المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية




الاختبار التجريبي - الدورةالشتوية- المستوى الثاني عماد ابو الزمر


Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer

all the questions that follow. Your answer should be based on the text.

In Petra, Jordan, there lie the remains of a majestic city carved out of the desert rock. This city was the main area inhabited by the Nabateans, who migrated gradually from Arabia during the 6th century BCE. Originally, they were a nomadic people who choose to settle in various places , such as southern Jordan, the Naqab desert and northern Arabia.

There is little known about the lifestyle of the Nabateans, expect that they were important traders in the incent world. They might have traded goods such as spices, gold and animals with civilizations such as China, India and Rome because of their convenient position at a commercial crossroads in the world.

Many Roman writers wrote about what the Nabateans culture must have been like, but no one knows for sure. However, they agree that the language of the Nabateans could have been a mixture of Arabic and Aramaic. These Roman writers also say that the Nabateans were ruled by the royal family, and that, unlike many cultures in the ancient world, the Nabateans society might not have used slaves. In addition to that, the Nabateans must have been expert engineer because they managed to build complicated water conversation system in the desert terrain.

Despite archaeologists' best efforts; there is a limit to what they can tell us about these fascinating people who lived in Jordan such a long time ago. Although it is still difficult to know much, they can't have been illiterate because there are some inscriptions that remain. However, sadly for us, most of the things the Nabateans made and owned have been too easily destroyed by time or lost in the desert.

Question Number One (23 points)

1.Where did the Nabateans choose to live after emigrating from Arabia? (4 points)

Write down two places the Nabateans settled in after migrating from Arabia

2. What evidence is there to show that the Nabateans were excellent engineers ? (3 points)

3. How was the Nabatean culture different from other ancient cultures ? (2 points)

4. What were the civilizations that the Nabateans dealing with ? (3 points)

5.How was the Nabatean culture different from other ancient cultures ? (3 points)

6. What does the underlined pronoun " they" refer to ? (3 points)

7. What does the underlined word"illiterate"mean ? (3 points)

عماد ابو الزمر0785915568



Question Number Two ( 16 points )

A. Complete the following sentences with the suitable words derived from the words in brackets and write the answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET . (6 points)

1. Jordanian people must assume...... for the misuse of water. (accountable)

2. The electric circuits in the school are consistently ------. (maintain)

3. People should be more ------about using water. (accountability)

4.We shouldn't ------only on fossil fuels. We should find other alternatives. (reliant)

5.------, the Jordanian government have released the following notice to

commence raising awareness of the shortage of water. (consequent)

6. The government provides us with drinking water that is consistently free from ------.(pollute)

B. Choose the suitable item from those given to complete each of the following sentences and write it down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( 8 points )

realistic / abundant / fascinating / dependence / novelist

1.People are causing more pollution because of their------on fossil fuels.

2.This is my favourite of all Charles Dickens' novels. It is a ------story.

3.The book is a very ------one. It makes the characters real.

4.If you write fictitious narrative books, you are a ------.

C. Study the following sentence and answer the question that follows.

Write the answer down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( 3 points )

1.Consequently, living in a country where water is scarce requires a deep understanding of the relationship between mankind and nature. What does the word( consequently ) mean ? ------

2. I like chicken dishes that are soaked in lemon juice.

Write the synonym of the underlined word in bold ?

3. My favourite dish is lamb and white beans. My mother grillsthe beans in salted water.

- She also chops the lamb overnight in olive oil, lemon juice and spices.

- To make taboula, fry the vegetables into small pieces

Replace the underlined cooking words with the correct one.

D. In what situations would you say the following sentences : ( Functions )

What is the language function in each of the following sentences :

1. I'm going to tell your mum if you waste any more water!

2. There is no hot water left. You shouldn't have had such a long shower.

E. Study the following sentences and answer the question below :

1- She stopped talking when she saw the beautiful view.

2- We stopped to check our route on the map.

What does the underlined verb "stopped" mean in each of the above sentences?

Question Number Three ( 14 points )

D. Correct the verbs between brackets, and then write your answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( 8 points )

1. Mahmoud was walking home when the rain ------. (start)

2. He remembered ------to children playing outside . ( listen )

3. Naser hurt his back while he ------in the garden . ( work )

4. I------never------such a beautiful beach before I went to Aqaba . ( see )

5. By the time I was five, I ------to ride a bike . ( learn )

6. Manal didn't buy her English dictionary. She had it ------. ( buy )

7. They ------goods such as spices, gold and animals . ( might trade )

8. I ------an email when my laptop switched itself off. ( be, write)

Complete the following sentences with the correct modal verb in the sentences :

( must have – couldn't have - might have - would have )

1. It ------Ali who you saw in the street yesterday-he's gone away for a week. ( be )

2. I don't know where I've put my glasses. I ------them on my desk at home. ( leave )

3.You ------her in Amman! I know for a fact that she was right here in Zarqa!. ( see )

4. She would have travelled around the world if she ------more money. ( have )

5. What ------if you had won the lottery last week ? (do)

A. Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to the one before it, and write it down in your ANSWER BOOKLET . ( 6 points )

1. "Where did you spend the summer holiday ?"

