The Great Inca Rebellion


______1. The Incas were the “Romans of the New World.”

______2. Peru’s “ancient dead” are mostly buried in Lima’s city center, not

in thesurrounding shanty towns.

______3. The Incas would usually bury bodies in a “kneeling” position

facing the setting sun.

______4. Bodies found toward the top of the Puruchuco cemetery were

often buried “stretched out” on their side or back.

______5. People buried at the top of the cemetery had mostly died peaceful

deaths of natural causes.

______6. Inca weapons consisted of stone clubs, spears, and slings.

______7. The two biggest military advantages of the Spanish were their

horses and steel weapons.

______8. The Spanish arquebus was heavy, inaccurate, and practically

useless compared to later muskets.

______9. Historians know the exact dates of the disease epidemics that

killed Inca peoples.

_____ 10. The bone plug with a concave imprint suggests a musket ball.

_____ 11. Iron particles in bone areevidence for a gunshot wound.

_____ 12. When Pizarro arrived in Peru, the Inca Empire was strong, stable,

and had been in existence for many hundreds of years.

_____ 13. The chronicles of the Conquest exaggerate Spanish heroism and

largely ignore the help the Spanish got from the Indians.

_____ 14. Pizarro spared the life of the Inca king Atahualpa after receiving a

ransom of gold.

_____ 15. Armed Inca resistance to the Spanish, the Great Inca Rebellion,

began in 1533, just one year after Pizarro arrived in Peru.

_____ 16. The Spanish chronicles tell us that a handful of Pizarro’s

cavalrymendefeated theInca rebels attacking Lima.

_____ 17. All things considered, Mochito’s wounds were not that terrible.

_____ 18. The majority of people who died with Mochito died of “blunt

force trauma” (crushing injuries).

_____ 19. Most of the Inca rebels were killed, not by the Spanish, but by

other Indians.

_____ 20. The Spaniards who fought at Lima were protected by large

numbers of Indians fighting alongside them.

_____ 21. The help Pizarro got from his Indian allies was not really all that


_____ 22. Pizarro’s Indian concubine did help him by asking her mother to

send an army.

_____ 23. At the siege of Lima, Inca women must have fought as warriors

alongside their men.

_____ 24. The three puncture wounds in Mochito’s head were probably

from a Spanish weapon like a lance.

_____ 25. The untraditional burials of the Puruchuco rebels still have no

logical explanation.

Bonus: Remembering the video, what is the evidence or proof that

the Spanish did promise their Indian allies independence?