Name ______Date ______Class ______
The Internet African American History Challenge
- Go the website listed above (or click on the Class Blog under today’s date).
- Click on “Level II Quiz” and take the quiz.
- If you don’t know the answer, there are short biographies on the LEFT side of the page that you can reference.
- Good luck! Have fun!
______1. What biblical character was Harriet Tubman compared to?
- Moses for freeing slavesc. Paul for spreading a message
- Ruth for her faithd. Samson for strength
_____ 2. Which slave taught other slaves how to read and write?
- Richard Allenb. Frederick Douglassc. John Mercer Langstond. Harriet Tubman
_____ 3. Which black woman was accused of being a man?
- Harriet Tubmanb. Mary Church Terrellc. Sojourner Truthd. Mary Ann Shadd
_____ 4. Harriet Tubman was master planner of er escape operations. What did she include to calm crying
- Pacifiersb. Toys c. Food d. Sedatives (Medication)
_____ 5. Which African American woman received numerous commendations from Union army officers?
- Harriet Tubman b. Joan Cheqita Wrightc. Sojourner Truth d. Mary Ann Shadd
_____ 6. Which African American woman noticed that women’s rights conventions were not addressing the concerns of African American women?
- Harriet Tubmanb. Sojourner Truthc. Mary Church Terrelld. Phyliss Wheatley
_____ 7. Who said, “The real question, the all commanding question, is whether American justice, American liberty, American civilization, American law and American Christianity cana be made to include and protect alike and forever all American citizens . . .”
- James Mercer Washingtonc. Harriet Tubman
- Frederick Douglasd. Sojourner Truth
_____ 8. Who led the 1831 slave revolt in South Hampton, Virginia?
- Nat Turnerb. Alexander Crummellc. Henry McNeal Turnerd. John Brow
_____ 9. Who was the first president of the National Association of Colored Women?
- Donna Ballb. March Church Terrellc. Mary Ann Shaddd. Sojourner Truth
_____ 10. Which African American woman was a spy for the Union Army?
- Sojourner Truth b. Harriet Tubmanc. Mary Elizabeth Bowswer d. Donna Ball
The Faces of Science:African Americans in the Sciences
- Go to the site listed above (or the Class Blog).
- Scroll through the scientists listed and choose one that you would like to find out about.
- Click on their name, read their bibliography, and answer the questions below.
Who is the scientist you have selected?
Why did you select this person?
What did this person contribute to the world of science?
What time period in history did this person live? How did the time and place affect his/her
Did this person have to overcome any obstacles in his or her career? Did any of these obstacles have to do with race?