93 unto Sabazius X0 Imperator, 93 on 93!!!
The Men of Earth of Oceania saith: Admit The I.R.!
Give Us An Indigenous Queen!
VBFA"Veteran, Battle of Five Armies" R.I.RE-ISSUE
“Foul feeders! Slipped, are ye, on your own excrement? Parasites! Having made the world lousy, imagine ye are of significance to Heaven? Desiring to learn - think ye to escape hurt in the rape of your ignorance? For of what I put in, far more than innocence shall come out! Labouring not the harvest of my weakness, shall I your moral-fed desires satisfy? I, who enjoy my body with unweary tread, would rather pack with wolves than enter your pest-houses.“ - A. O. S.
my word is
A.U.M.- G.I.T.A.- M.A.A.T.
Witch is being interpreted as
the Word of the Goddess AUM:
"Always.Unto.Me.- Great.Is.Truth.And.Mighty.Above.All.Things"
And, from Gita, sanskrit, song + Maat, pharonic, Goddess of Truth
= "the song of truth"
= " the song of M.A.A.T. which is being interpreted: Master of the Temple of A:.A:."
“For two things are done and a third thing is begun. Isis and Osiris are given over to incest and adultery. Horus leaps up thrice armed from the womb of his mother. Harpocrates his twin is hidden within him. SET is his holy covenant, that he shall display in the great day of M.A.A.T., that is being interpreted the Master of the Temple of A:. A:., whose name is Truth.”
-Liber A'ASH vel Capricorni Pneumatici sub figura CCCLXX Publication in Class A
I display in the great day of my M.A.A.T. my holy covenant
A.G.M. = A.U.M. G.I.T.A. M.A.A.T.
(refrain) Maat gita AUM gita maat; AUM.
(refrain) Aum gita MAAT gita aum; MAAT.
from “The Annals of the Istari of the Last Age”
Extracted by Scaryman the White Stork King.
Concerning The Ring (of Power) by Therion the Black, in BOOK 4 or ABA part 3 Chapter 8 “Of Equilibrium… and The Instruments of Art”, page 61:
“If he have the wand in his right hand, let him have the Ring3 on his left... 3. The Ring has not been described in Part II of this book, for reasons which may be or may not be apparent to the reader. It is the symbol of Nuit, the totality of the possible ways in which he may represent himself and fulfill himself.”
Now this We admit as being Of All Truth. Is it not said in the Book called "Love Under Will" numbered an Hundred by the Templars but 0.1 by the Istari: "Be it now understood further concerning the interchange of opposites, that albeit Man is active and Woman passive, yet Man is Peace and Woman Power. And this is called the Hermetic Paradox; and he that hath ears to hear, let him hear."
I have Ears for this Word: and I declare as The Word His Sun that Therion is wrong, as all Adepts of Osirian Origins have hitherto been, in the matter of the Formula of Chapter 7 of Book 4 or ABA part 3 page 42, “The Holy Graal”, wherein he saith:
“…it is a Woman whose Cup must be filled. It is rather the sacrifice of the Man, who transfers life to his descendants. For a woman does not carry in herself the principle of new life, except temporarily, when it is given her.”
And likewise hath Baphomet mistakenly said concerning the XI° in his Tractate on the Royal Art, Book 414: "We hold that in this rite is great efficacy; it may be that for certain operations it is equal or superior to that explained to Initiates of the IX°. But We hold that in this case the Priest must be an Initiate, for that it is his will which determineth the magical character of his Lion; so that if he hath no purpose but that of the goddess Adonai he cannot raise agape to her Lord Thelema, nor will the Intention of the Priestess, although a lofty Initiate, replace this essential Power of the Priest over that of which he is but the vehicle and guardian....a priori it seems that, though the Lion and the Eagle are best in combination, the Lion is more likely to be able to dispense with the assistance of the Eagle, than the Eagle to make shift in the absence of the Lion. For the Gluten is but a menstruum or solvent, and containeth nothing in itself."
That these Mighty Universal Adepts were wrong in the letter of this spirit is now proven is no shame, as they had both quit this plane soon after "the warrior Lord of the Forties" had but just finished his "trample in the fierce lust of . . . pride, in the day of . . . wrath", and so before Watson and Crick made the Image of the DUAL Sp.I.R.al Force "having the head of AN Hawk" that is the essence of our human divinity.
