A. In Module 4, we considered Mary's interest in doing a study to see if learning of 6th graders on a math lesson is affected by background noise level.There, she was planning to use 2 noise conditions and then analyze her outcomes using a t-test for independent groups.Describe the study Mary might plan where she would use a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for independent groups instead of a t-test to study differences between noise levels. What is her independent variable here? Describe the conditions she could create for this study. What is her dependent variable? Describe a way to measure the DV so that each participant would have one score at the end that would be on a continuous scale of measurement. Support your responses.
FYI- Below was the Module 4 question and my response to help you in answering question A above : Question: Mary is planning a study to see if learning of 6th graders on a math lesson is affected by background noise level.She wants to use a t-test for independent groups to analyze her results.Help her plan her study. What is her independent variable (IV) here? Describe two conditions she could create for the IV in her study. What is her dependent variable (DV) here? Describe a way to measure the DV so that each participant would have one score at the end. Would this DV measure be on a continuous scale of measurement? Why is this important?Explain and justify.
Answer: Mary’s plan for the study to be conducted on “the effect of noise on the learning of 6th graders on a math lesson” would involve the following:
The independent variable (IV): The level of noise
The conditions under the independent variable would be:
Condition one: A quiet classroom with no (zero) exposure to noise
Condition two: A classroom with continuous rainforest-like background noise
The dependent variable (DV) for the study would be: The post test for the math lesson
The dependent variable (DV) would be measured by the post test score of each of the participants from the 6th grade. Each participant would have a score from 0% to 100%. The DV would be on a continuous and interval scale of measurement. The choice of a continuous scale is very appropriate in order to depict participants’ scores in quantitative values. This would ensure that each participant is assigned a score that he/she earned in on the post test.
B. Consider Mary's study of whether the learning of 6th graders on a math lesson is affected by background noise level. Describe the pros and cons of Mary using a repeated measures design for this study.What would you probably choose to do?Support your responses.
C. Consider the following news headline, "Cigarette Smokers Make Lower College Grades than Nonsmokers" The news article goes on to say that researchers at a university collected information on rate of cigarette smoking (total number of cigarettes smoked in a one month period) and the college student's current GPA for completed college courses. They found that those with higher levels of cigarette use had lower GPAs, and vice versa. What can you rightfully conclude from this? Why? Be specific about what this kind of information may indicate and mean.
D. A pharmaceutical company conducts a study to evaluate the relationship between length of time taking drug X and size of tumor. They enlist 2400 patients with the same type of benign tumor who have been on drug X for varying lengths of time (measured in days). They find that the longer the patient is on the drug, the smaller the patient’s tumor size (measured in volume). In fact, they report the results asr(2398) = -.21, with significance ofp< .0001. What is your initial perception of this information? What are other ways, beyond looking at thep-value alone, you could use to try to interpret what this outcome ofr(2398) = -.21 tells us about the relationship between length of time taking drug X and the size of the tumor? Support your responses.
E. Describe a study you might design that could use the Chi Square statistic. What are the variables? What are the null and alternative hypotheses? Why would the Chi Square test be appropriate for this design? What would the Chi Square statistic indicate in relation to your research question? What would it not indicate? Be specific and use your sample study to illustrate your answers. This response does not need to be supported with external research.
F. Considering your personal research interest, which of the methods described in this course do you believe will be most useful to your research? Why? This response does not need to be supported with external research.
G. Analyze research studies by using the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Read selected sections of Nelson, J. A. P., Young, B. J., Young, E. J., & Cox, G. (2010). Using teacher-written praise notes to promote a positive environment in a middle school.Preventing School Failure,54(2), 119-125. You should read the Abstract, Introduction, Participants and Setting, Procedure, Measures (paragraph 1 only), Data Analysis (paragraph 1 only), Results (paragraph 1 only), and Discussion (paragraph 1 and 2 only). This article is available at _( I have attached it).
In an essay of at least 200 words, use the scenario presented above, to answer the following questions:
1. What statistical test was used in Nelson et al., (2010)?
2. Did the authors use the correct statistical test? In other words, what was their rationale for using this test (i.e., were the variables discrete or continuous and was the test appropriate for this type of data?)
3. What was the research question? How did the statistical test address and answer the research question?
4. How did the authors interpret the results of this study?
H. A correlation determines if there is any statistical relationship between variables. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient measures the relationship between two variables. In this assignment, you will review the SPSS output for a correlation and use it to answer questions about the groups. You will also review the SPSS output to determine if a correlation exists between the variables. Review the SPSS output file which reports the results of the correlation to see if there is a correlation between the cost of beer and the number of calories it contains or the cost of beer and the volume of alcohol it contains. Answer the following questions based on your observations of the SPSS output file:
(PSY845.R.SPSS Data Set Legend.docx Drinks.sav – You have these data.) PSY845.R.Output for Mod 7 Correlation exercise.docx –will attach this one )
Based on the correlation coefficients (r-values) that were computed and their statistical significance, what conclusions do you draw regarding
1. The researcher's question of correlation between the cost of beer and the number of calories it contains?
2. The researcher's question of correlation between the cost of beer and the volume of alcohol it contains?