/ Assessing Renewable Energy Proposals
Inter-Departmental Biofuels Committee
Request for Information /

The Inter-Departmental Biofuels Committee was established by Executive Council to evaluate proposals for biofuels projects and identify potential demonstration projects in order to make informed recommendations to Executive Council on their potential economic, environmental, and social benefits to Prince Edward Island.

This Request for Information (RFI) is not intended to serve as a feasibility study but rather an initial indicator of whether the proposed project is practical from an economic, environmental and social perspective.

On review of the RFI, the Committee will make a determination of whether to approve the proposed project, request further clarification, or decline the proposal with comments. With respect to project proposals, proponents will be advised to consider the following criteria:(depending on project scale, proposals may or may not encompass all criteria) :

1.Purpose of Project

2.Scope of Project

3.Project Construction Schedule

4.Production Process

5.Business Plan

6.Market Analysis

7.Environmental Assessment

8.Evidence of Ownership of or License for Intellectual Property

With respect to the evaluation of proposals for biofuels projects or biofuel demonstration projects, be advised that the Committee will review each proposal using the following assessment headings:

A.Agricultural Sector Development

B.Forestry Sector Development

C.Development Benefits and Risk

D.Technical Feasibility and Risk

E.Financial Feasibility and Risk

F.Environmental Benefits

G.Climate Change Impact

H.Barriers to Progress

If you wish to submit a project for consideration, or have questions regarding the process, please contact:

Peter Boswall

Department of Agriculture

Phone: 368.5602


Note: The Inter-Departmental Biofuels Committee will pursue those biofuel projects that are consistent with the provinces energy goals, respective of our environment and that will be beneficial to Islanders. With respect to biofuels, the Committee encourages proposals that demonstrate how eligible applicants can cost effectively achieve greater energy security and reduced emissions through innovative uses of cleaner, renewable and/or more sustainable fuels.

Section 1: Information

A. Organization Information

Legal Organization Name / Operating Name (if different than legal name)
Postal Code
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Web Page URL

B. Contact Information

Complete this section for main contact within the organization.

Salutation / ☐ Mr. ☐ Mrs. ☐ Miss ☐ Ms. ☐ Dr. ☐ Other:
Given Name
Last Name
Postal Code
Primary Telephone / Fax
Cellular / E-mail



Section 2: Proposed Project Information

Proposed Project Title
Purpose of Proposed Project
What is the estimated cost of the proposed project? / $
Location(s) of proposed project.
Is the location proposed or confirmed? / ☐ Proposed ☐ Confirmed
Does the proposed project involve the construction or expansion of a facility? / ☐ New Construction ☐ Expansion
For a new facility, what is the expected nameplate capacity, i.e., estimated annual production capacity? (use an appropriate measure of production)
For an expanded facility, indicate the estimated increase in nameplate capacity. / Current Capacity:
Expanded Capacity:
Total capacity after expansion:
What is the actual or expected commencement date for the construction or expansion of the facility? / Actual commencement date:
Expected commencement date:
What is the expected date of commissioning the new or expanded facility at nameplate capacity?
What form of renewable energy will be produced? / ☐Transportation Fuel ☐ Space Heat ☐ Electrical Generation
☐ Other (If other, please specify)
What type of feedstock(s) will be used to produce the renewable energy?
What is the estimated volume of feedstock(s) required?
What is the estimated acreage required to produce the feedstock(s)?
What, if any, co-products will be produced?
Is there preliminary interest in securing a consistent supply of feedstock/biomass for this project? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Has the proponent conducted a preliminary market analysis? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Has the proponent considered the life-cycle assessment (LCA) on greenhouse gas emissions at the proposed facility? / ☐ Yes ☐ No
Will the Province of Prince Edward Island be asked to either implement a new policy or modify existing policy as a result of this proposal? Please be as specific as possible. / ☐Yes ☐ No
What, if any, is the estimated Government financial support being requested? Please be specific.
Has the proponent applied for, or received, government funding (federal, provincial or municipal) in relation to renewable energy projects? Please be specific. / ☐ Yes ☐ No