And as any Literate Australian Girl who hath studied High School Biology doth know: the Great God M.I.N.I.S is also Diana, i.e. D.N.A. Hell-Low! is not "semen" the same spell as "mense"?
And All this is Already shown in the old Stele of Revealing as Hadit, the Winged Disk, the infinite concentration in the Body of Nuit that is the seed and essence of manifestation: Hadit Zygote: for the disk is the Ovum and the wings are the Sperm fertilising it. Also, Nu’s body shall be drawn henceforth for the Aeon as the Arc of the Normal Distribution (A.N.D.), and, Nuit = Unit, the (D.N.A.) Hadit shall be shown Above the Arc, for though Had is in is the manifestation of every "chance of union" under the curve, but also and apart, Had is the heart of One The Outlier (which also is "truth": "Out! Liar!" For is not the meaning of the Word English "Outlier": "who loves and rests under the Stars", and ever the beloved of Nuit?)
This then is the refined symbolism of the Second Grade of The Order of The Eastern Temple, which is called Life, and which mystery symbolises the course of incarnation through the Opal-Red Gate of the Alive and Sentient Middle and the Supreme Practice of All Secrete Magick: here now re-veiled in sweet words for the Sovereigns (and by the Authority of Baphomet, who hath proclaimed in A.I.R.C.O or Book 194 that:
"In order that the feelings of the general body may be represented, the Men of Earth choose four persons, two men and two women, from among themselves, to stand continually before the face of the Father, the Supreme and Holy King, serving him day and night. These persons must not be of higher rank than the Second Degree; they must volunteer for this service . . . and therefore they give up their own prospect of advancement in the Order . . . that they may serve their fellows. This is then the first lesson in our great principle, the attainment of honour through renunciation" [emphasis added].
The Book (of Chaos) of Life's Elixir upon the Hearth
(B) L.A.H.
“Liable for thirty-something sex”
(i.e. Bible 36 [NOT "idle dirty sex"!])
And The WORD Of The AEON G.I.T.A.-M.A:.A:.T. is: A.U.M.G.I.T.A.M.A.A.T. And That Word Concerning This Magick Is: A.T.I.R.: ADMIT THE I.R., and is interpreted in this wise: G the Priestess of the supreme initiation is the co-eval co-equal solar creator R, and this is symbolised by the letter R covering G and the word reversed, rather than being merely inside her womb, as in the patriarchal age, or uniquely identified with her, as in matriarchy: AUMRITAMAAT. For it is No Longer Hidden to the Aeon of Horus that the Magick Power of Mystic Creation is Joint Goddess+God Property, Together As One: therefore
Let The Priestess be Armed with His Magick Rood.
Let Her Beast be Bound to Her Mystic Rose.
In the Centre, let them embrace in Holy Signs of Silence and Defence as they have wit and joy to perform, then:
Let them imagine strongly together the Unicursal Hexagram as their interlocking energy flows, saying;
Mother and Father One Life Infinite
Mother and Child One Life Infinite
Son and Sister One Life Infinite
Daughter and Brother One Life Infinite
Child and Father One Life Infinite
Goddess and God One Life Infinite
Let them turn to the Centre of Them Both Together, flowing between them from Crown to Root and Root to Crown and interlocking at the Heart the Holy Unicursal Hexagram, saying:
One Life in Love Infinite
One Life in Light Infinite
One Life in Liberty Infinite
And so Together as One they shall disappear in the Union of Annihilation which is the Bliss of Love, and they shall be overcome together, and also they come over each other together, making the Sign of the Rosy Cross as they hath Wit and Will to perform Together.
Let the Priest drink of the Sacrament and communicate the same with a Kiss to the Beastess:
“for it is not he that shall arise in the Sign of Isis Rejoicing”.
A.R.I.T = AM-R.I.T.A., IS-T.A.R.I.
Issued by Order: AIN SNAIK CHAOS A:.A:. Billenearth
From Chancery: Frater NoCaSh 358 Man of Earth O.T.O Inc. in NSW