The Holliston Historical Society
547 Washington Street, Holliston, MA 01746 508-429-5795
Membership ApplicationNew______Renew____(Check one)
(Please include each person included in this membership)
First Name______Last Name ______Occupation ______
Phone ______email ______
First Name ______Last Name ______Occupation
Phone ______email ______
Address ______
1. Membership category - Check membership level with associated dues
Regular Sustaining Lifetime
__ Junior ** ($5)
__ Individual ($20)___Sustaining Individual *($40)__ Individual Lifetime *($250)
__ Family ($40)___Sustaining Family *($80)__ Family Lifetime† *($450)
2. Additional Contributions –Please consider an additional donation to the Society
$______Endowment Fund† $______General Fund†
3. Interests: To help us plan programs, would you tell us the topics that are of greatest interest to you. Please check all that apply.
___Holliston History___Musical Programs___Performances
___U.S. History___Educational Programs___Appraisals
___History, Other___Genealogy___Games & Contests
___Historical Society Collection___Cooking Demonstration___Socials
Other Suggestions ______
- Occupational/Experience Background, Special Skills, Hobbies ______
- I would be willing to participate in the following areas (Please see Opportunities to Participate)
___Hospitality___ Library & Research____Buildings & Grounds
___Program Planning___ Publicity____Newsletter
___Gardens____Collections & Housekeeping____Education
___Membership____Website____Fundraising & Financial
___Events (Harvest Fair, etc.)____Other ______
Finish – Please make checks payable to the Holliston Historical Society. Mail or deliver completed form with dues payment to: Holliston Historical Society, 547 Washington Street, Holliston, MA 01746
Attention: Membership
*A portion of dues goes to the Endowment Fund as a donation: Sustaining Individual - $20; Sustaining Family - $40; Individual Lifetime - $125; Family Lifetime - $250.
** Junior Memberships are available for students up through high school.
† All donations are tax-deductible as the Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Rev. June 8, 2013
Participation in the Holliston Historical Society
We encourage all members to participate on a committee or at an event to get the most out of your membership and help us in our goals or preservation, education and fellowship.
Below is a list of some of our committees along with a brief description of each one:
Buildings and Grounds: Provides volunteer maintenance and coordinates with contractors to maintain the Society’s buildings and grounds.
Collections and Housekeeping: Maintains the Society’s collections, including the database, processing new acquisitions, preparing exhibits, and assuring that all items are properly cleaned and stored.
Education: Plans and volunteers for 18th century days for all Holliston third graders, as well as other activities and classes for children and adults on various subjects.
Events: Plans and supports the Harvest Fair, America in Bloom, Taste of Holliston and the Train Show, etc.
Fundraising and Financial: Includes long-range planning, managing the endowment fund, and arranging fund-raising activities as needed.
Gardens: Designs and maintains Society gardens and planters.
Hospitality: Organizes and provides refreshments for programs.
Library and Research: Maintains database of library resources, processes new acquisitions, and assists members and visitors with research projects.
Membership: Stays in touch with Society members, including receiving new applications, sharing information on opportunities to participate, and yearly membership renewal.
Newsletter: Receives content for, edits, produces, and mails a quarterly newsletter.
Program planning: Arranges for speakers and presentations.
Publicity: Organizes publicity for the internet, print publications, and mailings to advertise and report on Society programs and activities.
Website: Designs, receives content for, and maintains the Society’s website.
If you would like more information on any of these committees or have any questions or suggestions, you may contact Sheila Adams at 508 429-4876, via our website or by calling the Historical Society phone number – 508 429-5795.