The July 7, 2010 meeting of the Executive Board, held at Water’s Edge in Westbrook, was called to order by President Joseph Camposeo at 11:58 AM. Those in attendance were J. Camposeo, C. Nurmi, P. Spruance, B. Barrett, P. Ray, G. Salisbury, C. Lee, J. Angelini, M. Grande, W. Hamel, C. Brouwer, J. Mascena and C. Keily.
Minutes – A motion was made by Michele Grande and seconded by Patty Spruance to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2010 Board meeting. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Hamel. The Balance on hand is $81,269.66 with all bills paid. The NEMCI scholarships have been paid directly to them. They will refund any scholarships not used once the Institute and Academy are completed for this year. This procedure saves on bookkeeping issues. He has not transferred money into the money market fund as of yet but intends to transfer only $15,000 because of upcoming bills. The report was filed for audit. Joe thanked Bill for his excellent work as Treasurer.
Presidents Report – Moved to later in the Agenda.
Old Business – None
New Business
Conference Committee – Michele Grande reported the survey regarding changing the length of conferences has been completed. There were 101 responses with many differing opinions. There are already many choices for the Clerks. They may opt to go for only one day or may go to both days of the conference. Holding the conference for only one day would not save the Association much money. We still have to pay the facility, presenter, AV needs, etc. A possible savings could be made by not holding the Wednesday night program or have the Clerks assume to cost for this event. Many of the larger sponsors indicated they would still be interested in two day conferences because of the longer amount of time they could spend with the Clerks. Some of the smaller sponsors were interested on a one day conference. A discussion was held regarding possible making scholarships available to attend the conferences. This could be funded by vendors or by donations from the Association Clerks. The academy programs held on Friday are possibly eligible for scholarships. It was noted that the Statutes provide for the Towns paying for attendance at the conferences. Other sources of funds for the Clerks could come from the $1 fund. Consideration could be given to making the vendor prize and overnight stay at the conference. Joe appointed Michele Grande, Bill Hamel, Barbara Breor, Paula Ray and Sharon Miller to research the possibility of scholarships and report back to the Board in September. A motion was made by Bill Hamel and seconded by Joan Angelini to leave the conference schedule as it has been in the past. All in favor.
President’s Report - We have received correspondence from CCM asking the Association to again participate in their convention in October. We will present a round table discussion on the Changing Face of Town Hall. We will discuss how the world of the Clerk is changing. We will also have a booth at their Municipal Showcase.
The September CTCA conference is being held at Water’s Edge. The theme is Clerks of the Caribbean. The Deep River Fife and Drum Corp will be performing on Wednesday night during a light buffet on the patio. The Island Rhythm Band will entertain Thursday evening. Agency presentations on Thursday will be by the members of the Office of the Secretary of the State, Vital Records and Revenue Services. There will be a brief presentation by representatives of the Probate Administration on Friday morning before the educational session. Joe proposed coming up with a sub-committee to work with the Probate Administration. A discussion was held regarding the request for Absentee Ballot information by a Florida company. Section 9-140c indicates this information is a matter of public record. Joe has contacted Tom Hennick and Bernie Lui who agree it is a pubic record but it is not necessary to provide this information on a daily basis. Those responsible have four days to inform the requestor how they will respond to the request. Joe will be sending information out to all the Clerks in the Association. Joyce Mascena is looking for someone from each County to participate in the booth and program at the CCM convention. Joe informed the board that representatives from PRIA, who are doing the Friday program, will also do a presentation in Hartford on the Monday prior to the conference. He requested as many members of the Board as possible try to attend this presentation.
Being no further business to come before the meeting a motion to adjourn was made by Patty Spruance and seconded by Bill Hamel.
Meeting adjourned at 2:06 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine S. Nurmi