The IF Project
Reentry Mentoring Program

Vision: Every incarcerated woman who participates in this program transitions successfully from prison to her neighborhood as a productive member of the community.

Mission: To reduce recidivism and promote public safety by preparing incarcerated women for success both before they are released and through their transition and reintegration into the community.


  1. Provide incarcerated women with the tools they need to find employment and/or seek educational opportunities.
  2. Ease the transition from incarceration to non-prison life by offering emotional and social support from a female community member who is not in her previous circle of friends and family.
  3. Help incarcerated women eliminate and minimize any barriers to their successful reentry.

Program Overview:

This program, in partnership with The Seattle Police Department, The Seattle Police Foundation and WCCW, provides incarcerated women with comprehensive services that include educational training, women-specific self-care and wellness programs, and a mentor from the community. The program focuses on women who are presently incarcerated at WCCW and being released into Pierce and King Counties.

Upon acceptance to the program, the incarcerated woman (mentee) receives a three-hour training about the program that includes participation expectations and how to build a relationship with her mentor. She also attends a PREP (Personal Reentry Education Plan) Class-provided by The IF Project-that focuses on job preparedness and/or educational goals, as well as an 11-week Health and Wellness program—provided by the IF Project—that includes classes on communication, healthy relationships, coping skills, life planning, and conflict resolution.

While the mentees are incarcerated, the mentors visit them monthly and communicate through JPay-working to provide support and to create a reentry plan. Once mentees are released, the mentor and mentee meet monthly (with communication weekly) to work on a variety of topics such as getting and retaining employment, establishing a long-term home, finding additional occasions for skills/career training and identifying educational opportunities. The mentors also support the mentees by modeling and encouraging self-confidence, and providing ways and means to self-empowerment. This program required a 2-year commitment from both mentors and mentees.


Our volunteer mentors are carefully screened and agree to participate in the program for a minimum of two years. Once accepted into the program, they receive a day-long training about working with and supporting women in prison, a three-hour training at WCCW (by WCCW staff) and a tour of the prison. Mentors are managed by a trained staff member who provides regular check-ins, as well as quarterly trainings on a variety of topics relevant to working with this population.

The IF Project

VolunteerMentor Application

The IF Project does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity. It is important to point this out as it pertains to our mentees sexual orientation and gender identity. We do not believe in, or espouse the “love the sinner, hate the sin” ideology. We are an open and affirming organization that celebrates all of our mentees and their relationships.We alsoacknowledge and honor all religious organizations and belief systems! If you have any questions about this or need more information, please ask.

Information on this application will be kept confidential and only shared with the coordinators of the program. Washington Corrections Center of Women will be doing a background check so that you can visit the prison and will be given your name, date of birth and the last four digits of your social security number.


Name: Date of Birth:

Name you would like us to use if other than your given name?

Preferred Pronoun (check the one that applies): She He They

Home Address:

Home Phone No. Home E-mail:

Do you have a P.O. Box? Y N


Title/Position Held:

Work Address:

Work Phone No. Work E-mail:

Supervisor’s Name: Phone No

Years at current employer:

Previous Employer (if less than 3 years at current position):

Supervisor’s Name: Phone No

Years at this employer:

Education and Training:

High School Attended: Year of Graduation:

College Attended: Degree:

Other Education and/or Special Training:

Do you speak any languages other than English?If so what language?

(Optional) How do you identify, including but not limited to religious beliefs, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation and/or gender Identity?We may use this information to assist in pairing mentors and clients.

How did you learn about our mentoring program?

Application Questions:

Your responses to the following questions will help usmatch you with a mentee.

  1. Do you have any previous experience volunteering or working with women who have been incarcerated? If so, please specify.
  1. What qualities, skills, or personal experience do you have to sharethat would benefit women being released from prison?
  1. What do you think will be most challenging about being a mentor?
  1. What do you hope to gain by becoming a mentor?
  1. Are you able to make a 2-year commitment to the mentoring program? (November 2016 – December 2018)?
  1. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or anything that you think will help us match you with a mentee?


Please list two (2) references who you have known for at least one (1) year. Relatives or family members cannot be used as references. Please give complete addresses and phone numbers. References will be contacted by phone. The information furnished to us by your references will remain strictly confidential.

1. Name: Relationship:

Phone Number: Number of Years Known:

2. Name: Relationship:

Phone Number: Number of Years Known:

Background Screening:

Please respond to the following questions, read this Agreement and Consent and sign below.

Name: Date of Birth: Gender:

Driver’s License # Last four digits of SSN

Have you ever been charged/indicted for any crime?

If yes, please supply details (date, charge, disposition).

If you have changed your name, please provide us with your previous name:


By checkingeach box and signing below, I agree to the following:

I agree to participate in all required trainingsand meetings during my commitment as a mentor. This includes a required training at WCCW as well as all the trainings offered by the Reentry Project.

I agree to abide by all Reentry program rules and procedures, as stated in the Reentry Manual or provided by program staff.

I will complete my commitment to work with the program at least four or more hours per month for two years.This includes weekly contacts with my client, either by email, phone or in person.

I agree to honorallconfidentiality requirementsas set forth in the Program Manual.

I consent to the Reentry Program verifying all information contained herein.

I will contact the Program Coordinator immediately if I have any problems or concerns about my mentoring relationship.

I will fill out all required paperwork.

I have read this application and agree to abide by the commitments made in it. The information I have provided in this application is true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Please complete this application and submit via email to Kristen Morgan, Director of Prison Programs, at no later than September 30th, 2017!

Thank you for your interest in the mentoring program!