep as well as I usually sleep. / 0.49 / Irregular IRCs
psy_085 / During the past week: I was happy. / K / 0.50
psy_086 / During the past week: I was more quiet than usual. / 0.42 / Irregular IRCs
psy_087 / During the past week: I felt lonely, like I didn’t have any friends. / 0.55 / Irregular IRCs
psy_088 / During the past week: I had a good time. / 0.50 / High residual correlation with psy_085
psy_089 / During the past week: I felt like crying. / 0.55 / High residual correlation with psy_090
psy_090 / During the past week: I felt sad. / K / 0.67
psy_091 / During the past week: I felt people didn’t like me. / 0.50 / Irregular IRCs
psy_092 / During the past week: It was hard to get started doing things. / K / 0.55
psy_093 / When I feel frightened, it is hard to breathe. / 0.32 / Low factor loading
psy_094 / I don’t like to be with people I don’t know well. / 0.29 / Low factor loading
psy_095 / I worry about other people liking me. / 0.47 / Irregular IRCs
psy_096 / When I get frightened, I feel like passing out. / 0.32 / Low factor loading
psy_097 / I am nervous. / 0.44 / Irregular IRCs
psy_098 / I feel nervous with people I don’t know well. / 0.37 / Low factor loading
psy_099 / When I get frightened, I feel like I am going crazy. / 0.43 / Irregular IRCs
psy_100 / I worry about sleeping alone. / 0.33 / Low factor loading
psy_101 / I worry about being as good as other kids. / 0.54 / High residual correlation with psy_095
psy_102 / When I get frightened, I feel like things are not real. / 0.47 / Irregular IRCs
psy_103 / I have nightmares about something bad happening to my parents.. / 0.39 / Low factor loading
psy_104 / When I get frightened, my heart beats fast. / 0.38 / Low factor loading
psy_105 / I get shaky. / 0.44 / Irregular IRCs
psy_106 / I have nightmares about something bad happening to me. / 0.40 / Low factor loading
psy_107 / I worry about things working out for me. / 0.53 / Content reasons
psy_108 / When I get frightened, I sweat a lot. / 0.27 / Low factor loading
psy_109 / I am a worrier. / L / 0.61
psy_110 / When I get frightened, I feel like I am choking. / 0.27 / Low factor loading
psy_111 / People tell me that I worry too much. / 0.55 / Content reaons
psy_112 / I don’t like to be away from my family. / 0.26 / Low factor loading
psy_113 / I am afraid of having anxiety (or panic) attacks. / 0.39 / Low factor loading
psy_114 / I worry that something bad might happen to my parents. / 0.39 / High residual correlation with psy_103
psy_115 / I worry about what is going to happen in the future. / 0.47 / Irregular IRCs
psy_116 / When I get frightened, I feel like throwing up. / 0.38 / Low factor loading
psy_117 / I worry about how well I do things. / L / 0.54
psy_118 / I feel nervous when I am with other children or adults and I have to dosomething while they watch me (for example: read aloud, speak, play games, do sports). / 0.50 / Irregular IRCs and content reasons
psy_119 / In the last month: Have you been restless, always up and on the go? / 0.26 / Low factor loading
psy_120 / In the last month: have you been excitable and/or impulsive? / 0.37 / Low factor loading
psy_121 / In the last month: did you fail to finish things? / 0.36 / Low factor loading
psy_122 / In the last month: have you been restless? / 0.37 / Low factor loading
psy_123 / In the last month: My demands had to be fullfilled immediately. / 0.23 / Low factor loading
psy_124 / In the last month: Have you cried often? / M / 0.55
psy_125 / In the last month: Did your mood change quickly and drastically? / 0.50 / Irregular IRCs and content reasons
psy_126 / In the last month: did you have outburst of fury? / 0.45 / Irregular IRCs
psy_127 / Please respond to the next two questions…
During the past 6 months: I have tried to harm myself or to commit suicide. / 0.33 / High residual correlation with psy_128
psy_128 / During the past 6 months: I am thinking about commiting suicide. / N / 0.37 / Currently not displayed in the CAT.
psy_129 / The things I do everyday are enjoyable and fun. / E / 0.55
psy_130 / If obstacles get in my way, I figure out ways to overcome them. / 0.24 / Low factor loading
psy_131 / I can always solve difficult problems, if I try. / 0.30 / Low factor loading
psy_132 / It is not difficult fo rme to realize my ideas and plans. / 0.34 / Low factor loading
psy_133 / In unexpected circumstances I always kno how to react. / 0.38 / High residual correlation with psy_138
psy_134 / Even when facing unexpected situations, I believe that I can cope with them. / 0.22 / Low factor loading
psy_135 / I am calm when facing difficulties, because I know I can trust in my capabilities. / 0.49 / High residual correlation with psy_136
psy_136 / Whatever happens I will manage. / 0.38 / Low factor loading
psy_137 / For every problem I can find a solution. / 0.41 / High residual correlation with psy_138
psy_138 / When something new comes up, I know how to deal with it. / 0.42 / Low factor loading
psy_139 / If a problem occurs, I can work it out on my own. / 0.35 / High residual correlation with psy_136
psy_140 / I try not to show my feelings and pretend that everything is fine. / 0.30 / Low factor loading
psy_141 / I am trying to act out (e.g. by listening to loud music, dancing wild or similar things). / 0.25 / Low factor loading
psy_142 / I am trying to vent my anger and my helplessness by screaming, howling, slamming doors etc.. / 0.39 / Low factor loading
psy_143 / I withdraw into a corner, because I just can not change anything. / 0.45 / Content reasons
psy_144 / Could you distance yourself from everything and simply do nothing? / 0.11 / Low factor loading
psy_145 / I am satisfied with the way my plans in life come true. / 0.33 / Low factor loading
psy_146 / Thinking about the last week: Do you look forward to your future? / 0.47 / High residual correlation with psy_044
psy_147 / Thinking about the last week: Do you have plans for the future? / 0.18 / Low factor loading
psy_148 / Thinking about the last week: Are you worried about your future? / 0.40 / Low factor loading

Response Sets of the remaining (unmarked) items:

A: 1 = not at all, 2 = slightly, 3 = moderately, 4 = very, 5 = extremely;

B: 1 = never, 2 = almost never, 3 = sometimes, 4 = almost always, 5 = always;