The ideal Camp Excel Camper….
v Is between the ages of 8 and 13 (must be 8 by the first day of Camp);
v Is considered to be “at risk” for future substance abuse;
v Presents few or no other options to occupy his/her time during the summer;
v Is able to function in the classroom or other structured settings (i.e. requires redirection but not on a constant basis);
v Seeks/needs the opportunity for peer to peer interaction and to improve on social skills;
v Can be defiant, but overall responds well to direction from adults/peers;
v Could benefit from a structured environment;
v Will be able to attend Camp Excel at least 85% of the dates held.
A Camper is not appropriate for Camp Excel if he/she…
Ø Requires an aide/mentor/someone in the classroom with them to consistently redirect their behavior and keep them on task;
Ø Has a history of fighting or physically acting out (violence) towards peers;
Ø Has a history of lashing out towards teachers/parents/other adults;
Ø Has a history of truancy at school;
Ø Has a history of acting out sexually;
Ø Uses biting or hitting as a method to vent frustration/get what is wanted;
Ø Has a history of running away;
Ø Displays violent outbursts, including destruction of property;
Ø Must attend summer school (i.e. will miss a significant portion of Camp Excel);
Ø Is enrolled in other Camps or activities that interfere with Camp Excel;
Ø Has not functioned well at Camp Excel in the past.
The ideal Camp Excel Mentor….
v Is between the ages of 14 and 17;
v Is considered to be “at-risk” for future substance abuse, but does not have current/a history with substance abuse issues;
v Presents strong, positive leadership qualities;
v Enjoys working with younger children and displays appropriate boundaries with younger children;
v Serves as a good role model to peers;
v Is responsible and can be trusted to complete assigned tasks;
v Is looking to build his/her resume and reference pool;
v Will be expected to attend Camp Excel at least 85% of the dates held.
A Mentor is not appropriate for Camp Excel if he/she…
Ø Has a history of fighting or physically acting out (violence) towards peers and others;
Ø Has a history of lashing out towards teachers/parents/other adults
Ø Presents with truancy issues at school;
Ø Has a history of acting out sexually;
Ø Lacks maturity and sense of responsibility;
Ø Displays a history of substance abuse;
Ø Has a history of running away when upset;
Ø Has a history of destroying property;
Ø Uses obscene language or gestures;
Ø Must attend summer school (i.e. will miss a significant portion of Camp Excel).
Ø Is enrolled in other Camps or activities that interfere with Camp Excel;
Ø Has not functioned well at Camp Excel in the past, either as a Mentor or a Camper.