The teacher asked Ahmad------

2. " I went to Aqaba with Ahmad last week "

Salma said ------

3. " I've lost my glass"

Muna said ------

4. "Did you watch the film last night, Ali?"

Salma wondered ------

5. Are you a student ?

Ali asked me ------

Question Number Four ( 10 points )

A. Rewrite the following sentences using the causative verb forms (get / have) something done, and write the answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET . ( 4 points )

1. I am going to ask someone to cut my hair.

I am ------

2. I want someone to repaint my house.

I want ------

3. Ali has done the homework for me .

I had------

4. Mohammad checked his emails, and then he started work.

Mohammad had------

5. Go and check your car engine, it's very noisy.

Go and ------

B. Write sentences which explain the possibilities of the following situations using the given modal verbs between brackets. Write the answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET: (6 points )

1. These people are very thin , that's why I'm certain they haven't eaten much food . (can't have) They ------

2. The ground is wet here. That means this was almost certainly a lake once . (must have) There ------

3. My neighbors decided to move. I am almost sure that they have bought a new house. (must have) They ------

4. Khalid's tablet is lost. I am almost sure that he hasn't kept it safely. ( can't have ) There ------

C. Write the direct speech ( actual words ) for the following sentences :

1. Ali told us that he had had a serious accident the previous night.

Ali :"------

2. He then asked me if I had a specific salary in mind .

The interviewer : " ------?

D. Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs : ( grammatical mistakes )

1. Iwrote an email when the phone rang .

2. My daughter learnt the alphabet by the time she started school .

3. I need to get the air conditioning unit mend.

4. The interviewer asked me if I have ever visited Petra.

Question Number Five (7 points)

A. GUIDED WRITING : ( 2 points )

Read the information in the table below, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET, write two sentences about Fossil Fuels and Solar Power using the appropriate linking words.

Disadvantages of technology in communication …..
- distract from real life.
- reduce social interaction
- deteriorate language
- increase loneliness

B. FREE WRITING (5 points)

In your ANSWER BOOKLET, write about 80 words in ONE of the following :

1. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of one of a renewable energy source.

2.Write about your favourite dish.

Literature spot (2 points )

Read the following extract from Hard Times carefully, then answer the question that follows:

"The next morning ,Mr bounderby finds out that his bank has been robbed. People report that they had seen Stephen blackpool waiting outside the bank at night and everyone assumes he is the robber . Louisa, however, suspects her brother Tom, who is now seriously in debt."

Why does Louisa suspect that her brother robbed the bank ?

عماد ابو الزمر0785915568

المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية




الاختبار التجريبي - الدورةالصيفية- المستوى الثاني عماد ابو الزمر


Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer

all the questions that follow. Your answer should be based on the text.

Communication, the sharing of information, ideas and thoughts, can take many forms. Before the development of writing, people communicated via smoke signals, cave paintings and drumbeats. The first systems of writing used pictures to convey meaning. Gradually, as language developed, alphabets evolved, using letters and symbols which represented sounds. These sounds in turn made up words.

The invention of the printing press in the 15th century led to the first forms of mass media: newspapers and magazines. Until then, it hadn’t been possible to reach thousands of readers at the same time. However, only sighted people could access these media.

This all changed in 1821 CE. It happened when an officer in the military in France was visiting the Royal Institute of the Blind in Paris. He wanted to demonstrate to the students a system of dots he had invented. These dots allowed soldiers to communicate without speaking. This method of communication caught the attention of Louis Braille, a young man who was studying at the Institute.

After many years of work, Louis Braille had improved and completed the system of raise dots, which became known as Braille. The characters consist of six tactiledots that can form 64 combinations, spelling out letters, numbers and symbols. By 1868 CE, 16 years after Louis Braille’s death, blind people all over the world were using Braille every day. It has also been adapted to scripts in different languages. It enables blind people to read books, maps and labels, and even to press buttons in a lift. A wide range of national daily newspapers are available in Braille, too.

Nowadays, screen-reading software means that the text on a computer screen can be heard aloud. Digital talking books that simultaneously generate output in Braille are also available.

