Visco-supplementation in patients with knee osteoarthritis: temporal trend of benefits assessed by metaregression
Dario Maratea, Valeria Fadda, Sabrina Trippoli, Andrea Messori
Appendix A - Supplementary material posted on the web
This Appendix includes:
-Table A1: Complete bibliographies for the 68 studies included in our analysis.
-Table A2: Software and technical details of our analysis.
-Table A3: Regression equations.
-Figure A1: Proportion meta-analysis of effect size.
Table A1. Complete bibliographies for the 68 results included in our analysis.- Personal communication (Rydell, 1972) described in: Peyron JG, Balazs EA. Preliminary clinical assessment of Na-hyaluronate injection into human arthritic joints. Pathol Biol (Paris). 1974;22:731-6.
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** The trial by Seikagaly et al 2001 is cited twice: as Seikagalu U.K., 2001 and as Seikagaku France, 2001 (see figure 1 in the review by Rutjes et al.)
Table A2: Software and technical details of our analysis.
Our analysis was based on the use of specific software for meta-analysis (Open Meta-Analyst
version 4.16.12 Tufts University url and multivariate statistics (Spss SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0, Armonk NY).
For the purpose of our analysis, each study was assigned to a specific calendar year represented by the publication date. In our proportion meta-analyses, rates were subjected to natural logarithm transformation and then back-transformed to avoid negative values in the 95% confidence intervals.
Table A3. Regression equations.
The regression equations shown in Figure 1 are the following:
EFFECT-SIZE = -94.726 + 0.0469 x YEAR
Figure A1: Proportion meta-analysis of differences in pain intensity.
Legend to Figure A1. Data and graphs of the "traditional" meta-analyses of proportion, the material of which was included in our metaregressions. Differences in pain intensity expressed as effect size were the end-point of these analyses that.