An archaeology research group at the University of Girona (Girona, Spain)is preparing a proposal for a project to be presented to the next edition of the European Culture (2007-2013) programme. In order to get this project under way, we need six participants from European Union member states. We are currently in contact with various countries. We are interested in contact with a university or cultural institution from your country. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


Antoni Rojas Rabaneda

Managment of projects

Institut Català de la recerca en Patrimoni Cultural

Universitat de Girona




The heritage formation of archaeology.

Project interest

Nowadays, when the use of the cultural heritage is experimenting an spectacular increase, is essential to have a theorical corpus in order to make a thorough analysis of this phenomenon. It’s necessary that this study would have a scientífic base and which be able to provide a knowdledge about this aspect and therefore could be able to constitute the base of future accions in the culural heritage.The research outcomes will be able, (both archeological heritage professionals and institutions and bodies that works in the managment of cultural heritage) to achieve a better and more correct use to this resourcer. Is for that reason that the considered project present a high interest.

At the same time this study has as one of the main objectives to influence in the conceptualisation and use of the cultural heritage and to make evident its multiplicity. Furthermore, the project is going to be based on the analysis of the social identification with the cultural heritage. This aspect has to allow to question the current tendencies in the treatment of cultural heritage and to propose alternatives.

Main Objective

To gain knowledge from a scientific viewpoint of the heritage formation of archaeology and its current concepts and uses as a basis for decision-making and cultural policies in the area of archaeological heritage as a factor in cultural, social and economic development.

Specific objectives

  1. To promote the scientific research regarding the concept and the archeological heritage use. This kind of study is not enough developed in Europe still. This situation shows that is essential to work in theorycal contributions that allow to make the base of the actions in the archeological heritage.
  1. To provide scientific knowdlege regarding the process of the valueness and appropriation of the archeological heritage. In order to understand the current uses of the archeological heritage is essential athorough analysi regarding the cases in which are involved the process of the heritage valoritation and appropriation and which are the agents who acts in these processes.
  1. To analyse the current use of the archeological heritage. We will study the characteristics of the most frequent uses of the arqueological heritage, paying attention in the causes that drives to this uses and in the assesment of the consequences.
  1. To transfer to the society and to the bodies that develop the management of the arqueological heritage and specially in the specific lands that we study in our project, the investigation outcomes. An essencial objective of this kind of project isthat the outcoumes are disseminated and provide benefits to the society. In the project that we present, this transfer is going to be centrated in the areas that we study in the project. The relationship between the several professional of every country will contribute to a best use to the arqueological heritage as resource.