Created by Jacob Hairrell

The Human Compiler

Once you have learned how to write HTML to create a webpage, you will be ready to try this activity. When you become very comfortable with HTML, it is possible to look at another person’s code and envision what the webpage will look like without having to compile the code in a web browser.

In this activity, you will be given an HTML code that was prewritten and you will have to “compile” the code without the use of a web browser. You will make a sketch on a piece of paper or use a computer program of your choice that shows what you think the webpage will look like based on the code.

If there are any tags or commands that you do not know, you will have to look them up on the internet to find out how they work and what they do. For instance, one tag that is used quite a lot in webpages is the <table> tag. You may need to familiarize yourself with how it works. Also, since you will not be able to see the images that will be included in the HTML, you simply need to show where the images would go on the webpage and how big they would be relative to everything else.

The HTML is given below. When you think you are finished, ask your instructor to look over your work. He/She will let you know if you missed anything major. He/She will also have access to the original file and will be able to show you the page as compiled by a browser.

Have fun and good luck!

An alternative or add-on to this activity is to find a webpage you like and attempt to mimic the HTML used to create the page. Ask your instructor for details.



<title>Pictures of our Trip</title>

<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 align="center" width="80%">


<TD align=center<img src="guatemala_map1.jpg" height="200" width="200">

<br<font size="-3">picture from

<TD align=center<font size="6"<b>My Trip to Guatemala</b</font</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="GuatemalaMap2.gif" height="200" width="200">

<br<font size="-3">picture from




<body bgcolor="#33CC99">


<HR width="75%">

<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 align="center" width="75%">

<TR<TD align=center<font size="4">Here, you will find some pictures of my trip to Guatemala. Enjoy!</TD</TR>



<TABLE BORDER=2 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=1 align="center" width="75%">


<TD align=center width="33%"<b>Place<b/</TD>

<TD align=center width="33%"<b>Picture</b</TD>

<TD align=center width="34%"<b>Comments</b</TD>


<TR<!--Start new Location-->

<TD align=center>Guatemala City</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="city.jpg" width="250" height="190"</TD>

<TD align=center>A typical breakfast in Guatemala City:<br>



<li>Pan Dulce (sweet bread)</li>

<li>And COFFEE!!!</li>



</TR<!--End of this location-->

<TR<!--Start new Location-->

<TD align=center>IndigenousSchool near Guatemala City</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="school.jpg" width="250" height="190"</TD>

<TD align=center>This school is run by and for indigenous people to educate their young men to become community leaders.</TD>

</TR<!--End of this location-->

<TR<!--Start new Location-->

<TD align=center>Village near Chichicastenango</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="textiles.jpg" width="250" height="190"</TD>

<TD align=center>This village holds a community of widows who sell their textiles.

The money goes back to the village to improve living conditions. This is a picture of some of the textiles they sell.</TD>

</TR<!--End of this location-->

<TR<!--Start new Location-->

<TD align=center>Chichicastenango</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="chichi.jpg" width="190" height="250"</TD>

<TD align=center>This picture shows a church in the city where Mayan ceremonies are performed on the steps.</TD>

</TR<!--End of this location-->

<TR<!--Start new Location-->

<TD align=center>LakeAtitl&aacute;n</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="atitlan.jpg" width="250" height="190"</TD>

<TD align=center>This has got to be one of the most beautiful locations in the world!</TD>

</TR<!--End of this location-->

<TR<!--Start new Location-->

<TD align=center>Parque de La Paz</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="park.jpg" width="250" height="190"</TD>

<TD align=center>A memorial park near Satiago Atitl&aacute;n where civilians (including children) were killed by government paramilitaries.</TD>

</TR<!--End of this location-->

<TR<!--Start new Location-->

<TD align=center>Antigua</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="park.jpg" width="250" height="190"</TD>

<TD align=center>This is a cute little town where many non-Guatemalans come to study Spanish.</TD>

</TR<!--End of this location-->

<TR<!--Start new Location-->

<TD align=center>Tikal</TD>

<TD align=center<img src="tikal.jpg" width="190" height="250"</TD>

<TD align=center>This is an amazing ancient Mayan village with many structures still yet to be uncovered.</TD>

</TR<!--End of this location-->


<p align="center">

<font size="5"<b<i>I hope you enjoyed the pictures!</i</b</font>


<p align="center">

<font size="2"<i>For more information on Guatemala, visit <a href=" color="#FFFF00">this link</font</a>.</i</font>



The pictures and content on this page are not to be used without permission from the authors.

Please <a href="mailto:?cc="<font color="#FFFF00">contact them</font</a> for permission.

