Don Faix Memorial Inv. 04-01-17
Jack Lambert Stadium - Crestwood High School, Mantua Ohio
Team: _____Padua Franciscan__HS______Girls: __X___
Head Coach: Greg Szklarz 330-309-5921
8:30 Coaches Meeting in the field house
* Shot and discus will be run in 2 flights of 10, 2 attempts, 1 attempt, best 9 to finals. Team members are responsible for returning their teams implements. Weigh-ins will take place in garage behind discus cage upon arrival. Throwing implements will be placed in a common pool.
* Girl’s long jump will be run open pit from 9:00-11:00. There will be a short break after the girls, and then the boys will go. Athletes should check in before their jump to be sure the clerk knows their name. Athletes MUST let the clerk know if they have to leave to run an event. If the time expires and the clerk does not know where the athlete is, they will forfeit any remaining jumps. Each athlete gets 4 jumps, no finals will be held.
Time / Event / Name / Name / Name / Name9:00 AM / Discus / Frech / Kuznik
In flights, 2 attempts, 1 attempt, 9 best go to finals
SP / Frech / Miles
In flights, 2 attempts, 1 attempt, 9 best go to finals
HJ / Wallace / Lancaster
GIRLS HIGH JUMP: 2” increment (4’2” to 5’2”) 1” thereafter 5 alive
LJ / Wallace / Amoroso
GIRLS LONG JUMP Open Pit - 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM - No Finals, 4 Jumps
10:00 AM / 100H (P) / DiPaolo / Lancaster
100 (P) / Miles / Mattern
4x800 (F) / Mikulasik / Seballos / Uzl / Casselberry
200 (P) / McCarthy / Jancewicz
JV 1600 (F) / Not entering
Finals / 100H / TBD from prelims
100 / TBD from prelims
4x200 / Drlik / Krayzel / McCarthy / Jancewicz
1600 / Casselberry / Seballos
4x100 / Connelly / Mattern / Lancaster / Drlik
400 / Snyder / Amoroso
300H / DiPaolo / Ludrosky
800 / Uzl / Mikulasik
200 / TBD from prelims
3200 / Byram / Jenko
4x400 / Amoroso / Snyder / Krayzel / Jancewicz
alternates / McCarthy
Don Faix Memorial Inv. 04-01-17
Jack Lambert Stadium - Crestwood High School, Mantua Ohio
Team: _____Padua Franciscan__HS______Boys: __X___
Head Coach: Greg Szklarz 330-309-5921
8:30 Coaches Meeting in the field house
* Shot and discus will be run in 2 flights of 10, 2 attempts, 1 attempt, best 9 to finals. Team members are responsible for returning their teams implements. Weigh-ins will take place in garage behind discus cage upon arrival. Throwing implements will be placed in a common pool.
* Girl’s long jump will be run open pit from 9:00-11:00. There will be a short break after the girls, and then the boys will go. Athletes should check in before their jump to be sure the clerk knows their name. Athletes MUST let the clerk know if they have to leave to run an event. If the time expires and the clerk does not know where the athlete is, they will forfeit any remaining jumps. Each athlete gets 4 jumps, no finals will be held.
Time / Event / Name / Name / Name / Name9:00 AM / SP / Clemente / Horne
In flights, 2 attempts, 1 attempt, 9 best go to finals
Discus / Szafarski / Horne
In flights, 2 attempts, 1 attempt, 9 best go to finals
LJ / Boff / Rimac
BOYS LONG JUMP shortly after girls have finished - No Finals, 4 Jumps
HJ / S Rimac / C Litwinowicz
BOYS HIGH JUMP: 2” increment (4’8” to 5’8”) 1” thereafter 5 alive
10:00 AM / 110H (P) / Buccieri / Litwinowicz
100 (P) / Minich / Butkiewicz
4x800 (F) / Not entering
200 (P) / Brickman / Wilson
JV 1600 (F) / Kovacs / Ross
Finals / 110H / TBD from prelims
100 / TBD from prelims
4x200 / Szafarski / Minich / Klemm / Brickman
alternates / Roschival
1600 / Not entering
4x100 / Szafarski / Minich / Butkiewicz / Brickman
alternates / Minich
400 / Wilson / Diederich
300H / Buccieri / Litwinowicz
800 / Klemm
200 / TBD from prelims
3200 / Heinzerling
4x400 / Butkiewicz / Wilson / Diederich / Klemm
alternates / Minich
Don Faix Memorial Inv. 04-01-17
7:20 AM Bus Departure (Be at Padua 7:00 AM)
Not taking bus to meet
Boys 16 (11 on bus) Girls 21 (14 on bus)
Name / Grade / Event / Name / Grade / EventClemente / 12 / SP / Di Paolo / 12 / 100H, 300H
Horne / 12 / SP, Discus / Frech / 12 / Discus, SP
Rimac / 12 / LJ, HJ / Jancewicz / 12 / 200, 4x2, 4x4
Brickman / 11 / 200,4x2, 4x1 / Kuznik / 12 / Discus
M Buccieri / 11 / 110H, 300H / Mikulasik / 12 / 4x8, 800
Klemm / 11 / Alt 4x2, 800, 4x4 / Wallace / 12 / HJ, LJ
Litwinowicz / 11 / HJ, 110H, 300H / Casselberry / 11 / 4x8, 1600
Minich / 11 / 100, 4x2, 4x1, alt 4x4 / Connelly / 11 / 4x1
Butkiewicz / 10 / 100, 4x1, 4x4 / Lancaster / 11 / HJ, 100H, 4x1
Diederich / 10 / 400, 4x4 / Ludrosky / 11 / 300H
Szafarski / 10 / Discus, 4x2, 4x1 / McCarthy / 11 / 200, 4x2, alt 4x4
Wilson / 10 / 200, 400, 4x4 / Seballos / 11 / 800, 1600
Boff / 9 / LJ / Uzl / 11 / 4x8, 800
Heinzerling / 9 / 3200 / Byram / 10 / 3200
Kovacs / 9 / 1600 - JV / Jenko / 10 / 3200
Ross / 9 / 1600 - JV / Mattern / 10 / 100, 4x1
Snyder / 10 / 400, 4x4
Amoroso / 9 / LJ, 400, 4x4
Drlik / 9 / 4x2, 4x1
Krayzel / 9 / 4x2, 4x4
Miles / 9 / SP, 100