Question Number One (23 points) :

1.What do people share when they communicate? Write down two things. (3points)

2.What was the effect of the invention of the printing press? Write down two results.(3points)

3. How do computers help blind people to communicate nowadays? Mention two things.

(3 points)

4. What does the underlined pronoun " he" refer to ? (3 points)

5. What does the word "drumbeats" mean ? (2 points)

6. By using Braille, blind people can do many things. Write down two things of them.

(4 points)

7. What did soldiers use the system of dots for? (3 points)

عماد ابو الزمر0785915568



B. Literature spot (2 points )

Read the following extract from Hard Times carefully, then answer the question that follows:

( Mr Bounderby is not happy that a circus girl will share Mr Gradgrind's home with his daughter, Louisa and his son, Tom. Mr Bounderby thinks he will marry Louisa one day, and believes that a circus girl could be a bad influence on her. " Louisa should only know facts, facts and more facts, " he complains.)

Why doesn't Mr. Gradgrind want Sissy to live in Mr. Bounderby's house?

Question Number Two ( 16 points )

A. Complete the following sentences with the suitable words derived from the words in brackets and write the answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET . (6 points)

1. I can't ------what is going on in the world. (comprehension )

2. Some materials don't ------, so don't throw them. (decomposition)

3. People must assume ------for their actions. ( accountable )

B. Choose the suitable item from those given to complete each of the following sentences and write it down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( 8 points )

remains / paintings / sympathetic / illiterate / inhabitants

1.The ------history of this civilization is carved in the city's stones.

2.The Nabateans were not ------because archaeologists have found some inscriptions.

3.The ------of this city were living in peace.

4.Pip shows that he is a generous and ------character through many acts.

C. Study the following sentence and answer the question that follows.

Write the answer down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( 3 points )

I like to slice the cheese into thick pieces and boil it under the grill.

Replace the underlined cooking words with the correct one.

D. In what situations would you say the following sentences : ( Functions )

What is the language function in each of the following sentences :

1. I wish I had drunk enough water yesterday. I feel terrible this morning

2. There is no hot water left. You shouldn't have had such a long shower.

E. Study the following sentences and answer the question below :

- I prefer to read fictional novels .

- I would prefer to read autobiography today.

What does the underlined verb "prefer" mean in each of the above sentences?

Question Number Three ( 14 points )

A. Correct the verbs between brackets, and then write your answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( 8 points )

1. I would prefer ------ historical novels. I love getting to know the characters . ( read )

2. At the age of 14, he stopped ------to school altogether . ( go )

3. When Ali arrived , we ------dinner . ( have )

4. By the time I ------one, I had learnt to walk . ( be )

By the time I was five, I ------to ride a bike . ( learn )

B. Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to the one before it, and write it down in your ANSWER BOOKLET . ( 6 points )

1. " Can I use your pen ? "

Anwar asked his friend ------

2. " I'll meet you here tomorrow."

She told me ------

3. "Did you watch the film last night, Ali?"

Salma wondered ------

4. He asked me whether I knew what kinds of task my job required .

The interviewer : " ------?

Question Number Four ( 10 points )

A. Rewrite the following sentences using the causative verb forms (get / have) something done, and write the answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET . ( 4 points )

1. Go and buy a new car. Your old one is broken.

Go and ------

2. I want to do my homework at home.

I want ------

3. ask the dentist to check my teeth.

I want ------

4. Sameer didn't want anyone to give him the right answers.

Robert ------

B. Write sentences which explain the possibilities of the following situations using the given modal verbs between brackets. Write the answers down in your ANSWER BOOKLET: (6 points )

1. I am sure they didn't finish their lunch already – they only started eating five minutes ago. (can't have)


2. Rabab has a very good English accent . I think she lived with an English family. (might have)


3.My neighbors decide to move. I am almost sure that they have bought a new house. (must have)


Question Number Five (7 points)

A. GUIDED WRITING : ( 2 points )

Read the information in the table below, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET, write two sentences about Fossil Fuels and Solar Power using the appropriate linking words.

How to communicate effectively …..
- listen carefully to others.
- build on others' ideas.
- pay attention to non-verbal cues.
- think before responding.

B. FREE WRITING (5 points)

In your ANSWER BOOKLET, write about 80 words in ONE of the following :

1. Jordan has a scarcity of water . Write about the water shortage in Jordan and how could people overcome this problem .

2.Write about your favourite traditional dish.

عماد ابو الزمر

المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية




الاختبار التجريبي - الدورةالصيفية- المستوى الثاني عماد ابو الزمر


Read the following text carefully, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET answer

all the questions that follow. Your answer should be based on the text.

The earliest form of pizza was invented when soldiers needed food to take with them on long marches. They baked a kind of bread flat on their shields and then covered it with cheese and dates. This early pizza was a convenient, healthy food for people who were constantly on the move. The wheat flour base provided energy in the form of carbohydrates, the cheese gave the soldiers calcium, which kept their bones and teeth healthy, and the dates provided protein, fibre and various vitamins and minerals that are necessary to keep the body healthy.